SSSS 2024 thread

I love MRC’s marketing and apparel! Love the 1980’s 1990’s vibe of it all. Them bringing back the Honda pilots are the perfect touch!

By the way we will be carrying MRC clothing at the rdp clothing store / real estate office in Lake Havasu!

That concludes my pics of the sandshow.. but I’ll end with shit that you won’t see in AZ for 500 Alex

Thanks for posting all the pics, didn't get to go this year.
I went Friday night, wasn't too crowded at all, no wagons busting my ankles, so that was a win. Went by to see @HozayKwarvo, he was being interviewed but met Grease Monkey for the first time and donated a little to the cause. Spent time with the Funco family, such an amazing group of people. It had been years since I went at night, geeze there is a lot bling in the SxS world, lights and stereos for miles.

My favorite thing, and really want to know more, was RJ Anderson's Pro R, Sequential tranny and shocks with internal airbags. Very unique and new technology.
I went Friday night, wasn't too crowded at all, no wagons busting my ankles, so that was a win. Went by to see @HozayKwarvo, he was being interviewed but met Grease Monkey for the first time and donated a little to the cause. Spent time with the Funco family, such an amazing group of people. It had been years since I went at night, geeze there is a lot bling in the SxS world, lights and stereos for miles.

My favorite thing, and really want to know more, was RJ Anderson's Pro R, Sequential tranny and shocks with internal airbags. Very unique and new technology.
Sorry I missed ya Cookie! Hopefully will catch ya in the sand soon!
Walked it Friday with @Reece Pettersen. Chatted with quite a few people. Bought some new Sparcos for my car. Drank many cold beers.

The highlight of the show was Morgan Clark's Dakar.

The best part of the show was the new builders. AZP Concepts and Mattox had two very nice cars. Quality builds with well thought out tube layouts, strength, and design. Not something I can say about a few of the big name cars there. I hope them success. Really cool to see "new" guys entering the space with quality builds. It's wild to see people casually walking by the best products there, while crowds drool over things that were just shiny paint jobs on low quality builds. Rhys Millens jackal was sitting in the grass out back with not a person looking at it.

A lot to see. Was a great show

So did anyone actually witness, the entire incident, with RG stuck up on the wall?

Lots of stories floating around! 😜
Interesting show this year. A lot of people walking the show, not as many stopping in to chat and ask questions as years past. More questions asking if we had parts in stock, rather than asking what trans they needed for a new build or replacing smaller trans. Still a good show for us.

I had no idea what the Brenthel car was going to look like. Walking in on Friday to set up was the first any of us had put eyes on it. I personally didn't care for the wrap, and they have some fit and finish stuff to work on (they were still assembling the car Thursday), but I was happy to have a new builder to showcase and show off the new paddle shifter options. I did really like their version of billet arms and how they bolt them together. Helps save some cost on machining and not having to start with such a large chunk of material to cut them out of.

Off-road Vixens girls next to us said it was the first year where they were being asked "How much?" rather than customers just walking up, grabbing what they liked and checking out without caring about the cost.
Off-road Vixens girls next to us said it was the first year where they were being asked "How much?" rather than customers just walking up, grabbing what they liked and checking out without caring about the cost.
It's been the same for me in the Boating/Yachting industry as compared to the last 3-4 years.
This one in my friend Bears’s booth.. he owns go fast girls.. My film guys will actually be riding in his boat next weekend for the magic regatta.. super good guy..

Anyhow the rail is bad ass, he said 2,000 hp?? I’m struggling to believe that because I know what it takes to make that kinda hp.. lol. But the car is bad ass

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My favorite car at the show along with the 2 Seat Alumin-Craft for sale, (Not Aaron's)
Turns out, my bank account and I don't see eye to eye!
Thanks RD for taking all these pics, I know how much work it is!

I am a little embarrassed that I didn’t get pics of the alumicrafts or the new Brenthal sand car and was hoping some members would post them up. It certainly wasn’t intentional we weren’t there as long as I wanted to be and we just never saw them as I didn’t make it through the whole show before we had to bolt back to havasu. I never saw the Lamborghini powered car either other than in this thread.

Kinda sucks because Brenthal is one of our RE customers and I’ve been talking boats with him on and off for years.. I wish I woulda got decent pics and an interview.

To make up for it we are going to do a shop tour and an in depth article on the cars and features soon!

Hopefing to line up mfg tours with all the mfg’s and component mfg’s as well.

@acefuture AZP concepts isn't new would love to see some photos of the new designs, I really liked the older stuff they did.
Rhys's Jackal is SBA. Whish it would have made a bigger impact in the industry. It's kinda like the redbull purpose built dakar units.

@Sand Shark I used to go to the shop he's in now every weekend. Myan Spacarelli owned the property, I was helping him with the Pro2 truck. EWR Even Weller Racing started there too.

I want to see alot more detail on this RJ Anderson rig

One pet peeve I've had for years on these $150-300k cars is the ZIPTIE around the tube for wiring and hoses. Come-on builders I can get a $20 honda without that. Plan better add tabs for zipties or the xmas tree push pins. Something!
You're telling me for $335k I get all these zipties....
$85k SxS with zipties on CUSTOM arms!