So who is the coward?


NEVER argue with an idiot.....people watching won't know who is who.................  

Some people just suck.....Its unreal.........  Delete this post and Block the jackazz..........  

My 2 cents.............

Oh I’m not arguing. It’s just a slow day at the office with nothing better to do. 

Guess I can Google how to block people on iPhone. I’ve never had a stalker before so this is all new to me. 

chit blocking is easy. Didn’t even have to Google it lol 

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Awe c’mon TLL you were my first 3 guesses. 
Eeenie, Minnie or Miney?


Dude .. I'm a 'Free Market Capitalist'... when it comes to off-road stuff, I usually overpay and take a bath upon selling.. but in my personal business. .. absolutely am HATED.. cause I sell $1k worth of stuff (that I actually didn't pay $1k for).. for $50k.. do it all day.. 

ANYONE  has the right to sell for whatever they want.. I don't care if you bought it for $5k less yesterday.. someone else's loss. Anything else is socialism... 

I bought my flatbed '12 for $2300 I think.. maybe a bit more cause I got a spare.. maybe I'll list it for $3500.. inflation is nuts... I don't care.. I can take less.. right.

I love slamming down 'buyers' in my industry.. 'yeah .. this isn't a charitable organization.. the price is the price.. it's TT/Wire in advance and 12 other folks are after it.. so buy or why don't go outside and play hide n' go eff yourself?'.. best part of the definition of Eff IMO... video below...

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Keyboard pussy. Think they are all badass, 

tiny pee pee syndrome. Good old days , talk that chit, your ass is getting beat.   Forget the POS!

Don't let it bother you. Remember your the guy with the trailer he wanted. 
