So who is the coward?

Someone has to have an idea who it is.  Though, at this point, almost looks like a joke.

Is it a generic voicemail when you call? If already talked about i missed it.

You know who gets mad about what people charge for their goods and services, and their right to do so?  Communists.  You know who knows a free market will determine the price something sells for, and doesn't care if somebody is "asking too much" for their goods or services?  Freedom loving capitalist Americans. 


of all the people for this to happen to,  It doesn't surprise me a bit. I refer to this guy as the "Thread Shitter" when you are trying to sell something. 

The sad part is, I would be doing the exact same thing!!   Nothing wrong with making a buck!

I didn't know he was still around. If he only posts in the for sale ads, then that explains it, I rarely read those.

Sounds like someone was drunk texting !

People are so sensitive, if you dont like price then move on. 

You could always make an offer ?  

Last time I checked the asking price is just the asking price. 

Last time I checked the asking price is just the asking price.
Very true! But for this person the price "increase" would be a direct reflection on the text response, with the sky as the limit, if it were mine.

Well he must of got busy. Because he stopped. 

I had a slow day. It was entertaining to me. 

When I was younger people like this would piss me off and I wanted to fight. 

Now I just realize how much better my life is than theirs. 

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