Speed UTV

More info about how the suspension is the most important part of the equation, along with slo mo video to prove the point. Where have we heard this before?

Did Daniel answer your questions about the shock design? It's looking like that's about all of the details they're going to give.

Do you know what Gold valves do on a bypass shock? They allow the movement of oil in both directions at ride height to give the shocks a much smoother ride, allowing the extreme ends of the travel of the shock to be set up stiffer. This gives the best of both worlds - more damping at the end of compression to allow jumping harder or hitting whoops harder while still giving a softer, smoother ride over chatter or washboard bumps at ride height. I have Gold valves on my rear bypasses and they give you effectively the same as 2 more tubes, (1 C, 1 R) right around ride height. The difference is very dramatic.

It's this type of oil control (and beyond) that RG is achieving with 18 or 19 zones in his front shocks. Guys like Shock Therapy and others know how to do something similar to this with fewer zones, but none of the UTV mfrs give anyone this from the factory.

Remember when you kept saying that Max's shocks were "race" shocks or "race tuned"? Well, the answer is, they were production shocks with production valving, according to this video. So we can put that question to rest. 

They're still having mic problems. :lol:
Yes he explained the shocks more.  What he was saying sounded vaguely familiar.  Then I remembered this was the stuff the shock tuner I used was explaining when we were going over the shocks.  LOL!  Maybe he taught RG a few things back in the day when he was setting up trucks for him and many others.  LOL!!!!

Like I have said RG and company have the luxury of being more specific in their shock set ups as their target customers are mainly desert guys with some dunes mixed in.  This is a win win for the customers. 

The suspension geometry and set up to leave plenty of ground clearance when the suspension is fully compressed and tire squish is pretty awesome too.    Something Can Am can not figure out.  I think the Can Am has maybe 3/4" of an inch of clearance which on hard jumps and lands with stock shock set up ends up leaving a hole in the ground.  LOL!  

Seems they are still playing with the valving and to say Max's car has production valving is a little misleading.  It is not even a pre-production Bandit he is driving.  Whatever valving set up they used in the car looks really really good.   The reason why the Bandit is a much more appealing car to me and would be the one I would purchase. 

There are two reasons why I think he won't do that.

1. He's already done testing/showing off the El Diablo in Glamis months ago, so they're not going to learn much going back again.

2. This weekend is what I consider to be Crash Dummy weekend. All of the impatient people with pent up energy and lack of patience have psyched themselves up all off season and they go out this weekend and wreck their rides and themselves this weekend. I never go out this weekend for that reason, and if RG wanted to show off his UTV, jump it a lot, this weekend would be the one most likely to end in a collision with some nimrod who doesn't know what he's doing. RG's been around long enough to know what this weekend is all about. There are other big weekends that are much safer to go out there.  

Plus he's probably prepping for the Baja 1000, it's only a couple of weeks away. That's my guess.
Crash dummy weekend is an understatement from some of the stuff I have seen posted.   LOL!

The point of being out there is showing the crowds.  You have a captive audience at Olds to show him jumping down the hill and not rolling like so many others.  Make a few runs down the drags showing it soaking up those bumps.  The usual stuff that seems to impress the people. 

I would think they will bring them out for Thanksgiving weekend as they will be done with Baja 1000.  

Some good stuff.  
 Yup. Looks like they made some adjustments to the ratchet shifter mechanism. Pins kept coming out of alignment or so. Fixed. ✅

The bushing that was used on the primary clutch was a bimetal and had an issue with it failing. Sounds like it’s been fixed as well. ✅ 

Going to add more oil cooling for production runs. And I was impressed to hear that the test mule that they raced has over 10,000 miles on it. Very encouraging to hear. Also, the shocks seem to work VERY NICE!!!   

 Yup. Looks like they made some adjustments to the ratchet shifter mechanism. Pins kept coming out of alignment or so. Fixed. ✅

The bushing that was used on the primary clutch was a bimetal and had an issue with it failing. Sounds like it’s been fixed as well. ✅ 

Going to add more oil cooling for production runs. And I was impressed to hear that the test mule that they raced has over 10,000 miles on it. Very encouraging to hear. Also, the shocks seem to work VERY NICE!!!   
Yes all good news.  I was also impressed when he said they have over 10,000 miles on the test mule.  

I'm just quoting you so you can't delete it.

We'll revisit your post in a few months, see if you've changed your mind or have anything else to add.

Edited to add: If you're being sarcastic, you fooled me 100%! I've seen so many hater posts they all begin to look the same!  
when they feature Popeye's Chicken, you know who's targeted next!

I feel you haven’t learned a thing since your “ post heard round the world” .

The issue I have about the "transparency" of shocks is even Daniel who is the lead engineer doesn't know how many stages the shocks is after 2-3yrs??? Seam way to odd to not know that exact # but can tell you the 10000th of a inch the bearing was off and failed. That bearing had many miles on it, probably more miles then most guys drive in a season, so not a huge issue considering how often clutches in all UTVs seam to fail.

Maybe the issue with the shock stages is that it's infinitely adjustable and switching "cans" as Daniel called it, they might have 100 cans to choose from. Lets say they have a 10-stage can, 12-stage can, 18-stage can, 24-stage can and maybe they just haven't gotten it set for production which can to use... IDK seams really odd.

Oh and it's confirmed my XX is a "prototype" SPEED SXS, can't wait to tell everyone. 😆 So add those years of design/prototype/pre-production to the timeline 2015ish to 2021 and we're back in the normal design time for a project of this caliber. 3-2-1 GO!

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You guys with SPEED UTVs like me with a prototype better keep an EYE on these a-arms...

DOH tubing failure between two welds... 3-2-1 STOP RIDE NOTICE




The issue I have about the "transparency" of shocks is even Daniel who is the lead engineer doesn't know how many stages the shocks is after 2-3yrs??? Seam way to odd to not know that exact # but can tell you the 10000th of a inch the bearing was off and failed. That bearing had many miles on it, probably more miles then most guys drive in a season, so not a huge issue considering how often clutches in all UTVs seam to fail.

Maybe the issue with the shock stages is that it's infinitely adjustable and switching "cans" as Daniel called it, they might have 100 cans to choose from. Lets say they have a 10-stage can, 12-stage can, 18-stage can, 24-stage can and maybe they just haven't gotten it set for production which can to use... IDK seams really odd.

Oh and it's confirmed my XX is a "prototype" SPEED SXS, can't wait to tell everyone. 😆 So add those years of design/prototype/pre-production to the timeline 2015ish to 2021 and we're back in the normal design time for a project of this caliber. 3-2-1 GO!
I thought he said 19 stages for the shocks in the presentation.  Honestly, the shocks are just another shock.  It is the ability of them to valve and spring them more specific that is awesome.    Anyone that has done shock work that is set for a specific type of riding knows how much better it makes the handling and driving.

Congrats on having the Speed prototype.  LOL!!!

I completely understand that statement of the width. Our XX has the 77” kit and as much as it’s super stable,there are times I wish it was narrower 

Two types of people in this thread...

RG fan boys and RG haters.

I think RG is a freaking douche and repeatedly shows me why I feel that way about him.  Even if this was to be the best thing since sliced bread, I wouldn't buy it because it would be supporting him.  Dude seriously needs a PR person to fix his POS attitude and persona.

He is supposed to have a HQ here in Havasu.  The only thing there has been is a Speed trailer parked in front of a building. It's dirty and has cobwebs on it.  A few weeks ago they had a UTV race here, so they had a couple more trailers parked in the building parking lot.

Two types of people in this thread...

RG fan boys and RG haters.

I think RG is a freaking douche and repeatedly shows me why I feel that way about him.  Even if this was to be the best thing since sliced bread, I wouldn't buy it because it would be supporting him.  Dude seriously needs a PR person to fix his POS attitude and persona.

He is supposed to have a HQ here in Havasu.  The only thing there has been is a Speed trailer parked in front of a building. It's dirty and has cobwebs on it.  A few weeks ago they had a UTV race here, so they had a couple more trailers parked in the building parking lot.
I disagree. I am neither a fanboy or hater. I have a SpeedSxS on order because it checked all the boxes for me. I knew it would take longer than originally stated. I am ready for these things to be done and built, but I am not mad or bitching because they are not. I don't plan on having mine this season (#745). I am not sweating the money I have out there. If I couldn't afford it, I wouldn't of spent it. I have all the cash sitting in an account waiting for delivery. Actually the longer it takes to get built the more money my investment is making, the less cash the Speed is going to cost me. My money is working. 

