Speed UTV

RG as Hop Sing


I check in on this topic every few days. I don't have a deposit or order in for a Speed SXS yet. But I love the car, his "Born in Baja" designs have me sold. But I do read the comments and try to take it all in, including Buffs perspective. I think NIKAL is the most INFORMED of all of us and brings the most factual information. 

FWIW, after viewing photos/videos, seeing the Pre Production car in person and speaking with Bill Nash, I believe the car is a reality, just slow to arrive. Between the pandemic and designing/building a new, almost from the ground up (based on RGs Textron XX) SXS it has got to be a monumental undertaking. 

I watched an old black and white interview with Walt Disney after the completion of Disneyland, he was asked if he'd do it over again considering all the challenges, he stated a resounding "No way!" The toll it took on Mr Disney to create that park must have been monumental, yet we all enjoy the fruits of his labor by having our lives, and those of our families bettered by his creation in some form or fashion. And as consumers, we don't offer much thanks or gratitude for the sacrifices he and his family made. We just buy a ticket, and bitch about the lines and the overall expense. And have a great time while doing it. 

Gene Berg stated in his advertisements to "Buy the best and cry once..." SPEED UTV, in my opinion is the BEST designed SXS from a huge team of people "in the know" of what we need in a performance SXS and what we want. My money will go to Speed UTV. 

(look, the Kawasaki KRX1000 4 seater is awesome, but, 100hp for 4 people and a "B" pillar inches from your head? So add a new cage and a supercharger to make it "move" and you're still paying more than a base model Speed that performs better right out of the box. I have patience, I'll wait for the Speed UTV...)

Ok, i'll step back from the lectern... next up!

Havent watched latest updates because I am sure it is the same thing we seen the last few months. It will be a great car when it is done I am sure. But I am thinking 2023 before I see my #576 car delivered.
Maybe you get your car before then. 

@URCLEVER heard they had some porosity issues with all but 12 of the 50 engines. Found out it was an issue with humidity during the casting process. All has been resolved. That was a month ago. Robby also said that he’s very happy with what he’s been seeing as far as parts  are concerned. I’ve also seen posts where he’s telling us that we’ll begin to see cars by September and definitely this riding season. You’re a early number I’m sure you’ll have your car this season… HOPEFULLY 😁

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@URCLEVER heard they had some porosity issues with all but 12 of the 50 engines. Found out it was an issue with humidity during the casting process. All has been resolved. Robby also said that he’s very happy with what he’s been seeing as far as parts  are concerned. I’ve also seen posts where he’s telling us that we’ll begin to see cars by September and definitely this riding season. You’re a early number I’m sure you’ll have your car this season… HOPEFULLY 😁
His dates have been spot on so far 😂

This thread has been a lot of fun! It does seem like one giant campfire BS session after a slew of cold beverages! I do hope that you ticket holders get your cars soon. I would really like to see that Diablo up close and personal. Should be some bad azz rides!

Guess Robby is out of quarantine, he tried doing an IG live earlier.  Was frozen on my end, looked to be at a factory not sure for what components.  El Jefe in the background. 
