Supercross/Outdoor Motorcross

Must be awesome to go to any track and be the fastest guy out there.

It was like when I used to ride track...I show up and see who was fast before I went out and think.......

Yeah, I'll never be that fast!

When I went to the track on the Quad I didn't look to see who was the fastest guy out there because we would never be on the track at the same time.  I just looked for the crazy kid on the tiny bike who was flying around the Vet track clearing all the jumps.

And then avoided getting anywhere near him couldn't have a 6 year old kid on a KTM 50 making me look old and slow

Guys these days do training where they purposely dont touch the brakes. Or they purposely dont use the clutch. 

The clutch lever on my tw200 broke months ago. Been riding that bike with no clutch and i swear its makes me more in tune with the motorcycle. I do notice its developing a bad habit of putting pressure on the shift lever too early. Like a split second early. You sorta roll off the throttle at the same time you put tiny pressure on the shifter. Makes the bike shift into the next gear. Almost like picking a lock where you add very little pressure until the tumbler falls into place. 

Guys these days do training where they purposely dont touch the brakes. Or they purposely dont use the clutch. 

The clutch lever on my tw200 broke months ago. Been riding that bike with no clutch and i swear its makes me more in tune with the motorcycle. I do notice its developing a bad habit of putting pressure on the shift lever too early. Like a split second early. You sorta roll off the throttle at the same time you put tiny pressure on the shifter. Makes the bike shift into the next gear. Almost like picking a lock where you add very little pressure until the tumbler falls into place. 
Back in the old days when I raced, we only used the clutch to start and stop.  I don't think the riders use the clutch at all while shifting, no need to. We also slipped the clutch to control traction on our two smokes, had to.  I think these riders stay off the clutch as much as possible to makes sure the bike last thru the entire moto.  FYI, I still ride and never use the clutch to shift.

The one thing they do with their training now, is practice entire moto's standing up, never sitting down.  Standing up puts the center of gravity lower since all the weight is on the pegs, not on the seat.  Most of the up and coming racers stand up a lot and only sit down to preload or out of the turns.

Standing up puts the center of gravity lower since all the weight is on the pegs, not on the seat.  
Now that is a trippy thought!! The weight falls on the pegs. But the mass of the body and the pendulum effect is still higher than when seated. This is like a brain teaser. What does the bike feel? Your entire body is still attached to the bike. 

Pretend the rider was 30 feet tall. Would the center of gravity be the same compared to a rider standing on the pegs who is 6 foot tall? It cant be.....right? Yes no maybe so.

Maybe center of gravity is not the right description, but the weight is lower and your legs act as part of the suspension.

I think center of gravity is correct. 

Remember when Roczen and Sexton were battling up front? Roczen takes the inside, on the pegs standing up, shreds a gnarly turn and absorbs the jump into his legs....passes Chase briefly. That was some on the pegs goodness!!! 

Theres a slow motion of Eli taking a right turn. On the pegs into a super deep rutt. I get the chills watching that stuff. One day maybe there could be a graph on the side of the screen showing throttle and brake inputs. Like with car racing. They say Eli rides practically wide open throttle and modulates with the clutch. Its part of why they say his bike is so loud. Partially because of the Yamaha air intake being in the front, but also because of how he rides so clutch heavy. 

Wonder what would happen when a motocross racer goes to Claim Jumper and squeezes the love meter? (thats a memory from the 80s!! they even still exist? it hit me later in life that it might have been a pressure meter. harder you squeeze.....better the score....which is appropriate for a family dining experience. kid squeezes it and gets nothing. dad goes to town and kids get grossed out) 

Never shared a video without watching it first but this one must be worthy. Says its an hour long im about to play it now in the background. Enjoy i hope. (p.s. is da cheff really out at redbud?????)

So the only clarification was that they didn't "rescind" their offer, they just made it so if Ken wanted to run those 2 races he couldn't sign the contract.

According to Roczen on Bubba's podcast, he had already talked with Honda about racing those races an got the okay (or more accurately wasn't told it was going to be a problem) before committing to them and was surprised that Honda put them in this offer as races he couldn't ace in. Sounds like some he said, she said.

Similar things happening in Golf Tours. Choose your poison. I support loyalty. Peace