The building is just like everything else. RG gets excited and and starts talking about stuff (sometimes too early). I know no facts about his building but I am in the construction business. Planning and Permits take time. So he parked his truck in front of the building.....who cares. They have started demo, that was shown on of the episodes. 

RG sometimes reminds me of Trump. Sometimes you just need to keep your month shut. But keeping their mouth shut isn't what got them to where they are now. For some, all press is good press. Not my style and I am good at ignoring the BS. 

I think RG is a freaking douche and repeatedly shows me why I feel that way about him.  Even if this was to be the best thing since sliced bread, I wouldn't buy it because it would be supporting him.  Dude seriously needs a PR person to fix his POS attitude and persona.

And its yore birthday today. Guess I'll have to cancel that order I put in for you LOL. Happy Birthday MAC! 🙂

  • Haha
Reactions: Mac
I am ready for these things to be done and built, but I am not mad or bitching because they are not. I don't plan on having mine this season (#745).
Serious question, does anyone plan on having one this season?  What is the current state of delivery expectations ?

Two types of people in this thread...

RG fan boys and RG haters.

I think RG is a freaking douche and repeatedly shows me why I feel that way about him.  Even if this was to be the best thing since sliced bread, I wouldn't buy it because it would be supporting him.  Dude seriously needs a PR person to fix his POS attitude and persona.

He is supposed to have a HQ here in Havasu.  The only thing there has been is a Speed trailer parked in front of a building. It's dirty and has cobwebs on it.  A few weeks ago they had a UTV race here, so they had a couple more trailers parked in the building parking lot.
That building has been empty for a long ass time before RG took it over.  He got everyone excited when he used it as his race shop for UTV World Championship. 

The only thing missing from RG's weekly informercial is an "act now for only $30,999" banner scrolling and a hot model showing the sweet CAD designs and pile of parts.  LOL!!!

Actually I do like the Speed UTV.

Serious question, does anyone plan on having one this season?  What is the current state of delivery expectations ?
The people I know with deposits don't expect their cars anytime soon.  

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I grew up as the only kid in school that didn't care for typical stick and ball sports. My interest was NASCAR and any type of racing. Needless to say, I was not popular, nor did I care to be.

Being a diehard NASCAR fan as a kid, Robby was not my favorite driver, by a long shot. Even to the point of hating him along with Tony Stewart and later on the Busch brothers.

As I grew a bit older in my teens and 20's, my "hatred" for drivers turned more into dislike as I realized there was no point in hating anyone simply for how they drive a car on a race track, or what I saw of them in TV interviews after a rough race.

Within my first 6-months here at Weddle, Robby was preparing to race the Parker 425 with the Albins ST6 trans in his trophy truck for the first time. Ron had taken me out there to help with contingency setup and start learning the ropes (was my first time attending an off-road race of that magnitude, as a racing fanboy all my life, it was an experience of a lifetime).

On the way to Parker Wednesday night, Ron said we might have to stop over at Robby's place to check up on the trans and make sure everything was looking good. I have to admit that I was a little excited just to be around someone of that magnitude in the racing world, even if I didn't care for him. That night I worked on a $35k gearbox with Bob Gordon (very nice guy, had no idea who he was) in Robby Gordon's garage next to a full blown trophy truck.

Fast forward to today, Robby has my cell number and I am telling him and his guys what needs to be done to their gearboxes to make them right. 

I have to say that being around Robby for the past 9 years, I have not seen too many other major racing personalities be as open and accessible as Robby is. He will stop and take a picture with anyone that asks him. He signs endless autographs for the kids. He completely changed my perception from what I thought I knew of him 20 years ago. Of course everyone changes, and I think he has as well with age, as I did with learning to stop wasting my energy on "hating" for no good reason other than what I saw on TV. 

I get that he has burned a few bridges in our small off-road racing world, but because it's such a small world, you will always hear about the bad interactions, gossip, and rumors before you have a chance to make your own decisions based on actual interactions with anyone. 

Regardless of what anyone thinks about Robby, I have to say that so far, I am thoroughly impressed with the effort and quality that is going into these Speed UTV units. Yes, what you are seeing now can be hard to look at and digest as we see the first "production" parts come off the line. But this is also something that you would never have seen any other manufacture show, ever! And they have certainly had to deal the same type of growing pains that Speed UTV is currently dealing with. The quality of these cars will be "good" at the very least once the kinks get ironed out of the production procedures. 

Just my opinion as a fringe insider.

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