Speed UTV

Maybe this weeks presentation will show the 20 pre-production cars out being tested. 

I just dont see these cars being out in Glamis this year

RG says get ready for price increase.

Also, apparently still battling the steering chatter issue. I'm a bit surprised they didn't nail that down by now.

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I just dont see these cars being out in Glamis this year
After watching last nights show I think we won't see a Speed UTV in a customers hands until the end of the year.  He mentioned supply issues, which every other manufacture is having issues with. 

I will be very impressed if they are able to get the first 250 out to customers before December.  

After watching last nights show I think we won't see a Speed UTV in a customers hands until the end of the year.  He mentioned supply issues, which every other manufacture is having issues with. 

I will be very impressed if they are able to get the first 250 out to customers before December.  
Unfortunately, I am getting the same feeling. Everyone will beat up RG for it, but the shortages are legit and out of his hands.

Unfortunately, I am getting the same feeling. Everyone will beat up RG for it, but the shortages are legit and out of his hands.
The supply issues are totally legit.  He has known for a while there would be shortage issues.  When the big manufactures are having issues you know a smaller company is going to have the same issues. The only reason he is getting beat up is he continues to be unrealistic with time frames.  He should of given the answer he gave last night months ago.   

I have no doubt the shortages are real. I'm not sure exactly how they affect different mfrs.

For example if Ford puts in a "small" order for 3 million windshields, the supplier might not be able to provide that. But if a smaller company like Speed UTV puts in an order for 2,000 windshields, they might be able to fill that order with whatever raw materials are trickling in. 2,000 windshields is worthless to Ford, but it's plenty for Speed.

I don't know if that's actually how it works now, but back when I ordered parts, we usually ordered smaller quantities than our competitors and quite often we got our smaller orders filled while the competitors held out for larger single orders rather than lots of smaller orders.
I’ve seen the exact opposite before… we had a relatively small order with a solid state hard drive MFR. They were so busy trying to appease Cisco and their huge orders that they didn’t even bother on ours (didn’t want to disrupt the production line for our measly deal). Had to brow beat the CEO in Israel to get it done.

Bottom line, it’s not always the squeaky wheel… it’s sometimes just the mighty (bigger) dollar that wins…


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Well, it seems like he's gonna pull the plug any second now and move to Mexico with all the deposit money and live a life of luxury down there....damn I knew it was too good to be true.....
Would not surprise me, But, He had better go to the "El Chappo" compound for protection...

I'll bet you a couple of brewskies he'll have the first 250 off the assembly line by Dec. 31. Even if I lose, I don't mind. Right now, I think it's 50/50 he'll have them done by Dec. 31. I think he hopes to and intends to, but he has no control over suppliers. We'll see what happens.
I agree he intends on getting the first 250 off the line before the end of the year.   I just do not see the supply chains improving quickly.  Not to mention whatever other delays or set backs that may occur.  The still have to get final CARB approval and pass the roll test. 

I’m saying that the MFR gave 2 sh$Ts about our order… ashtray… couch coins…,

Put our order in the trash bin until I got on ‘em and wouldn’t let go…

… as a free market capitalist….

I’d probably do the same.


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I’m hoping he foresaw this and has parts already in the supply chain, especially after Todd Romano wrote that they do not see anything that would slow the process down.  

 But definitely behind the current schedule   image.jpeg
