So what’s the dune report for the Halloween weekend ?

I see too many people that cry there's too many sheriffs. Too many rangers giving out BS tickets. Let us be. You know how you don't get less government outreach and law enforcement. Stab people. Shoot people. Cause general chaos. I'm sure those that were stabbed and shot were upstanding citizens to this community but I'll be damned if one of my family members gets caught with a stray round. 

Unpopular take coming at you. I hope law enforcement goes zero tolerance again. Straight broken windows theory. A ranger watches you drink a beer, you get stopped. You don't have a flag. Get stopped. Go 20 mph in a 10 mph zone. Get stopped. I want people to say, "eff this place, you can't do anything without being 'harassed'. I'm not coming back." Good.
I get what you saying but you forget your talking about BLM rangers not a real street cops. The Rangers being the assclowns they are, target the wife driving in by herself, the family guy with his little kids. People they can push around and feel like they intimidate. They turn and run from a real criminal and real police work. The old saying they could find a felon in Folsom fits perfect. They write bogus tickets and lie their asses of in court. They are just cowards with a gun and badge. They have proven time and time again they don't deserve any respect or trust from the public. I would actually like to see a couple of the lying bags of crap get their ass kick or worse. I know a few other retired deputies and a few active that feel the same way.

I see too many people that cry there's too many sheriffs. Too many rangers giving out BS tickets. Let us be. You know how you don't get less government outreach and law enforcement. Stab people. Shoot people. Cause general chaos. I'm sure those that were stabbed and shot were upstanding citizens to this community but I'll be damned if one of my family members gets caught with a stray round. 

Unpopular take coming at you. I hope law enforcement goes zero tolerance again. Straight broken windows theory. A ranger watches you drink a beer, you get stopped. You don't have a flag. Get stopped. Go 20 mph in a 10 mph zone. Get stopped. I want people to say, "eff this place, you can't do anything without being 'harassed'. I'm not coming back." Good.
That would be ok if they didn't only grab the low hanging fruit.

Enforcement isn't really about giving 20 tickets to kids without flags during the day, but then ignoring 5 phone calls about the drunk playing banda music at 3am. That's how they were rolling in the past. They didn't want to confront the loud drunks, that would be too much like work. 

I think they should hammer the shooters, stabbers and thieves and let the little kids slide a little on the flags because on the one end someone is committing felonies and the other end of the spectrum, some poor kid rolled his quad and hasn't gotten a chance to buy a new one yet. They should use a little discretion, which has been a common complaint in the past.

Your zero tolerance plan turns Glamis into a no fun zone, even for the non-criminals.

I get what you saying but you forget your talking about BLM rangers not a real street cops. The Rangers being the assclowns they are, target the wife driving in by herself, the family guy with his little kids. People they can push around and feel like they intimidate. They turn and run from a real criminal and real police work. The old saying they could find a felon in Folsom fits perfect. They write bogus tickets and lie their asses of in court. They are just cowards with a gun and badge. They have proven time and time again they don't deserve any respect or trust from the public. I would actually like to see a couple of the lying bags of crap get their ass kick or worse. I know a few other retired deputies and a few active that feel the same way.

That would be ok if they didn't only grab the low hanging fruit.

Enforcement isn't really about giving 20 tickets to kids without flags during the day, but then ignoring 5 phone calls about the drunk playing banda music at 3am. That's how they were rolling in the past. They didn't want to confront the loud drunks, that would be too much like work. 

I think they should hammer the shooters, stabbers and thieves and let the little kids slide a little on the flags because on the one end someone is committing felonies and the other end of the spectrum, some poor kid rolled his quad and hasn't gotten a chance to buy a new one yet. They should use a little discretion, which has been a common complaint in the past.

Your zero tolerance plan turns Glamis into a no fun zone, even for the non-criminals.
This. BLM brings in every dippy doodah ranger from Kentucky or any other backwoods place and he goes nuts with all the enforcement he can handle. Then, they schedule all of them to be off shift at 2200 hours when all the real trouble starts. They get their cites in to justify their overtime by snatching up the 14 year olds without clearly displayed registration and bang them for not having their ATV safety certificate. Then that 14 year old and his dad spend the next 20 minutes helping the ranger get his 4x4 unstuck without a thank you from the ranger. 

