Supercross/Outdoor Motorcross

And if you believe that Yamaha didn't threaten his sponsor, you also believe Biden got 81 million legit votes.....Anna Nicole married for love and WMDs are in Iraq.....


The Lawrence Bros are making their Country look strong. USA has sucked for years. I believe they're going to respond this year. As long as it's not a MUDfest like the last one. Da chEFF was there btw........Peace   

Team USA: Jeff Metasavich, Robby Renard and Denny Stephenson


It was like a drinking game without the drinking. Everytime Stewart made a grammer error we would repeat it out loud.  

Like when that chick with the heavy accent says the word "Moe-toe". Most the time i repeat it back copying her. 

edit: i spelled it grammer....everyone drinks (enter smack the head smiley)

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Barcia is still riding like a turd. Havnt seen video yet but the "rumor" is that Ferandis passed Barcia and caused him to go off the track. Barcia continues on the side of the track and takes out Ferandis in the next turn. Barcia gets disqualified. 

With all the cell phones out there i think eventually a vid will surface. Barcia rides with the GoPro but its unlikely GoPro will release the footage. (according to the little podcast i just heard)

Red plate change again, freaking digging it

Barcia is still riding like a turd. Havnt seen video yet but the "rumor" is that Ferandis passed Barcia and caused him to go off the track. Barcia continues on the side of the track and takes out Ferandis in the next turn. Barcia gets disqualified. 

With all the cell phones out there i think eventually a vid will surface. Barcia rides with the GoPro but its unlikely GoPro will release the footage. (according to the little podcast i just heard)

Whats with that guy?? Just race! Peace

I wonder how many sizes larger helmet James has to wear with his hair?

At 13:25 its pretty funny. I was listening and looked up to see a lady give a high 5 holding her glass of wine. Looks like fun out there. 
