Speed UTV

This economy isn't doing RG any favors. I cannot believe the amount of cars that have been listed for sale over the last week. Seems like every other post on Facebook for speed is a for sale post. 

Don't for the cars that are for sale now are cars that were purchased early at a discount. For example, the El Jefe early deposit holders were locked in at $32,000 with a $1500 deposit. Sure things changed in peoples lives and they are selling because of that but also a $15,500+ profit is hard to pass up if it sells at today's prices. 

If you have a deposit down and RG calls that you're ready...

Do you have to buy now, or can you push it off?  Seems the better money would be on pushing it off while the updates are done to get a more sorted car for cheap, but not sure how possible that is.

If you have a deposit down and RG calls that you're ready...

Do you have to buy now, or can you push it off?  Seems the better money would be on pushing it off while the updates are done to get a more sorted car for cheap, but not sure how possible that is.
Everything I've heard/been told is when your number is up, you have to buy it or you lose your deposit, spot in line and presumably accessory $. 


Everything I've heard/been told is when your number is up, you have to buy it or you lose your deposit, spot in line and presumably accessory $. 

"Where's my Speed Key?" or other similar tactics work? :biggrin:

"Where's my Speed Key?" or other similar tactics work? :biggrin:
Yeah, I'm not saying Speed would "get away" with just taking all my $ and telling me to kick rocks... just that they've indicated that's what they'll do if you don't want to take the car.  


Don't for the cars that are for sale now are cars that were purchased early at a discount. For example, the El Jefe early deposit holders were locked in at $32,000 with a $1500 deposit. Sure things changed in peoples lives and they are selling because of that but also a $15,500+ profit is hard to pass up if it sells at today's prices. 
I have seen some that look like they are trying to get out for what they paid. 

Early deposit holders got a smoking deal on the car, but there were no deals on the $10,000 - $15,000 in accessories they paid for a few years ago. 

What’s the status of the Speed with an LS motor?

Might be a solution to the current issues and you probably won’t need a Speed Key. 
Other than not actually being a thing? 


I have seen some that look like they are trying to get out for what they paid. 

Early deposit holders got a smoking deal on the car, but there were no deals on the $10,000 - $15,000 in accessories they paid for a few years ago. 
Yes you’re right on no deals for accessories. Anyone that purchased accessories knew that payment was due up front. No one forced any one to buy accessories it was the buyers decision. 

Oh almost forgot if you got your accessories early then you got a deal. Because accessories did go up in price also. 

Other than not actually being a thing? 

Maybe it’s a thing or maybe it’s not. That’s why I asked about the status. 
RG said in a Speed video that he was going to build one. Don’t know if he was joking or not. That’s why I was asking about the status. 

Yes you’re right on no deals for accessories. Anyone that purchased accessories knew that payment was due up front. No one forced any one to buy accessories it was the buyers decision. 

Oh almost forgot if you got your accessories early then you got a deal. Because accessories did go up in price also. 
Payments on accessories based on promises from RG. Unfortunately way past that now. Feel sorry for a lot of the buyers waiting for cars. I have multiple friends waiting in that mix as well.

Stopped at the hill today for a break. Only a few car plus two speed cars. One with Robbie driving.  Gotta say the car flat moves. 

Speed key testing??? Driver???? Right gear selection????

Didn't get the best video as this was his last run before they left the hill. Previous runs up and down were more impressive than this last one. 


PXL_20240116_214222990.TS.mp4 196.31 MB · 0 downloads
The Bandit on e85 was hauling the mail.  The Speed key IMO is going to be the perfect amount of HP for most duners with 2 seat or 4 seat car.  Unless your the type that mob to Olds crack a few drinks and run up and down the hill, then the Speed is not for you.  Besides I dont care what SXS you have and whats been modded, cause there will ALWAYS someone that is faster then you up a hill.   

