Speed UTV

That is Carl. He has been trying to sell those spots for months. 
Gotcha... Folks are hating pretty hard on selling a vehicle that isn't out yet.. personally I don't care what anyone does with their stuff.. or what price they sell it for.. 'whatever the market will bear' is my philosophy. 

True Libertarian here.


Because Robby has the patents on all of the best designs and he has good attorneys. That's the obvious answer. The other one that comes to mind is they hire all of their "engineers" from ITT Tech. Looking at past designs, I'm leaning towards #2 for up to now, and #1 for future models.
1. Patents like those filed don't really stop much "copying"
2. Good engineers define scope at the beginning of a project and stick to it with few revisions to make these goals 

We should have until July/August to get this to 200.   
Released as in first actual regular pissant customer has one?  Do they have to post here?  Getting closer, so might as well define the "rules" we're working with, LOL.

Gotcha... Folks are hating pretty hard on selling a vehicle that isn't out yet.. personally I don't care what anyone does with their stuff.. or what price they sell it for.. 'whatever the market will bear' is my philosophy. 

True Libertarian here.

It's better to actually read the posts instead of trying to guess what people are hating on.

Nobody cares if he sells his spot. What they don't like is a guy buying 6 of them just to make that kind of insane profit margin. Other people are buying spots from sellers, but they are buying them from other people who aren't asking those kinds of profits.

That's why he still has all 6 of them for sale. There are better deals everywhere.

That's odd. I was thinking Sand Shart better start cooking up his crow, unless he likes to eat it raw. 
What crow?  I never said he would not produce a car.  I just did not fall hook, line, and sinker that he is the greatest designer of all things UTV.  

You strutting around like Foghorn Leghorn after seeing that picture.  LMAO


1. Patents like those filed don't really stop much "copying"
2. Good engineers define scope at the beginning of a project and stick to it with few revisions to make these goals 
We'll see about whether it stops copying or not. Polaris didn't come up with that ridiculous clevis front shock mount because it was a better design.


1. Patents like those filed don't really stop much "copying"
2. Good engineers define scope at the beginning of a project and stick to it with few revisions to make these goals 

Released as in first actual regular pissant customer has one?  Do they have to post here?  Getting closer, so might as well define the "rules" we're working with, LOL.
I would say when the first round of actual customers (not dealers) get their cars. 

What crow?  I never said he would not produce a car.  I just did not fall hook, line, and sinker that he is the greatest designer of all things UTV.  

You strutting around like Foghorn Leghorn after seeing that picture.  LMAO

I usually ignore a lot of your posts, but I'm sure if anyone cared to dig through this thread, you've probably predicted they would be delivered in 2024 through 2035, inclusive. "If it ever gets built" would also count as crow worthy, as well.


It's better to actually read the posts instead of trying to guess what people are hating on.

Nobody cares if he sells his spot. What they don't like is a guy buying 6 of them just to make that kind of insane profit margin. Other people are buying spots from sellers, but they are buying them from other people who aren't asking those kinds of profits.

That's why he still has all 6 of them for sale. There are better deals everywhere.
Were that's were we would be in disagreement.. .sold $150 worth of parts for $5,000 .. today.. 'what the market will bear.'

I don't hate on the guy who sold at $500 or the guy holding out for $10,000 (cause that's usually me).


We'll see about whether it stops copying or not. Polaris didn't come up with that ridiculous clevis front shock mount because it was a better design.

You mean a clevis design that has been used before Polaris used it on the Pro R.   You saying these others have a ridiculous design?



I usually ignore a lot of your posts, but I'm sure if anyone cared to dig through this thread, you've probably predicted they would be delivered in 2024 through 2035, inclusive. "If it ever gets built" would also count as crow worthy, as well.

You can dig away, but there will be no crow to be eaten.  The cars have not been delivered to customers yet.  When we see the CARB certification listed then the deliveries will be a go. 

Were that's were we would be in disagreement.. .sold $150 worth of parts for $5,000 .. today.. 'what the market will bear.'

I don't hate on the guy who sold at $500 or the guy holding out for $10,000 (cause that's usually me).

You can sell for that price because your competitors are also selling at that price.

Nobody is colluding with that guy to jack up the prices. They're selling their deposits for less and undercutting him. That's why months later, he hasn't sold a single one of them.

If your competitors were undercutting you, you'd have to stay competitive to keep selling product.

You can dig away, but there will be no crow to be eaten.  The cars have not been delivered to customers yet.  When we see the CARB certification listed then the deliveries will be a go. 
Blah blah blah.

Wasn't it you who claimed last week that looking at the assembly line meant that they were only building engines and nothing else. You wanted to see video of everything else being built on the assembly line.

Now you're looking at this pic, saying "this doesn't prove anything! Those are just bodies screwed onto chassis with nothing in them!"

This will go on ad nauseum until you see one in person, then it will be, "That's the only one ever built! I wanna see all 2,000 of them together in one lot!"

Then it will be, "I still haven't seen one in the color scheme I like!"


We'll see about whether it stops copying or not. Polaris didn't come up with that ridiculous clevis front shock mount because it was a better design.

That's a common lower shock mount design used by a bunch of OEMs for front axles to pass through.  Jeep Grand Cherokee, R35 Nissan GTR, and others.  Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean its ridiculous.  

And there are advantages to the shock mount being like that since it distributes load more evenly on the lower control arm since it's centered.  More to it than just considering the lower shock mount, have to consider all components in the assembly and make compromises where you see fit.

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That's a common lower shock mount design used by a bunch of OEMs for front axles to pass through.  Jeep Grand Cherokee, R35 Nissan GTR, and others.  Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean its ridiculous.  

And there are advantages to the shock mount being like that since it distributes load more evenly on the lower control arm since it's centered.  More to it than just considering the lower shock mount, have to consider all components in the assembly and make compromises where you see fit.
LOTD will be along shortly to tell you why yore wrong...  Stand by.

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Since you can read my mind, go ahead and do it for me.

Pass.  I can't read you're mind, it's dark, scary and probably lonely in there.

You have no problem contradicting anything added to this thread that doesn't exactly align with your opinion.  So it is as predictable as the tides that you would be right along to tell him why yore right and he's wrong.

Your such a contrarian that there's no way yore gonna let @Rockwood spit facts and not tell him why he's wrong in a dissertation length reply... 

Carry on.