BLM enforcement walks around badge heavy touting the fact they are “Federal Officers.”  Cool story bro. Then do some enforcement when and where it matters. Wash 6 comes to mind. 

I wouldn’t mind more CHP or even Imperial County Sheriff Deputies roaming around the area however.  But I know those two stations are way over worked and under staffed. That wrong way fatal crash on the 78 sounded like an absolute nightmare for those guys.

I was all the way south in wash 16 this last weekend and had camp racers jamming all over out camp. Three came yeeting into our circle, drunk off their asses, thinking they were home. No, sorry dipshit. This isn’t wash 3 and I haven’t seen the rest of your group that you left at the drags. 

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This was right on Gecko Road in front of the store.  Prius versus a Can Am


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I get what you saying but you forget your talking about BLM rangers not a real street cops. The Rangers being the assclowns they are, target the wife driving in by herself, the family guy with his little kids. People they can push around and feel like they intimidate. They turn and run from a real criminal and real police work. The old saying they could find a felon in Folsom fits perfect. They write bogus tickets and lie their asses of in court. They are just cowards with a gun and badge. They have proven time and time again they don't deserve any respect or trust from the public. I would actually like to see a couple of the lying bags of crap get their ass kick or worse. I know a few other retired deputies and a few active that feel the same way.
Eh. Maybe you’re right. To this day I’ve never had a negative experience with an officer in the dunes so I can’t speak for personal experience but I see a lot of stories that start out with “that cop was a complete bhole. I was just trying to have a good time”. Then proceeding to bitch about the cops for enforcing the exact law that was just broken. Shame on them. 

That would be ok if they didn't only grab the low hanging fruit.

Enforcement isn't really about giving 20 tickets to kids without flags during the day, but then ignoring 5 phone calls about the drunk playing banda music at 3am. That's how they were rolling in the past. They didn't want to confront the loud drunks, that would be too much like work. 

I think they should hammer the shooters, stabbers and thieves and let the little kids slide a little on the flags because on the one end someone is committing felonies and the other end of the spectrum, some poor kid rolled his quad and hasn't gotten a chance to buy a new one yet. They should use a little discretion, which has been a common complaint in the past.

Your zero tolerance plan turns Glamis into a no fun zone, even for the non-criminals.
My zero tolerance plan discourages bholes from going to Glamis. Either abide by the rules and stop being an assclown or get so pissed off, you don’t return. Both are successful outcomes to me. Zero approach. Make their lives such an inconvenience that they’d rather do something else. 

How would that turn the dunes into a “no fun zone” for non criminals? As a non criminal myself, I’d love to be around people that also prefer to be non criminals. They’re better company. 

I told everyone, my idea is not going to be popular but boy would it solve some problems. 

My zero tolerance plan discourages bholes from going to Glamis. Either abide by the rules and stop being an assclown or get so pissed off, you don’t return. Both are successful outcomes to me. Zero approach. Make their lives such an inconvenience that they’d rather do something else. 

How would that turn the dunes into a “no fun zone” for non criminals? As a non criminal myself, I’d love to be around people that also prefer to be non criminals. They’re better company. 

I told everyone, my idea is not going to be popular but boy would it solve some problems. 
Zero tolerance means writing a ticket to every father who drives his kids' quads out of the trailer before putting the whip on or a helmet. It means writing a ticket to every 14 yr old kid who just rolled his quad and hasn't had a chance to get a new whip yet.

We don't need that. It drives away the good, family people. Do you see what I mean? The BLM does that kinda crap already and it's BS, hassling people who aren't really criminals.

Want to really make a difference? If a drunk driver hits a parked vehicle and kills 2 people, he should be prosecuted for the drunk driving and 2 charges of vehicular manslaughter. Actually arrest the drunks playing music too loud at 2 am. Start towing the ghost campers away.

They currently don't do any of that. There are plenty of laws to enforce, start enforcing the more serious crimes and leave the kids alone.

It's not just that your plan is unpopular, there is a reason for that - it's not well thought out. There IS a way to make Glamis better, but it doesn't include hassling kids or families over minor stuff. Zero tolerance never really works.

If I was a BLM ranger, I'd carry a couple of crescent wrenches with me and every time I saw a broken whip on the ground, I'd pick it up and throw it in the truck. Then if I saw someone under 18 on a quad with no whip, I'd pull them over and install the whip on their quad. It would go a long way toward creating some good will with the younger kids and their families. The people we want to encourage to keep coming to the dunes.

Curious, would a different Genre of music be ok with you? and wondering about laws being broken here, is there a sound ordinance in Glamis? 
No, any music at 3am is bothersome, I just used that because everyone can relate. It's the most common music at 3am.

Yes, there is a no noise rule. Lots of people break it.

QUIET HOURS. No person shall operate or use any audio, such as a radio, television, musical instrument, or other noise producing device or motorized equipment (including generators)between the hours of 10 pm and 6 am in a manner that makes unreasonable noise that disturbs other visitors; or operate or use a public address system without written authorization from BLM.

theres an imperial valley scanner feed page on facespace.. reading that would make you really think twice about some things.

Zero tolerance means writing a ticket to every father who drives his kids' quads out of the trailer before putting the whip on or a helmet. It means writing a ticket to every 14 yr old kid who just rolled his quad and hasn't had a chance to get a new whip yet.

We don't need that. It drives away the good, family people. Do you see what I mean? The BLM does that kinda crap already and it's BS, hassling people who aren't really criminals.

Want to really make a difference? If a drunk driver hits a parked vehicle and kills 2 people, he should be prosecuted for the drunk driving and 2 charges of vehicular manslaughter. Actually arrest the drunks playing music too loud at 2 am. Start towing the ghost campers away.

They currently don't do any of that. There are plenty of laws to enforce, start enforcing the more serious crimes and leave the kids alone.

It's not just that your plan is unpopular, there is a reason for that - it's not well thought out. There IS a way to make Glamis better, but it doesn't include hassling kids or families over minor stuff. Zero tolerance never really works.

If I was a BLM ranger, I'd carry a couple of crescent wrenches with me and every time I saw a broken whip on the ground, I'd pick it up and throw it in the truck. Then if I saw someone under 18 on a quad with no whip, I'd pull them over and install the whip on their quad. It would go a long way toward creating some good will with the younger kids and their families. The people we want to encourage to keep coming to the dunes.
Sure worked a couple decades ago by clearing out some riff raff and we were all better for it. I've watched countless instagram videos from garbage accounts like glamishub of party busses with drunk clowns in it, videos of people fighting or half naked chicks dancing on cars. I enjoy half naked chicks with the best of them, but you know who doesn't need to see that crap. Your kids, my kids. Families. What does that have to do with Glamis and the dunes? Glamis is currently being invaded by dirtbags that don't give a crap about it. They don't care if it gets shut down or not, they will just move their party to the next hotspot and ruin that as well. While the rest of us (you and me) are without a place to take our families and ride.

I don't disagree with you about the kids/teenagers. Educate them but hammer the adults doing dumb/dangerous $hit. Invade the chaos in wash 6. Stop the guys doing 150mph 50 feet from the road where kids ride. Conduct more DUI checkpoints. It's not good for our sport or our favorite riding spot.

Sure worked a couple decades ago by clearing out some riff raff and we were all better for it. I've watched countless instagram videos from garbage accounts like glamishub of party busses with drunk clowns in it, videos of people fighting or half naked chicks dancing on cars. I enjoy half naked chicks with the best of them, but you know who doesn't need to see that crap. Your kids, my kids. Families. What does that have to do with Glamis and the dunes? Glamis is currently being invaded by dirtbags that don't give a crap about it. They don't care if it gets shut down or not, they will just move their party to the next hotspot and ruin that as well. While the rest of us (you and me) are without a place to take our families and ride.

