So what’s the dune report for the Halloween weekend ?

I'm looking at the bolded sentence and the underlined sentence and they seem to contradict each other. You don't consider a BLM ranger with an attitude writing a bogus ticket to be a bad experience? Is it just the cost of going to Glamis?

I also want the dirtbags gone, but you're not one of the dirtbags, neither is anyone else in this thread, but we're more likely to get a ticket for no whip or missing pass than a real dirtbag is to get hassled for drunk driving with a collision or even a fatality, or a big loud group at Olds with a huge pile of beer cans at their feet. BLM rangers are allergic to anyone who might actually be committing a real crime or looks halfway scary. 
Someone having a bad attitude isn't going to ruin my day, so much easier to take the high road than go down to their level. As soon as they leave camp (10 minutes later) we are back to our regular scheduled program............FYI, We deserved the tickets, so my wording on "Bogus" is not correct. 

Fact is, I am OK for them coming into my camp for these nitpicking things, I just wish they did it to everyone, especially the camps that have pallets, couches, trash and such in camp as well.  I will take my lumps for the betterment of Glamis. 

Hell yea. It worked. When was the last time you heard of a shooting or stabbing in the dunes? Or any other act of violence? That was early 2000s crap and it went away. And now it rears it's ugly head again. 

I'm not a victim. I get caught up on this zero tolerance policy. Then so be it. Maybe I should have been doing the right thing. I welcome enforcement. Whether me or my family gets included in it. My 16 year old son rides his bike without a flag and gets jammed up. There's a life lesson son. Follow the rules. No helmet? Get a ticket. I won't "pack up" because it's shown to make the place better and that's what I want.

Statistically, there are more offenses of missing whips or passes as opposed to drunk driving accidents causing fatalities. Hell, there are less fatalities in glamis in a decade then there are current rigs on gecko over the 14 day camp limit. So, naturally, more tickets will be written for those violations. Which are still violations. Should minor offenses be ignored IN CASE a larger offense occurs? Not good policing if so. If I had a dollar every time I heard "there are rapists and murderers out there and you're here ' harassing ' me.  Go find them."

We all want the same thing. A safer place to take our families and ride. You want it to happen with magical unicorns and rainbows. You have a lot of faith in the human race to fix themselves. I don't unfortunately. 
I think you're missing one of my points, it's the same point sandpsycho made.

The BLM rangers are not enforcing all of the laws equally. They're ignoring the bigger offenders and concentrating on the easy stuff, like whips and passes. 

What I'm saying is I'd like to see real offenders getting nabbed. Like the ghost campers. You have to admit they are doing nothing about that. They're already writing plenty of whip tickets, let's see them do something about some real rule breaking.

Believe me, I don't believe in unicorns and rainbows. I just don't think harassing 14 yr old kids is really putting any dent in the real problems. 

I think you're missing one of my points, it's the same point sandpsycho made.

The BLM rangers are not enforcing all of the laws equally. They're ignoring the bigger offenders and concentrating on the easy stuff, like whips and passes. 

What I'm saying is I'd like to see real offenders getting nabbed. Like the ghost campers. You have to admit they are doing nothing about that. They're already writing plenty of whip tickets, let's see them do something about some real rule breaking.

Believe me, I don't believe in unicorns and rainbows. I just don't think harassing 14 yr old kids is really putting any dent in the real problems. 
Amen. This gets included in that zero tolerance policy. BLM or whomever is in charge of this enforcement needs to grow some balls on this. 

Someone having a bad attitude isn't going to ruin my day, so much easier to take the high road than go down to their level. As soon as they leave camp (10 minutes later) we are back to our regular scheduled program............FYI, We deserved the tickets, so my wording on "Bogus" is not correct. 

Fact is, I am OK for them coming into my camp for these nitpicking things, I just wish they did it to everyone, especially the camps that have pallets, couches, trash and such in camp as well.  I will take my lumps for the betterment of Glamis. 
OK, so you're ok with them coming into camp and checking for passes, glass, etc. While they are doing that, they're NOT going into the camp with pallets, couches and trash. If they were catching those people, then we would never see that crap left behind, would we?

No, instead they're all bunched up at the exit roads writing tickets for no passes instead of cruising around making sure people are packing their trash out. How many trash tickets do they write? Probably a small fraction of what they write for whips or passes.

