Gonna have it stick a foot out the passenger side?
I do agree you should never wrap your thumbs in any off road vehicle, regardless of speed or required steering input. That said, I'm not sure the UTV world as a whole fully understands or properly uses the term "steering feedback." Working the steering wheel != steering feedback.
Why would you venture such a guess? RG made videos, literally for years going through the whole engineering process. What does "based of the Z1" actually mean anyway? It shares zero parts with it, nothing is interchangeable, and the design is actually pretty different (the cylinder has intake/exhaust on opposite sides as compared to Z1s, for example). That said, yeah they're both 2cyl, 4-stroke motors that are around 1000cc so I guess that's "based of"?
FWIW I had a Z1 in a pretty heavy car (4 seat XP1000 with all HCR long travel with the big Kings, windshield, heater, windshield wiper, SDR cage/doors, big/heavy 33" mud tires, etc. etc.) and agree: it wouldn't keep a belt on it in the dunes. It had the really nice STM clutches, but if the engine ever ran right for long enough to try duning it, it'd destroy a belt. It made 300+ RWHP at 40psi so a lot more power than a Speed (they dyno about 170) and I think the belt issue was a lack of clutch tuning (keep the engine running right long enough to do any clutch tuning never happened) but yeah... not a reliable package.