I don't disagree with you about the kids/teenagers. Educate them but hammer the adults doing dumb/dangerous $hit. Invade the chaos in wash 6. Stop the guys doing 150mph 50 feet from the road where kids ride. Conduct more DUI checkpoints. It's not good for our sport or our favorite riding spot.
Agree 100% with you!!

Sure worked a couple decades ago by clearing out some riff raff and we were all better for it. I've watched countless instagram videos from garbage accounts like glamishub of party busses with drunk clowns in it, videos of people fighting or half naked chicks dancing on cars. I enjoy half naked chicks with the best of them, but you know who doesn't need to see that crap. Your kids, my kids. Families. What does that have to do with Glamis and the dunes? Glamis is currently being invaded by dirtbags that don't give a crap about it. They don't care if it gets shut down or not, they will just move their party to the next hotspot and ruin that as well. While the rest of us (you and me) are without a place to take our families and ride.

I don't disagree with you about the kids/teenagers. Educate them but hammer the adults doing dumb/dangerous $hit. Invade the chaos in wash 6. Stop the guys doing 150mph 50 feet from the road where kids ride. Conduct more DUI checkpoints. It's not good for our sport or our favorite riding spot.
As long as they're hammering people for the biggest offenses and not hassling mothers on golf carts for empty beer cans.

I think the bigger problem is training the BLM drogues to stop hassling kids and start towing motorhomes, showing up at 2 am to enforce the rules, dealing with the bigger issues. They're notorious for not doing any of that.

Curious, would a different Genre of music be ok with you? and wondering about laws being broken here, is there a sound ordinance in Glamis? 
Van Halen  :lol:   ....not a genre, just his favorite band.

No, any music at 3am is bothersome, I just used that because everyone can relate. It's the most common music at 3am.

Yes, there is a no noise rule. Lots of people break it.
People don't need to turn it off...just turn it down.


Again, if BLM would address would be less of a problem. What other violations might be found at a camp blasting music at 3am....hmm....those are the people you don't want coming back.

Sure worked a couple decades ago by clearing out some riff raff and we were all better for it. I've watched countless instagram videos from garbage accounts like glamishub of party busses with drunk clowns in it, videos of people fighting or half naked chicks dancing on cars. I enjoy half naked chicks with the best of them, but you know who doesn't need to see that crap. Your kids, my kids. Families. What does that have to do with Glamis and the dunes? Glamis is currently being invaded by dirtbags that don't give a crap about it. They don't care if it gets shut down or not, they will just move their party to the next hotspot and ruin that as well. While the rest of us (you and me) are without a place to take our families and ride.

I don't disagree with you about the kids/teenagers. Educate them but hammer the adults doing dumb/dangerous $hit. Invade the chaos in wash 6. Stop the guys doing 150mph 50 feet from the road where kids ride. Conduct more DUI checkpoints. It's not good for our sport or our favorite riding spot.
Did it really work? How many family's said screw it and went other places where they didn't have to worry about zero tolerance while on vacation.  The first time your on the wrong side of one of there zero tolerance power trips  you will pack it up and relocate to a spot that doesn't have zero tolerance.

Unfortunately it will be family's like yours that leave before the "criminal" element even gets tired of the hassle.

Sure worked a couple decades ago by clearing out some riff raff and we were all better for it. I've watched countless instagram videos from garbage accounts like glamishub of party busses with drunk clowns in it, videos of people fighting or half naked chicks dancing on cars. I enjoy half naked chicks with the best of them, but you know who doesn't need to see that crap. Your kids, my kids. Families. What does that have to do with Glamis and the dunes? Glamis is currently being invaded by dirtbags that don't give a crap about it. They don't care if it gets shut down or not, they will just move their party to the next hotspot and ruin that as well. While the rest of us (you and me) are without a place to take our families and ride.

