Speed UTV

Man as much as I like to banter with LOTD, I don’t think he meant it to come out as racist as it did. I think it was just a poor choice of words for a jokes sake. We bash him for taking things out of context all the time so I’m gonna take my own advice and give him the benefit of the doubt. I could be wrong but at least that’s how I see it.


Did you watch the Polaris ad for the new Rzr? First they jumped it over a fwy, then drove it around the streets, jumped it a couple more times, then drove it on the beach.

That's all understandable, that's the kind of driving most off roaders like, it appeals to us.

Then they throw in some low riders. Why? Do we see a lot of people driving low riders in Glamis? No. So it's obvious that Polaris is reaching out to a new demographic and trying to interest them by including them in off roading. Did I find that offensive? No, but I found it to be a pretty transparent attempt at pandering.

Then they throw in some drifting, which again, looks to me like pandering to the Fast and Furious crowd. Again, very transparent.

So what's next? Pandering to another group that traditionally doesn't go to Glamis. 

Would saying African American have been more accepted by the easily offended? Possibly. It depends on your sense of humor and the old joke about only white people eat KFC. I was just trying to figure out a way for Polaris to pander to that ethnic group next, based on how they did the last 2 ethnic groups.

For the record, I like Popeyes also, and my pointing out what Polaris is really doing (trying to widen their customer base) is not racist.

Unless some people think Popeye's chicken is racist, which makes them racist. 
WOW!!!  You sure read a lot into a youtube video produced for content for RJ Anderson and the Hooligans.   

All you had to say is the video is out there to widen Polaris's customer base.   Makes your point without all the unnecessary nonsense.  

I will let you dig your hole deeper.  Would you like a bigger shovel?

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So do we get a Speed UTV show this week?  Perhaps he can show us a picture of one of the cargo ships waiting to get into the port and let us all know there are thousands and thousands of parts piling up.   LOL!!!

Or no show because he will be in Baja pre-running for the 1000.


Anyone spot the Speed UTVs in Glamis yet?  It is Halloween weekend and I have to imagine RG and company will be out there.   

10 hours ago, CampfiresNbrews said:

Looks like they put out another presentation after all.  Presentation #79

Some good stuff.  

I have followed RG and this new UTV since the start, you guys finally convinced me... This is the most elaborate con since Newman and Redford teamed up in 1973. Danny Ocean would be proud.  I can't believe so many fell for it. I mean it's obvious this is just an elaborate con....right?  I mean the employees, the warehouses... the shops... the patents....it's all just for the con right? 

I have followed RG and this new UTV since the start, you guys finally convinced me... This is the most elaborate con since Newman and Redford teamed up in 1973. Danny Ocean would be proud.  I can't believe so many fell for it. I mean it's obvious this is just an elaborate con....right?  I mean the employees, the warehouses... the shops... the patents....it's all just for the con right? 
I'm just quoting you so you can't delete it.

We'll revisit your post in a few months, see if you've changed your mind or have anything else to add.

Edited to add: If you're being sarcastic, you fooled me 100%! I've seen so many hater posts they all begin to look the same!  

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Some good stuff.  
More info about how the suspension is the most important part of the equation, along with slo mo video to prove the point. Where have we heard this before?

Did Daniel answer your questions about the shock design? It's looking like that's about all of the details they're going to give.

Do you know what Gold valves do on a bypass shock? They allow the movement of oil in both directions at ride height to give the shocks a much smoother ride, allowing the extreme ends of the travel of the shock to be set up stiffer. This gives the best of both worlds - more damping at the end of compression to allow jumping harder or hitting whoops harder while still giving a softer, smoother ride over chatter or washboard bumps at ride height. I have Gold valves on my rear bypasses and they give you effectively the same as 2 more tubes, (1 C, 1 R) right around ride height. The difference is very dramatic.

It's this type of oil control (and beyond) that RG is achieving with 18 or 19 zones in his front shocks. Guys like Shock Therapy and others know how to do something similar to this with fewer zones, but none of the UTV mfrs give anyone this from the factory.

Remember when you kept saying that Max's shocks were "race" shocks or "race tuned"? Well, the answer is, they were production shocks with production valving, according to this video. So we can put that question to rest. 

They're still having mic problems. :lol:

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Anyone spot the Speed UTVs in Glamis yet?  It is Halloween weekend and I have to imagine RG and company will be out there.   
There are two reasons why I think he won't do that.

1. He's already done testing/showing off the El Diablo in Glamis months ago, so they're not going to learn much going back again.

2. This weekend is what I consider to be Crash Dummy weekend. All of the impatient people with pent up energy and lack of patience have psyched themselves up all off season and they go out this weekend and wreck their rides and themselves this weekend. I never go out this weekend for that reason, and if RG wanted to show off his UTV, jump it a lot, this weekend would be the one most likely to end in a collision with some nimrod who doesn't know what he's doing. RG's been around long enough to know what this weekend is all about. There are other big weekends that are much safer to go out there.  

Plus he's probably prepping for the Baja 1000, it's only a couple of weeks away. That's my guess.