Like I said before, BLM rangers are allergic to real law breakers.

I think you're missing one of my points, it's the same point sandpsycho made.

The BLM rangers are not enforcing all of the laws equally. They're ignoring the bigger offenders and concentrating on the easy stuff, like whips and passes. 

What I'm saying is I'd like to see real offenders getting nabbed. Like the ghost campers. You have to admit they are doing nothing about that. They're already writing plenty of whip tickets, let's see them do something about some real rule breaking.

Believe me, I don't believe in unicorns and rainbows. I just don't think harassing 14 yr old kids is really putting any dent in the real problems. 
I agree with you on most, but you really think Ghost Camping should be on top of the list for enforcement?  These are the true duners and they care about the dunes staying open.  I'd rather them go after camp racers, trash in camps, and maybe a DUI checkpoint leaving Olds on Sat night.

OK, so you're ok with them coming into camp and checking for passes, glass, etc. While they are doing that, they're NOT going into the camp with pallets, couches and trash. If they were catching those people, then we would never see that crap left behind, would we?

No, instead they're all bunched up at the exit roads writing tickets for no passes instead of cruising around making sure people are packing their trash out. How many trash tickets do they write? Probably a small fraction of what they write for whips or passes.

Like I said before, BLM rangers are allergic to real law breakers.
I think you are splitting hairs now, I think we are on the same page.....................I think you just are playing devils advocate now 🤪

I agree with you on most, but you really think Ghost Camping should be on top of the list for enforcement?  These are the true duners and they care about the dunes staying open.  I'd rather them go after camp racers, trash in camps, and maybe a DUI checkpoint leaving Olds on Sat night.
No, I only used GC as an example that came to mind. It is something that they never enforce. I really have no problem with someone who is here, playing in the dunes. The problem is with those who park it for most of the season and leaving the rig empty all week.

I agree with you, they should go after litterbugs, drunks and camp racers, but the camp racers might be hard to catch if they don't see it personally.

I think you are splitting hairs now, I think we are on the same page.....................I think you just are playing devils advocate now 🤪
I'm not splitting hairs, each BLM ranger has XX number of hours on shift. During that time, if they spend all of it writing little tickets for whips and passes, they can't be driving around looking for camp racers, or trash piles in camp, etc. They can't be everywhere all of the time.

I want them to shift their enforcement from the easy tickets to more meaningful stuff. I do think there are bigger and smaller infractions and they've traditionally stayed away from the bigger problems and kept picking off the easy ones.

I'm not splitting hairs, each BLM ranger has XX number of hours on shift. During that time, if they spend all of it writing little tickets for whips and passes, they can't be driving around looking for camp racers, or trash piles in camp, etc. They can't be everywhere all of the time.

I want them to shift their enforcement from the easy tickets to more meaningful stuff. I do think there are bigger and smaller infractions and they've traditionally stayed away from the bigger problems and kept picking off the easy ones.
I think they need to be more proactive instead of reactive.  In many other parts of the country, the rangers will be driving camp to camp in the morning, making contact with everyone.  Educating and answering questions, sometimes they are checking registrations and such as well.  When they show up to your camp at 8-10 am in the morning, they instantly know who the trouble makers are.  To me this is being proactive.  Litter tickets would be insane.......

Then those camps are marked for the rest of the weekend, maybe a few extra drive by's in the afternoon and night time will help curb some issues??

Picking and choosing what to enforce would be different for every ranger in my opinion.

I think they need to be more proactive instead of reactive.  In many other parts of the country, the rangers will be driving camp to camp in the morning, making contact with everyone.  Educating and answering questions, sometimes they are checking registrations and such as well.  When they show up to your camp at 8-10 am in the morning, they instantly know who the trouble makers are.  To me this is being proactive.  Litter tickets would be insane.......

Then those camps are marked for the rest of the weekend, maybe a few extra drive by's in the afternoon and night time will help curb some issues??

Picking and choosing what to enforce would be different for every ranger in my opinion.
I like that idea. Now all we have to do is get them to run towards the bad guys, instead of the other way.

That's what we'd like to think, but 2 out of the 3 times I've been contacted, I was doing nothing wrong and they eventually backed off. 

