Speed UTV

It is all just a scam, some really good photo shop in that Video Robby is probably some where in South America enjoying the good life. Look at that video he has never produced a video that good of quality ever. Said he was going to miss the Baja and sat race, really? That says it all, Robby is South America and that video was photoshop Ed

Wow Im sure disappointed, as I’m sure everyone else is after seeing all that. All those naysayers and S#it talkers were so right!  I feel like such a fool putting a whole $1500 deposit down. Then ordering a few accessories. Then waiting two years years for the Speed UTV to be released. Really what was I thinking? 

I mean really! I thought I was ordering a UTV of Polaris / Can Am  etc.. quality. Now I see this is of pure racing quality. Who the heck wants that in a UTV? Who needs those quality welds, or that quality of machining? That’s what the aftermarket is for. Robby said the cars next to him were already a Gen 3 version. Why not just deliver and sell Gen 1 cars?  Polaris delivers tens of thousands of Gen 1 cars and let’s the customers fix the issues. BRP waits years to improve parts and then still ignores the obvious design issues, or calls it part of the design. Why doesn’t Robby just do that too so he can sell cars now. Just let the aftermarket fix all the horrible design issues and poor quality. That’s what the other guys do! 

Then all those machines. 60 robot welding stations just for chassis & suspension parts!  Has to be photo shopped! I bet that lobby they were in is where they filmed the moon landing. It’s all so fake. Total green screen! I feel such the fool! 

And the commitment of Robby, Todd and the whole Speed team. Why would any CEO of a company be willing to spend months living in factories throughout Asia to make sure that they are making it exactly to the vision and design they want? I’m mean come on man, we have zoom now. Get with the times man! You don’t actually have to visit these places man! What does Robby think? Does he think he’s Elon Musk or something?

Does the CEO and chairs of Polaris and BRP actually go to the factory’s and do they actually know what they are looking at, and what the specs are for something? Could they tell you if they were looking at a trans gear or front dif gear? Or a front suspension part or a rear suspension part? Who cares right! They are CEO’s making big money. They don’t need or care about that crap! 

OK so the reality is those who thought this was all a scam for Robby to steal peoples money, or that it’s impossible for him to pull this off, because he’s not Polaris, BRP Honda etc.., that cars will never be built, or that we will not see cars until 2035. Or that the rest have surpassed the Speed design & quality, or that it’s a crap car because parts are built in Asia. Your the real fools! Most hate because that don’t or can’t have. Robby has had a target on his back and been the butt of a lot of jokes, just as guys like Elon have been. But it’s those amazing people that dream up these cool things that some of us are lucky to have. So I guess some can continue to hate or be jealous, and show they are truly the fools, and not me! 
I caught some of the show and sounds like they are still tweaking stuff.  Did I hear him correctly say he will be in Asia for 45 days?

You know RG brought most of the hate on himself with his unrealistic timelines.  

You have mentioned the delivery timeline several times before. As it’s been explained several times before. The only formal or “official” timeline given was to the first 250 4 seat and 250 2 seat cars buyers. Originally they were only going to build 500 cars, and the goal was to deliver Thanksgiving the following year after the announcement of Speed UTV, at the Sand Show. So only 500 customers did not get cars as promised. 

If Speed UTV would have built the car they showed at the Sand Show, a modified XX which I think was going to be called the Speed XXX?  With using someone else’s engine, with someone else’s trans, and making their own chassis & body using Speed SXS XX suspension they could have made that deadline. 

But demand for his product was so great that they decided to go from a limited production Speed shop car to a full blown manufacture and design the car Robby ultimately wanted to build in the first place. They then have been as open book as they can be bring everyone, not just deposit holders into the process, vowing to share it each week. 

Now I will agree Robby took some legit & deserved heat when he lost his cool and threatened that those who are defaming or talking crap about him or his product that he would buy their spot back or take legal action if necessary. That was a bad idea, but in his defense he took allot of personal attacks and during that time he had Covid and some where praising the fact that he got really sick and said things like it was karma & he deserved it. I would have lost my cool way before then. 

And to compare, the Pro R was not a big secret as many knew something was coming. Many saw “leaked” pictures the year before just like I did. Many knew companies or teams had cars in their shops and were under NDA. Matlock raced all last year in the open class as he was expecting to drive the Pro R for the whole Score season. But due to Covid, supply chain or whatever excuse you want to use, they delayed the release over a year. I have not heard you mention that timeline? Or what about the new X3 that has been speculated for well over a year and was rumored to be delayed due to supply issues. Your not commenting on that? Do you blame Jose Boisjoli? 

Maybe because Robby has shown you every detail every week as he promised he would is why you feel its taking to long? 

And yes Robby said they would be in Asia another 45 days and was not leaving until everything was complete and signed off to their approval. 
I was just pointing out some of the hate toward RG is self-inflicted.   His ego that borders between confidence and arrogance does not help.  Him losing his s---  just made it worse for him.  He let the people get to him.  He has been in the spotlight long enough to know you can't add that kind of fuel to the fire. 

