SSSS 2024 thread

IMG_5917.jpegIMG_5918.jpegIMG_5919.jpegIMG_5920.jpegIMG_5921.jpegIMG_5922.jpegDetails always impress me.. they spent the time to make sure each one of these bunnies was right side up on every tire..

I’m not sure I’d want to be in one of these in the event of a roll over.. looked cool
As hell though
Stopped and asked Nick Farmer from Desert whips for some directions to the Glamis veterans booth. I am always impressed with what these guys have done over the years!

Universal Trailers for the win on this build! 49k and this thing is loaded!! Bathroom shower / fridge / AC happy jack! Dove tail / spread axle 23.6 to the first cabinet!

The allegiance guys are pretty cool. They exhibit at a few boat events I’m always at and are coming to supercat fest west next year.

I always try to grab a few pics of cars with prices on them so I can compare to years prior or post.. it’s wild how much shit has gone up (and now coming back down) during and since Covid

IMG_5963.jpegIMG_5964.jpegKids want me to buy these.. I happen to know what the whiskey chariots cost (same shit different brand). They aren’t for the faint of heart.. lol
I was pleasantly surprised that most of the crowd stopped what they were doing and took their hats off to face the flag during the national anthem.

(I took the pic right as it ended fyi).

Not to often you see compound turbo setups? I still can’t wrap my head around the logic of a compound or how it works as opposed to a single turbo.

Stopped by the Funco booth and had a nice talk with @Grant@Funco ! Pleasure meeting you sir and AMAZING products! Looking forward to learning more about them and what makes a funco a FUNCO!

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Tatum brought some really nice hardware to the show! I didn’t get a chance to talk to anyone in the booth but would like to learn more about their products as well!



The multiple cameras into the rear view mirror deal is pretty cool and very affordable! I like the idea of a camera on the trailer so you can see behind you
Cool little e three wheeler that you can register as an e bike (street legal). 6k though (ouch!)

IMG_6008.jpegIMG_6009.jpegIMG_6011.jpegIMG_6012.jpegIMG_6013.jpegIMG_6014.jpegIMG_6015.jpegBoxo for the Win! They will be an advertiser on here shortly and we will be selling their products in our new store front (working on it already!).
This one in my friend Bears’s booth.. he owns go fast girls.. My film guys will actually be riding in his boat next weekend for the magic regatta.. super good guy..

Anyhow the rail is bad ass, he said 2,000 hp?? I’m struggling to believe that because I know what it takes to make that kinda hp.. lol. But the car is bad ass

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With 76mm turbos, 2000 should be pretty easy. The trick is how fast does that IC so hot it stops working...
Sand Cars Unlimited!! They are putting out some really nice cars! The blue one is their entry level car which is pretty bad ass for 155k! This one as it sits was 253k with a larger motor and a bunch of options checked. What I found interesting was they will make this car a four or five seater and it’s only a 3k option!

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Shock therapy’s hospitality truck is the best in the industry. Interestingly enough this trailer comes to supercat fest west every year! I have had a few beers in it.. ;).
