Speed UTV

Was talking to some buddies yesterday and 1 of them was saying how this is going to be like the X-18. I honestly think it will be better than the 3 leaders (POPO, CAN AM, Yam) but he made some valid points, such as he has to have some serious investors behind him to sell this. What do we think the aftermarket parts are going to be available? What about his white glove warranty for parts. Will he have arms in glamis or vegas etc ready to buy at sweet maries? Those are the issues that concerns me because sh!t breaks!
I do not foresee a lot of aftermarket parts for the Speed UTV beyond the typical mirrors, shift handles and some bolt on stuff.   

I could only imagine what Joefab would charge for some Speed arms.  I think Joefab angle iron weld job will be a cheaper fix.  LOL!  

 I think you will see some CVT belts and maybe some axles and that is about it from the vendors in Glamis.   Best to stock up on parts you think might break and keep them in camp.  

Send him a get well card! What is this a days of our lives forum!? 
Even you aren't that stupid.  RG is the major driving force behind Speed.  Any company slows down when their CEO and leader is out... but startups are much more impacted by one of their key leaders being ill.  I'm sure you already knew that from all of your experience in startups, right? 


Even you aren't that stupid.  RG is the major driving force behind Speed.  Any company slows down when their CEO and leader is out... but startups are much more impacted by one of their key leaders being ill.  I'm sure you already knew that from all of your experience in startups, right? 

Your right TJ, will he suddenly get better and be pre running the 400 then racing in it? Or since he is holding up his brand, will he skip the racing and focus on the deposit holders? 

I'm curious about the relationship between Speed and Hisun. Are all of the employees Hisun employees? Are Speed employees doing QC checks? Who owns the robotic welders? Etc. etc.

Not a big deal, just something I was wondering.

Your right TJ, will he suddenly get better and be pre running the 400 then racing in it? Or since he is holding up his brand, will he skip the racing and focus on the deposit holders? 
You just don't get it.  You spout out bullshit implying RG's health is irrelevant and we're just a Soap Opera for bringing it up, but now you're all about his personal life and health and how he spends his time?  I get it, you're a troll.  You're just trolling along, trollolololol.  


I'm curious about the relationship between Speed and Hisun. Are all of the employees Hisun employees? Are Speed employees doing QC checks? Who owns the robotic welders? Etc. etc.

Not a big deal, just something I was wondering.
What is better for the bottom line financially? You know that answer.

Every MFG uses outsourced companies for the same reasons. With the personal touch and name branding that RG has on this stuff.....I would not worry about the QC even if Hisun employed the workers and owned the equipment.

Not even a issue.

When you get yours, invite me out...I really wanna see these dayum things and go for a few rides.

I was not going to go to the sand show because of all the mask mandates and covid drama, but I want to touch, feel and sit in the damn thing. plus day drinking with your buddies is always a good time...

Sounds like RG will be doing the show Thursday night so that people who can’t stand him and got nothing better to do can watch him then troll the rest of the week till the next show. There you now have plans for tomorrow night buff. 
Q-2-2022 see next season buddy

I’m watching episode 69 right now, I’m glad to see that RG didn’t get hit too hard with Covid, he seems to be doing well 

I just finished watching episode 72. Robby was sick for 18 days with covid, but he seems to be doing much better now. That's why Todd did episodes 70 and 71. Robby said everyone was going full speed on the pre-production cars and the race cars while he was sick, so they didn't lose any time over his illness. He showed pics of big stacks of plastics for the body and interior and a video of the front grill lights in action. The outer side lights are amber and can be made to flash like emergency flashers.

He showed off 4 race cars in varying stages of assembly and they looked great! He also stated if you want them to build a race car for you, it would cost $125k and tech and engineering support would be at the races, I'm not sure if that's included in the price, or extra expense.

He ended the show by telling everyone that if you have a deposit for a car and you go on the web and talk sh1t about the car, or delivery times, whatever - they will refund your deposit and resell your spot to someone else the same day. I fully support that decision and wondered why they didn't start doing that a few weeks ago. 

He ended the show by telling everyone that if you have a deposit for a car and you go on the web and talk sh1t about the car, or delivery times, whatever - they will refund your deposit and resell your spot to someone else the same day. I fully support that decision and wondered why they didn't start doing that a few weeks ago. 
That's some crybaby bullshit.  Those who put down a deposit and have been forced to deal with the delays, have somehow waived their right to voice their opinion or vent their dissatisfaction? I think he made a mistake making that threat.  If nothing else, it makes him look bad.

I just finished watching episode 72. Robby was sick for 18 days with covid, but he seems to be doing much better now. That's why Todd did episodes 70 and 71. Robby said everyone was going full speed on the pre-production cars and the race cars while he was sick, so they didn't lose any time over his illness. He showed pics of big stacks of plastics for the body and interior and a video of the front grill lights in action. The outer side lights are amber and can be made to flash like emergency flashers.

He showed off 4 race cars in varying stages of assembly and they looked great! He also stated if you want them to build a race car for you, it would cost $125k and tech and engineering support would be at the races, I'm not sure if that's included in the price, or extra expense.

He ended the show by telling everyone that if you have a deposit for a car and you go on the web and talk sh1t about the car, or delivery times, whatever - they will refund your deposit and resell your spot to someone else the same day. I fully support that decision and wondered why they didn't start doing that a few weeks ago. 
Pretty sure you cant do that. If he did that to me Id sue the eff out of him. Its like going to on the duramax forums and bitching about crappy DPF and they come take your truck? Is that Marxism or Fascism. Its def an ism. Let the haters hate. Concerning to me that he is so defensive. First time on the internet?

Even more-so. He has a clause that the buyer cannot cancel the contract. He makes no mention of the selling party canceling the contract. This case would be over in a day with any Saul Goodman hack out there. And If I wanted out of my car, I wouldnt look for a "refund" from Speed., Id sell it

That's some crybaby bullshit.  Those who put down a deposit and have been forced to deal with the delays, have somehow waived their right to voice their opinion or vent their dissatisfaction? I think he made a mistake making that threat.  If nothing else, it makes him look bad.
I don't think he's referring to anyone asking a valid question or being sincere. There are too many people who don't know sh1t using Speed UTV as a punchline only because they think it makes them look cool. Keyboard warriors who think they can say anything they want because they're hiding in their grandma's basement.

Who guaranteed anyone the right to talk sh1t? Nobody. There should be consequences for people's actions. Anybody who put down a deposit and then feels compelled to talk sh1t is an ungrateful POS. If they don't like when their vehicle might arrive, then they really didn't want it. How would you feel if you worked your ass off to build something great for others to enjoy, and they showed no gratitude and instead talked trash? I'm sure you wouldn't like it either.

Everybody's censoring everything nowadays. I was in an RV electrical forum and some moron asked a question that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was too stupid to touch 120v wiring, he was bound to kill himself and his family.

I told him for the sake of his himself and his family, do not attempt to fix that yourself, hire a professional. Also, don't ask for help for technical subjects on a social media platform called "facebook" since the whole purpose of it was to grade the women on their university based on their superficial looks and fake friendships. The owner of the FB page deleted my post and deleted my membership. Just for giving the best advice he would have gotten. That's 2021 for ya. Masks, vaccine cards and all.

Pretty sure you cant do that. If he did that to me Id sue the eff out of him. Its like going to on the duramax forums and bitching about crappy DPF and they come take your truck? Is that Marxism or Fascism. Its def an ism. Let the haters hate. Concerning to me that he is so defensive. First time on the internet?
But it doesn't concern you at all that a group of very talented people are working hard to build something so good, yet instead of getting any words of encouragement or gratitude from the general public, or even their customers, many of them feel it's their right to hide behind a keyboard and talk sh1t.

Since when have people sunk so low that they need to try and drag down people who try to excel down to their level at the bottom of the barrel?

Even more-so. He has a clause that the buyer cannot cancel the contract. He makes no mention of the selling party canceling the contract. This case would be over in a day with any Saul Goodman hack out there. And If I wanted out of my car, I wouldnt look for a "refund" from Speed., Id sell it
I don't know where you got your info from, but the buyer can sell his spot at any time prior to when payment or financing is due. As with any bilateral contract, if the buyer can resell it, the seller can resell it as well. 

Do you have any idea how many times your mortgage has been resold? You signed a contract on that as well, in about 20 places.

No dog in the fight....either way.  But that statement by RG looks petty! im sure he regrets it already... 

best of luck to all involved.

I don't think he's referring to anyone asking a valid question or being sincere. There are too many people who don't know sh1t using Speed UTV as a punchline only because they think it makes them look cool. Keyboard warriors who think they can say anything they want because they're hiding in their grandma's basement.

Who guaranteed anyone the right to talk sh1t? Nobody. There should be consequences for people's actions. Anybody who put down a deposit and then feels compelled to talk sh1t is an ungrateful POS. If they don't like when their vehicle might arrive, then they really didn't want it. How would you feel if you worked your ass off to build something great for others to enjoy, and they showed no gratitude and instead talked trash? I'm sure you wouldn't like it either.

Everybody's censoring everything nowadays. I was in an RV electrical forum and some moron asked a question that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was too stupid to touch 120v wiring, he was bound to kill himself and his family.

I told him for the sake of his himself and his family, do not attempt to fix that yourself, hire a professional. Also, don't ask for help for technical subjects on a social media platform called "facebook" since the whole purpose of it was to grade the women on their university based on their superficial looks and fake friendships. The owner of the FB page deleted my post and deleted my membership. Just for giving the best advice he would have gotten. That's 2021 for ya. Masks, vaccine cards and all.
Bunch of guys in the 1700s did. They even wrote it down.

I don't know where you got your info from, but the buyer can sell his spot at any time prior to when payment or financing is due. As with any bilateral contract, if the buyer can resell it, the seller can resell it as well. 

Do you have any idea how many times your mortgage has been resold? You signed a contract on that as well, in about 20 places.
I didnt sign a contract with Robby but we have a contract. He has one with me in which he stated (still on his website last I checked) Cars will be delivered Late 2020. Wheres that Soup Nazi meme when you need it