You keep pointing out Can Am and Polaris.  They openly admitted supply issues were delaying things.   That is why the Pro R took longer to get to market and why we probably will not see a new sport model from Can Am for a while.  Which goes to the point that RG is likely not going to be able to avoid supply chain issues.   

The minute RG decided he was going to build a motor, car, trans, and set up manufacturing I knew and just about everyone knew there was no way he would get it done in the time frames he hinted to.    I think the fact they are as far along as they are is impressive. 

He has developed an impressive SXS.  The level of detail and thought process in the design is top notch.  I hope to see people out and about with their Speed UTV next desert season. 

The transaction is estimated to drive $135 million of additional cash inflows for Polaris in the second half of 2022. This includes the purchase price from the buyer and realization of cash tax benefits related to the sale, minus estimated transaction fees. The sale price, net of cash, debt, and other costs is estimated at $50 million. In 2021, Polaris’ Aftermarket segment generated $930 million in revenue, of which the TAP business accounted for nearly $760 million. The transaction is expected to close early in the third quarter, subject to customary closing conditions.

So this was actually Episode 100?  or this another meme?


Nikal, your a blow hard that can type. This video shat is old. When a CEO has to go to a production factory to approve quality, there is a fundamental issue with the company! Best of luck cheering for this mess! 
That's funny right there.... thought I had on MSNBC for a minute with all the projection going on... Isn't Robby supposed to be gone with all the Scam cash by now????????

@Sand Shark Yes that’s true regarding his missed timelines but why are guys like you and buff or anyone else on here so concerned, if you don’t even have a deposit on one? You guys keep popping up in this thread with jokes and chit talking. (I do enjoy some of them.) But why not show some MORE support and appreciation that someone finally is attempting to do something great with these golf carts. I mean who wouldn’t want a true accomplished off road race car driver building them a toy anyways? I challenge some of you know it alls to do something even close to what he’s trying to do. Im happy waiting and feel it’s real close now. The cars have evolved and I’m excited to see the progression. 

People come onto this thread to do nothing more than bash the product and process. I think it’s ridiculous. Unlike buff, I even think it’s cool he’s making some running changes on some of the parts while he’s there himself in Asia. Big props for him to sacrifice his time like that to make sure everything is up to snuff. 

Buff if the videos shiat is old, why do you watch them and then respond here? Like flies on shiat, you can’t help yourself but eat it up. Do something more productive with your time. Add something meaningful here. 

@Sand Shark Yes that’s true regarding his missed timelines but why are guys like you and buff or anyone else on here so concerned, if you don’t even have a deposit on one? You guys keep popping up in this thread with jokes and chit talking. (I do enjoy some of them.) But why not show some MORE support and appreciation that someone finally is attempting to do something great with these golf carts. I mean who wouldn’t want a true accomplished off road race car driver building them a toy anyways? I challenge some of you know it alls to do something even close to what he’s trying to do. Im happy waiting and feel it’s real close now. The cars have evolved and I’m excited to see the progression. 

People come onto this thread to do nothing more than bash the product and process. I think it’s ridiculous. Unlike buff, I even think it’s cool he’s making some running changes on some of the parts while he’s there himself in Asia. Big props for him to sacrifice his time like that to make sure everything is up to snuff. 

Buff if the videos shiat is old, why do you watch them and then respond here? Like flies on shiat, you can’t help yourself but eat it up. Do something more productive with your time. Add something meaningful here. 
I don’t care about his timelines.   It is just an example why people talked trash.  This thread is part information and part entertainment.  

I have been around SXSs a very long time.   I have been around long enough to not buy into the “ this is the greatest SXS ever” hype. Lucky for all of us there are lots of choices.  

People can bash Polaris and Can Am, but without them the sport UTV market would not be where it is today.   Without them RG is not making the Speed UTV.  

The Speed UTV has lots of cool stuff and is an improvement in design and offers some cool features.  Is it a game changer? No it is an improvement and another option in the sport UTV market.  I want him to get the cars to market.   I am confident he will get it done.  I have friends with deposits 

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I don’t care about his timelines.   It Ed just an example why people talked trash.  This thread is part information and part entertainment.  

I have been around SXSs a very long time.   I have been around long enough to not buy into the “ this is the greatest SXS ever” hype. Lucky for all of us there are lots of choices.  

People can bash Polaris and Can Am, but without them the sport UTV market would not be where it is today.   Without them RG is not making the Speed UTV.  

The Speed UTV has lots of cool stuff and is an improvement in design and offers some cool features.  Is it a game changer? No it is an improvement and another option in the sport UTV market.  I want him to get the cars to market.   I am confident he will get it done.  I have friends with deposits 
Maybe not a “Game changer” or “the greatest SXS ever” (yet 🤪
) but a HUGE improvement in design geometry and safety over the crop of SXS out there. People get their panties in a wad when someone “compares” it to another manufacturers car but, isn’t this a Speed thread? What are we supposed to say?  For the record I’ve never bashed anyone s cars. Those guys set the standard, Speed is just raising the bar. It’s a win for everyone who enjoys SXS. I know some go a bit overboard but most of us are realistic.  :thumb:
