Speed UTV

On a positive note,  the Speed car worked way better that his Starlink setup 😅.  Remember he promised us live streaming thoughout the event.   I saw it mounted in the bed and said to myself there is zero chance that was gonna work on the fly.  Perhaps that’s how he summoned the Helicopter 

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Good to hear only a minor issue. 
Honestly, in the SPEED world it is Minor issue !!!!   99% of the people didn't even get their SXS yet! At least the ones who went got an exciting ride for a bit and then had the opportunity to be flown around with their sxs dangling from a helicoptor!!!

If I had to guess it was @Mac was the chopper pilot because I heard they dropped the units down pretty hard at the destination (don't get mad at him / Robbie wanted to "Make A Splash" and Mac was determined to make that happen!     OOOH....... and there was a guy hanging out of the chopper with a megaphone yelling all sorts of profanities!!! :dunno:  .....Don't take that as gospel,,,,,its just what I heard!


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On a positive note,  the Speed car worked way better that his Starlink setup 😅.  Remember he promised us live streaming thoughout the event.   I saw it mounted in the bed and said to myself there is zero chance that was gonna work on the fly.  Perhaps that’s how he summoned the Helicopter 
There have been many starlinks mounted similar to that on race vehicles, and it typically works fairly well.

Obviously this one didn’t work, only the Rv versions work in motion and they have limitations too
