Speed UTV

RG was in Barstow yesterday with Speed UTV and his dad's old race buggy.  Sounds like Robby will be doing the Norra 1000 with Max in the buggy. 

You don't think it's a little under powered for Glamis?
Nope my XX whipped everywhere no issues.
Sure it's not turbo fast up hills but duning was not an issue at all.
Sure it won't will the drag hills or flats, but I'll still get there 1000ft behind you...

I can't believe that Speed UTV is still in limbo in 2022.  Or maybe I  should say I can't believe that people are still waiting.  My feeling is that Can Am and Polaris have made great strides in upgrading their 2022 models, and to me this means Speed UTV is not as important any more.  I'm a fan of Robbie Gordon, so a big part of me is sad that it went down this way.
2 plus years of virus

Supply chain issues with massive inflation as of when dumb and dumber took over.

The sxs they are now building is nowhere close to what they talked about in 2019. They have gone above and beyond anything that was discussed or concept that was talked about in 2019. Now maybe if you wanted a lesser SXS in many ways then yes you could have a complaint.

The competitors are only making giant strides due to the pressure from the coming Speed SXS models.  I never heard them say in 2019 what you see today was on the horizon. But that's what competition does. 

2 plus years of virus

Supply chain issues with massive inflation as of when dumb and dumber took over.

The sxs they are now building is nowhere close to what they talked about in 2019. They have gone above and beyond anything that was discussed or concept that was talked about in 2019. Now maybe if you wanted a lesser SXS in many ways then yes you could have a complaint.

The competitors are only making giant strides due to the pressure from the coming Speed SXS models.  I never heard them say in 2019 what you see today was on the horizon. But that's what competition does. 
Speed UTV they have today is much much better than what they showed in 2019.   

Speed UTV they have today is much much better than what they showed in 2019.   
That's the only reason I put a deposit on one. I do feel fo the guys that sold there whatever thinking they were gonna get something else from Speed within a year but that would have been unrealistic even in a normal world.

That's the only reason I put a deposit on one. I do feel fo the guys that sold there whatever thinking they were gonna get something else from Speed within a year but that would have been unrealistic even in a normal world.
I know a few that sold off there deposits.  They have no regrets.   

I can't believe that Speed UTV is still in limbo in 2022.  Or maybe I  should say I can't believe that people are still waiting.  My feeling is that Can Am and Polaris have made great strides in upgrading their 2022 models, and to me this means Speed UTV is not as important any more.  I'm a fan of Robbie Gordon, so a big part of me is sad that it went down this way.
What great strides? Both of those brands are still prone to breaking if driven hard. The only thing Polaris has done is made their 4 seat vehicle weigh more than the average 4 seat sand rail. The added weight helps break it when the driver biffs it.

Robbie patented the major features that sets it apart from the other UTVs. Until he lets those patents lapse, the other UTVs will be using inferior designs. Like the clevis front shock on the Pro R, radius rod rear suspension, etc etc etc.

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I know a few that sold off there deposits.  They have no regrets.   
Not yet.


I see you fellers are getting closer to 200!

If you remember I said production will be starting in Q-2 2022. That should happen.

But if you are a deposit holder past #1000 don't get excited to see your car in 2022! It's highly likely you will also miss the January thru April season in 2023. I will have a better update on 2023 production in late Q-3.

So currently Polaris & Can Am look like your best bet. Don't listen to the couch queens on here, hyping up next dune season in a car they won't have!

I will provide an update in Q-3.

I’m guessing those guys you know who placed early deposits and sold off were deposits made on emotion? 

I say this only because if they were committed to wanting a Speed car, and liked what they saw at the show. I can’t imagine what they are seeing now and how the car has evolved at the exact same selling price, they were willing to pay for a 4 seat 77 inch wide XX with a Z1 engine. Does not give them some regrets. 

I think I’ve met more people who said, I wish I pulled the trigger early on. One of my neighbors who wanted one, but did not want to wait. He bought a 4 seat X3. He likes it but told me he wishes he did not sell his deposit to our other neighbor. (At cost too!) 
No he put down a deposit at the Sand Show when it was announced.  He loved the Wildcat XX and wanted a 4 seater.  They watched many of the shows and just go tired of waiting after 1 1/2 years.  He has a sandrail now.    Other friend just lost interest and moved on (he mostly likely put the deposit down out of emotion/impulse). 

I know some one else that has patiently been waiting.  By the time he gets it his new born will be at least a year old.  LOL!

I see you fellers are getting closer to 200!

If you remember I said production will be starting in Q-2 2022. That should happen.

But if you are a deposit holder past #1000 don't get excited to see your car in 2022! It's highly likely you will also miss the January thru April season in 2023. I will have a better update on 2023 production in late Q-3.

So currently Polaris & Can Am look like your best bet. Don't listen to the couch queens on here, hyping up next dune season in a car they won't have!

I will provide an update in Q-3.
If you have a Can Am or Polaris on order 2022/2023 dune season is not looking to good either.  

Who said 2022 is in limbo? Yes Polaris has finally released the Pro R that was supposed to be released a year ago. But in many ways the Pro R is not much more then a improved Pro. And the 2000cc engine puts it in a totally different category as the Speed UTV. 

What has Can Am does to make great strides to make the Speed UTV less impressive or important? 

Also it’s Robby not Robbie. Because your a fan you knew that. Lol. 
Engine size doesn't really matter "class wise" unless you're gonna race it.  For Glamis purposes, value and availability are all that matters as most of us buy these things to drive/hoon around in the desert and don't care at all about whether it adheres to a manufacturer specification for "UTV".  Value, the Speed gets the nod assuming quality isn't garbage and there aren't teething or parts/service availability issues with a brand new design, engine, company and model.  Availability...  Dunno.  We shall see.

Hey, since we're correcting spelling:



It's chromoly, not "chrome molly" unless the suspension is made of melted down chrome statues of Molly...


Classy dame. :biggrin:

LOL, that machine is 8 years old.  

I have a buddy with one on order. He's eager to get it, but will be patient (last time I checked in with him).. anyhow, he's a good dude and has $$. I told him lots of times I have a 2nd RZR with no driver (if my family stays home) and he's welcome to run it with me while he's waiting.

Did a walk a round and saw the SPEED at the Long Beach Grand Prix. I really like the machine. Lucky for me, it wouldn't fit in my TH so I'm sticking with Polaris (and no I'm not a Polaris fan boy.. not by a long shot).

Supply chain,.. finding good workers.. Robby has a lot of headwinds he probably didn't know were coming in the beginning. I think he's acting in good faith.. just in a 'bad spot' regarding delivery for said reasons.

Anything that forces the other MFRs to up 'their game' on quality and also get an ACTUAL turn key machine that you don't have to dump $15k into to ...  is a great thing IMO.

My Orange one is FINALLY getting all the goodies installed. Has taken FOREVER.. and I still won't have the lower doors (backordered,.. garbage plastic piece .. should just buy one online, but excited for the summer season where we go to Green Valley, Big Bear and Arrowhead, buddy/neigbor who bought my 2014 RZR has a cabin there.

Any idea how many 'early' spots have been sold? I've seen maybe a 1/2 dozen for sale/sold.


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Hoping to see if they show either the Diablo or Bandit or both cars all done and dressed pretty during this weeks or even next weeks show. But, what I’m really HOPING for, is my damn car for this upcoming riding season.  :doh:

Hoping to see if they show either the Diablo or Bandit or both cars all done and dressed pretty during this weeks or even next weeks show. But, what I’m really HOPING for, is my damn car for this upcoming riding season.  :doh:
As far as the Bandit goes, I think they've only gotten as far as drawing it up in CAD. AFAIK, they haven't cut or bent any tubes up to build one yet. It shouldn't be hard to do, it's just a shortened version of the El Jefe.

That's the beauty of their "modular" design, all 3 are identical from the dashboard forward and the Bandit and El Jefe are the same from the firewall back. 

agreed no Bandits built to-date

Based on pics and videos, I think there are;

3 - El Diablo's
8 - El Jefe's

So your planning on your can am not making it to the 2022/2023 dune season... :classic_biggrin:
LOL!   Mine is sitting at home ready for a new inner clutch cover to be installed.   

Can Am keeps delivering new units to dealers with missing ECUs and displays. 

Hoping to see if they show either the Diablo or Bandit or both cars all done and dressed pretty during this weeks or even next weeks show. But, what I’m really HOPING for, is my damn car for this upcoming riding season.  :doh:
The Bandit is the Wildcat XX Max Gordon has been racing. 
