Supercross/Outdoor Motorcross

So when mook did it to Anderson it was OK, but now it's not?  It's racing for a position....let them race....don't turn it into nascar where they ask to pass.... or even worse  F1..........
That was straight up retaliation for what Anderson had been doing to Mookie.

Not good, but he was pissed. Mookie can and does pass clean, but when you pass him dirty expect retaliation most likely.

Not sure how he would have responded to Barcia if he had caught up with him???

Also, Barcia's race when he TOOK out Anderson, you can clearly see Barcia looking left towards Anderson in the sharp right hander...Clearly looking to where Anderson is and not looking right towards the racing line. Take out move a la BAM BAM

Makes it fun to watch when contact is allowed. 

One thing about this year that stood out was how ugly some of the gear kits were. Alpinestar in particular. 

So when mook did it to Anderson it was OK, but now it's not?  It's racing for a position....let them race....don't turn it into nascar where they ask to pass.... or even worse  F1..........
Fact is, if Anderson hadn't been playing games with Mookie and Barcia earlier in the season, there would have been a chance he is the champion.  

Anybody have any idea how much money Barcia lost going to 5th in the standing?

28th........ horrible pics from me this year, oh ra bam bam

did ya'll see Mookie's mascot?


So when mook did it to Anderson it was OK, but now it's not?  It's racing for a position....let them race....don't turn it into nascar where they ask to pass.... or even worse  F1..........
There is a time and place for block passing in the sport. To eliminate it completely would be foolish. That being said when your 3 minutes in on a race and the guy flat out passes you cleanly. Block passing in the next corner is a amature move at best.  When the race is down to 3 laps left and your faster then the guy but he keeps cutting off the faster line for you to get past him, Time to block pass.  Most importantly is when the AMA has placed you on probation for racing like a amature it might be best if you give some resemblance of professionalism by not A.) riding like a rookie on his first day at the track and B.)not announce it on the podium in a post race interview that is how your going to ride.  I would not be surprised that the next time he does something like that while on probation they black flag him.

The sport needs a bad guy for the fans to boo. Don't water it down too much like Nascar did.

Makes it fun to watch when contact is allowed.
Not saying they shouldn't allow contact a good block pass that makes the rider check up or get bumped, that is good racing. Like I said earlier rubbing is racing but when it is an out and out t-bone that's not racing and should have consequences just my .02 

Im with ya. T-bones are dangerous and cheap shots. I might have mentioned this earlier in the thread. One of the guests on Pulp had an idea. He said they could setup gopro type cameras in all the corners with multiple views. Then if there is an incident they could review the footage and would use "angles" to determine how severe of punishment. 

A 90 degree T-bone would be very bad. The riders would all be aware if they do this and its proven by multiple cameras views there would be a very harsh punishment. 

Versus a pass where contact is made with both riders almost parallel. 

Cooper Webb is in studio now. Had it playing a bit earlier before they went to break. Dungey called in. Said he misses that competition. Having something to struggle with and test yourself. Those racers guys have so much heart and drive. He needs a challenge. 

Esco made a HUGE comeback! Great job moofer. Congrats and thanks for participating. Can't wait to do it again next year! Peace 

Let the riders work it out in the pits. We don't need more babysitting.

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Shimoda is so soft spoken. You know that guy has Bruce Lee moves stashed away in his back pocket. 

That would suck....guy takes you out, you head over to his pits and he kicks your ass too. Peace
I have seen that, Both participants also were asked to leave and never return by not only the track where the event was held but by the promoter who was running the series. 

Troll trains team last year. They have some funny YouTube stuff. Kind of like a "working mans" type of vibe. 