1. 2 of us parked his Jeep just off Gecko (within 5 ft of the pavement) mid week and walked around looking for something he dropped about 50 yds away. A really cute female ranger came over and told us she had to write a ticket for no whip on the Jeep. I pointed out we were parked next to the pavement, not out in the dunes, like a tow vehicle. It wasn't a sand toy, it had a pass on it. She relented and became very charming.

2. I was leaving the compound towing my trailer and headed to hwy 78, driving next to the store. A ranger hit the lights and siren and pulled me over and asked where my pass was. It was in my glove box. He started to write a ticket and I asked him to to tell me what he was citing me for. "Not properly displaying your pass." I told him that only applied while on public lands, we were on private property. The entire 164 acres surrounding the hwy 78/RR tracks area is all private property. His partner confirmed I was right and they let me go.

3. Got pulled over for burned out license plate lights by the "red headed peckerwood." I knew he was very impatient and liked to write a ticket every few minutes. I kept digging up the wrong paperwork instead of my registration and after 10 minutes of him dancing around like he was gonna piss his pants, he let me go.  :lol:

Dear Penthouse, I never thought I would be writing you....

1. 2 of us parked his Jeep just off Gecko (within 5 ft of the pavement) mid week and walked around looking for something he dropped about 50 yds away. A really cute female ranger came over and told us she had to write a ticket for no whip on the Jeep. I pointed out we were parked next to the pavement, not out in the dunes, like a tow vehicle. It wasn't a sand toy, it had a pass on it. She relented and became very charming.


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I use to say the exact same thing, until they rolled into camp and spent an hour trying to find something.  Looking in thrash cans, looking at registrations, asking us questions.  We were doing nothing wrong, unless hitting a tennis ball with a golf club is illegal.  The only reason they turned down our wash that October afternoon was we were the only camp around. That was it. We saw them stop back up and turn in. Why because they needed to write something besides slept on the side of the road in there daily report.   

I use to say the exact same thing, until they rolled into camp and spent an hour trying to find something.  Looking in thrash cans, looking at registrations, asking us questions.  We were doing nothing wrong, unless hitting a tennis ball with a golf club is illegal.  The only reason they turned down our wash that October afternoon was we were the only camp around. That was it. We saw them stop back up and turn in. Why because they needed to write something besides slept on the side of the road in there daily report.   
Did they find anything wrong or illegal?

Did they find anything wrong or illegal?
Nope just an hour of him really looking. Had we not been aware of what the rules were he would of wrote a bunch of BS tickets.

BS stuff like placement of the registration plates, glass bottles in trash cans, flag not on a bike yet, Wife's bike and she wasn't there,  Location of the passes on some of the trucks.  He even said something about my trailer tags on the WW being passed due, when in fact they still had two years left on them, Then he didn't think that was permitted. 

I have been caught up in some pretty stupid chit in my younger days and out of all those interactions with cops even the times I had them pointing guns at me. I didn't feel like at any moment thru no fault of my own things could go bad.

Go to go out last wed as i got there a friend drove up we got some good duning in thurs met them was great as well friday was good too but starting to get rough but still great.

But from fri afternoon from camp you could see the crowds come in like a train all headed to washes i knew sat was gonna be BAD.In 35 years i never seen as many clueless idiots out there we joked about in experienced in the past but this was a whole new level and the sign and drive crowd was out in force. 

Luckily i got to come home monday but did break a couple teeth off ring gear on sunday was able to get back to camp and after this weekend no rush to get back out there i see 2000 coming all over again.

Hell yea. It worked. When was the last time you heard of a shooting or stabbing in the dunes? Or any other act of violence? That was early 2000s crap and it went away. And now it rears it's ugly head again. 
Did it or was the economy taking a nose dive in the early mid 2000's have an effect. Also in the early 2000's real cops where brought in from real police/sheriff's departments. Let's also not forget that things got out of control because there was basically zero enforcement until things got out of control.

When things got under control they dropped the real cops and yahoo's from around the country where brought in to keep the money in house. We get Forestry rangers and BLM clowns that have no clue. Also with the problem people gone the focus shifted to budget justification. Get those states so we can keep this big budget.

Today crime is rising everywhere, its not unique to the dunes. Also some of it could be the complete ineffectiveness of the BLM. If the working folks know they are a joke you know the bad guys know it. The the reality is what is happening in the dunes is a reflection of Commifornia and the other blue states and their push to emboldened criminals. 

I wish HR422 would have passed and then all law enforcement in the dunes would have been handed over to ICSO.

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