Im looking forward to getting my Speed (hopefully this Fall) cause all the issues are being fixed once reported.  I stopped by Chaparral today and they had ProR's ready to go OTD for nearly $50k.  I finally saw the Mav R there also and  liked how low and wide it sat compared to the RZR.  But they dont have 4 seater, but that too came with a hefty tag of nearly 50k OTD.    Im at 32K for my El Jefe so yeah its a steal so Im gonna sit tight and wait.  

I guess to add to my previous post however many years ago this was and all those promises that were made. How many people would have put out non-refundable money for accessories and wait that many years for a car. I would be willing to guess not a single one.

The Bandit on e85 was hauling the mail.  The Speed key IMO is going to be the perfect amount of HP for most duners with 2 seat or 4 seat car.  Unless your the type that mob to Olds crack a few drinks and run up and down the hill, then the Speed is not for you.  Besides I dont care what SXS you have and whats been modded, cause there will ALWAYS someone that is faster then you up a hill.   

Im looking forward to getting my Speed (hopefully this Fall) cause all the issues are being fixed once reported.  I stopped by Chaparral today and they had ProR's ready to go OTD for nearly $50k.  I finally saw the Mav R there also and  liked how low and wide it sat compared to the RZR.  But they dont have 4 seater, but that too came with a hefty tag of nearly 50k OTD.    Im at 32K for my El Jefe so yeah its a steal so Im gonna sit tight and wait.  
Please don’t take this the wrong way. This is by no means directed at you or any other person getting ready to receive their car. I see pretty much every person that is waiting say the will be getting their car soon and glad they didn’t get the car right away because all the problems will be worked out by the time they get it. First, the test mule they built supposedly had over 10k HARD miles put on it before the trailing arm mount broke at the SSSS. How is it that most of the cars that have been delivered have all sorts of different issues? Now we have motors blowing how many months after the cars were delivered? How do you not question what types of issues may pop up once you get your car? Yes these other issues may get fixed by the time yours is delivered but what’s next? Those are what would bother me if I had one on order.

i have master number 800 ElDiablo. The test mules had a lot of miles and not very many problems. They also were hand made no assembly line. When they went into production each part probably had a price point to make so corners were cut to keep the cost down. looks the same but a different parts that wasn't tested. Add joe public thrashing the car and chit comes back to bite them.  My biggest concern is why can't they ever finish a race. Don't expect them to win every race but at least finish.

Yes you’re right on no deals for accessories. Anyone that purchased accessories knew that payment was due up front. No one forced any one to buy accessories it was the buyers decision. 

Oh almost forgot if you got your accessories early then you got a deal. Because accessories did go up in price also. 
When people were paying for accessories it was under the assumption cars were in production and going to be delivered soon.  Also RG kept talking about pricing going up.   

I guess to add to my previous post however many years ago this was and all those promises that were made. How many people would have put out non-refundable money for accessories and wait that many years for a car. I would be willing to guess not a single one.
When people were paying for accessories it was under the assumption cars were in production and going to be delivered soon.  Also RG kept talking about pricing going up.   
Nope.  I seems it would be easy to show RG's statements were misleading at best to get the money back, no?  I guess there's the whole "take it or leave it" part that most won't want to deal with, so the accessories part just gets sucked up and people move on.  Doesn't mean it doesn't sting the cornhole a bit though. :biggrin:

i have master number 800 ElDiablo. The test mules had a lot of miles and not very many problems. They also were hand made no assembly line. When they went into production each part probably had a price point to make so corners were cut to keep the cost down. looks the same but a different parts that wasn't tested. Add joe public thrashing the car and chit comes back to bite them.  My biggest concern is why can't they ever finish a race. Don't expect them to win every race but at least finish.
Yep.  This was called out years ago when RG's "finalizing production" posts were made showing boxes of first run parts being hand-assembled in an empty warehouse.  The vendor's small run "prototypes" are never to be trusted.  I've had (small) issues with even trusted ISO 9001 suppliers once FRP starts, and I'm laughably low rate by comparison.
