Supercross/Outdoor Motorcross

1st practice is mega early this week. Heard 2 riders ask if they knew qualifying was at 8am and they were like huh??

East Coast RD 1. Minnesota is beautiful this time of year (I'm sure). Who's going to dominate the 250's? Peace

I dont think Ken likes his bike. This is from 2nd qualifying at Round 5 Anaheim. 

Too bad Jett got hurt. Would have been fun watching him battle Craig. I know he didnt have a 450 ride but its kinda lame for someone with Craigs skill level and experience to go ride the 250s and snag all the wins. Thats a lot of money the other guys missed out on.

Too bad Jett got hurt. Would have been fun watching him battle Craig. I know he didnt have a 450 ride but its kinda lame for someone with Craigs skill level and experience to go ride the 250s and snag all the wins. Thats a lot of money the other guys missed out on.
Jett battling with CC would of been great, but we get 2 0r 3 East West shootouts now so the battles will still be there.

As far as who rides a 250 and who rides the 450 they have rules and they are the rules and at some point CC will eith get a 450 ride or will point out of the 250's.  What I think is BS is Friese runs 450's until he cant find a ride, drops back to the 250 west screws up a bunch of crap there. Then as soon as they go 250 east racing he runs a 450 and gets in everybody's way there too.

His nickname has to be roadblock :lol:  

how did jett get hurt after he won the race?

Track got rough by the time the mains…Sexton took a tough thumper! Bummer as he had it all but locked up! Nice to see a new set of riders with the East coast boys turn! 

We've got Arlington, TX this weekend!! YEEHAA! Triple Crown #2. Peace

Went to A3 and man those fumes coming off the bikes are pretty brutal. 

Heard there were some issues with Carbon Monoxide poisoning at the last race. Couple announcers got sick from it. Jim Holley mentioned a race back in the day where the exhaust vents got frozen shut and the venue filed up with CO. He speculated something similar could have happened last week in Minnesota. Since so many riders and announcers were complaining the fumes were unusually bad. 

edit: carbon monoxide talk around 10:30

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Jerry will have the roof cracked for ventilation. And it's going to be COLD. Not as cold as Minnesota. Plus rain. The walk to the stadium should be FUN. I think i'll stay home (Doubtful) Peace