I don't disagree with you about the kids/teenagers. Educate them but hammer the adults doing dumb/dangerous $hit. Invade the chaos in wash 6. Stop the guys doing 150mph 50 feet from the road where kids ride. Conduct more DUI checkpoints. It's not good for our sport or our favorite riding spot.
I agree with you as well, I have been going to the dunes since 1990, and I have never had a bad experience with LEO's.  I have had a few come into our camp with attitudes and write bogus tickets, I can deal with the random glass or no permit ticket (we know better).  That is pretty much all our entire group has gotten tickets for over the last 30 years.  If that is called being hassled, so be it.  I want the dirtbags gone, they will ruin all off road areas eventually.  They don't care about closed areas as well, if and when they learn to dune, I could see them on night rides in the North of 78 me they ride every weekend in the closed to off road areas around my house.

I agree with you as well, I have been going to the dunes since 1990, and I have never had a bad experience with LEO's.  I have had a few come into our camp with attitudes and write bogus tickets, I can deal with the random glass or no permit ticket (we know better).  That is pretty much all our entire group has gotten tickets for over the last 30 years.  If that is called being hassled, so be it.  I want the dirtbags gone, they will ruin all off road areas eventually.  They don't care about closed areas as well, if and when they learn to dune, I could see them on night rides in the North of 78 me they ride every weekend in the closed to off road areas around my house.
I'm looking at the bolded sentence and the underlined sentence and they seem to contradict each other. You don't consider a BLM ranger with an attitude writing a bogus ticket to be a bad experience? Is it just the cost of going to Glamis?

I also want the dirtbags gone, but you're not one of the dirtbags, neither is anyone else in this thread, but we're more likely to get a ticket for no whip or missing pass than a real dirtbag is to get hassled for drunk driving with a collision or even a fatality, or a big loud group at Olds with a huge pile of beer cans at their feet. BLM rangers are allergic to anyone who might actually be committing a real crime or looks halfway scary. 

Did it really work? How many family's said screw it and went other places where they didn't have to worry about zero tolerance while on vacation.  The first time your on the wrong side of one of there zero tolerance power trips  you will pack it up and relocate to a spot that doesn't have zero tolerance.

Unfortunately it will be family's like yours that leave before the "criminal" element even gets tired of the hassle.
Hell yea. It worked. When was the last time you heard of a shooting or stabbing in the dunes? Or any other act of violence? That was early 2000s crap and it went away. And now it rears it's ugly head again. 

I'm not a victim. I get caught up on this zero tolerance policy. Then so be it. Maybe I should have been doing the right thing. I welcome enforcement. Whether me or my family gets included in it. My 16 year old son rides his bike without a flag and gets jammed up. There's a life lesson son. Follow the rules. No helmet? Get a ticket. I won't "pack up" because it's shown to make the place better and that's what I want.

I'm looking at the bolded sentence and the underlined sentence and they seem to contradict each other. You don't consider a BLM ranger with an attitude writing a bogus ticket to be a bad experience? Is it just the cost of going to Glamis?

I also want the dirtbags gone, but you're not one of the dirtbags, neither is anyone else in this thread, but we're more likely to get a ticket for no whip or missing pass than a real dirtbag is to get hassled for drunk driving with a collision or even a fatality, or a big loud group at Olds with a huge pile of beer cans at their feet. BLM rangers are allergic to anyone who might actually be committing a real crime or looks halfway scary. 
Statistically, there are more offenses of missing whips or passes as opposed to drunk driving accidents causing fatalities. Hell, there are less fatalities in glamis in a decade then there are current rigs on gecko over the 14 day camp limit. So, naturally, more tickets will be written for those violations. Which are still violations. Should minor offenses be ignored IN CASE a larger offense occurs? Not good policing if so. If I had a dollar every time I heard "there are rapists and murderers out there and you're here ' harassing ' me.  Go find them."

We all want the same thing. A safer place to take our families and ride. You want it to happen with magical unicorns and rainbows. You have a lot of faith in the human race to fix themselves. I don't unfortunately. 
