The official Honda Thread

Okay y'all, what's the current recommendation for somebody looking to go from stock ECU to aftermarket/tune-able ECU?

Pulled my car apart to have the frame cleaned up and powder coated, now I'm debating whether to put back in the old harness and stock ECU or to upgrade.



Hmmm, can you show me a pic where they need to be capped at?
Here's a picture of those locations since I have easy access to this right now.  I highlighted the two hoses in red.  When I flipped the intake I needed longer vacuum hoses to reconnect these.  Sounds like they could be capped also, but I hooked mine back up.

FYI if you hook yours back up use vacuum hose, not regular air hose.

vacuum hoses.jpg

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Okay y'all, what's the current recommendation for somebody looking to go from stock ECU to aftermarket/tune-able ECU?

Pulled my car apart to have the frame cleaned up and powder coated, now I'm debating whether to put back in the old harness and stock ECU or to upgrade.

View attachment 119058

View attachment 119059
It may be a good time to do this as motor is boosted. Give a little more fine control.

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Okay y'all, what's the current recommendation for somebody looking to go from stock ECU to aftermarket/tune-able ECU?

Pulled my car apart to have the frame cleaned up and powder coated, now I'm debating whether to put back in the old harness and stock ECU or to upgrade.
Are you staying NA?

Was thinking more about the follow up question. Does it make any sense to try an tune a stock NA motor? Probably not I'm guessing, but I remember reading about changing when the VTech crossover happens and thought that might be one advantage? There used to be a recommendation for aftermarket ECU somewhere in one of these Honda related threads but I couldn't seem to find it this time around. Possibly because of the sale to Holley?

Was thinking more about the follow up question. Does it make any sense to try an tune a stock NA motor? Probably not I'm guessing, but I remember reading about changing when the VTech crossover happens and thought that might be one advantage? There used to be a recommendation for aftermarket ECU somewhere in one of these Honda related threads but I couldn't seem to find it this time around. Possibly because of the sale to Holley?
Exactly this.

I figured. So, is there any after market ECU that you'd recommend at this point? And, more importantly I guess, is there any point in having the ability to tune a stock NA motor? Should I wait for turbo upgrade?
There isn't anything that is PNP currently.  I'm working on something to use Fueltech but I'm not quite there yet.  Any NA gains would probably be marginal to the point of not noticeable.

You might be able to find a used AEM unit. If you find one for a civic, I believe AEM can convert it to run the J series. You would have to call them and make sure they can do this service.

Hola hola hola esteemed Honda gurus!

Can the intake manifold gaskets (I count three) be re-used or are they one time "smash and set" style that can only be used once?

I ask because after moving my flipped intake over to the new(ish) JDM motor I took it back off to run it through a sonic cleanser. Wondering if I should buy a new set of gaskets or not, even though the car was never run since the other brand new ones were installed.


Hola hola hola esteemed Honda gurus!

Can the intake manifold gaskets (I count three) be re-used or are they one time "smash and set" style that can only be used once?

I ask because after moving my flipped intake over to the new(ish) JDM motor I took it back off to run it through a sonic cleanser. Wondering if I should buy a new set of gaskets or not, even though the car was never run since the other brand new ones were installed.


I have been using the same set for about 3 years and I feel like they have been removed and reinstalled about 10 times.
Does anyone have a verified weight of a J35? I have found everything from 275 to 550 pounds on the internet.
Prepping the new car with 3.5 honda turbo. Wondering what everyone is running for plugs and gap, low boost 50/50 fuel. Currently has NGK BKR7EIX (2667)

Didnt check gap.

Thanks fellas