So what’s the dune report for the Halloween weekend ?

Did it or was the economy taking a nose dive in the early mid 2000's have an effect. Also in the early 2000's real cops where brought in from real police/sheriff's departments. Let's also not forget that things got out of control because there was basically zero enforcement until things got out of control.

When things got under control they dropped the real cops and yahoo's from around the country where brought in to keep the money in house. We get Forestry rangers and BLM clowns that have no clue. Also with the problem people gone the focus shifted to budget justification. Get those states so we can keep this big budget.

Today crime is rising everywhere, its not unique to the dunes. Also some of it could be the complete ineffectiveness of the BLM. If the working folks know they are a joke you know the bad guys know it. The the reality is what is happening in the dunes is a reflection of Commifornia and the other blue states and their push to emboldened criminals. 

I wish HR422 would have passed and then all law enforcement in the dunes would have been handed over to ICSO.
I don't care how it got done. It got done and I personally saw extreme amounts of enforcement. People simply can't act right anymore. Call it entitlement, call it lack of repercussions, call it stupidity. Most this site is people that try to do right and we all have a common goal to rid the place of people that don't care about it and won't take care of it. Why argue about how it gets done?

Obviously we are splitting hairs about WHO is going to do the enforcement. You've had some negative interactions with BLM officials and desire to have ICSO come in and handle it. I don't care who it is. I want it fixed. I think you're a former LEO if I'm not mistaken. If so, you know the game. You have a problem group or house, you hit it day after day until they conform to acting like civilized human beings or leave. And then the second you let up, they go right back to doing dumb $hit and you start the process all over again. It's time for the process to start again. 

I don't care how it got done. It got done and I personally saw extreme amounts of enforcement. People simply can't act right anymore. Call it entitlement, call it lack of repercussions, call it stupidity. Most this site is people that try to do right and we all have a common goal to rid the place of people that don't care about it and won't take care of it. Why argue about how it gets done?

Obviously we are splitting hairs about WHO is going to do the enforcement. You've had some negative interactions with BLM officials and desire to have ICSO come in and handle it. I don't care who it is. I want it fixed. I think you're a former LEO if I'm not mistaken. If so, you know the game. You have a problem group or house, you hit it day after day until they conform to acting like civilized human beings or leave. And then the second you let up, they go right back to doing dumb $hit and you start the process all over again. It's time for the process to start again. 
When did they let up? There are more LEO's in Glamis on a busy weekend than any station I ever worked and some covered 3 or more cities and a lot of unincorporated area. Nothing can prevent all crime. You get 300,000 people and add alcohol and in 20 years there's one shooting. That's actually pretty impressive. There isn't a city in Southern California that can go 20 months.

Years ago people asked for more cops and they got them. The majority of problem people that just camp out to party left. The heavy ranger presence stayed and they turned on the hard working people just trying to enjoy a vacation. For many years now the worst part of going to Glamis is the BLM.

Start going more often and eventually you will get your turn and when they find out what you do it will really go bad. 

When did they let up? There are more LEO's in Glamis on a busy weekend than any station I ever worked and some covered 3 or more cities and a lot of unincorporated area. Nothing can prevent all crime. You get 300,000 people and add alcohol and in 20 years there's one shooting. That's actually pretty impressive. There isn't a city in Southern California that can go 20 months.

Years ago people asked for more cops and they got them. The majority of problem people that just camp out to party left. The heavy ranger presence stayed and they turned on the hard working people just trying to enjoy a vacation. For many years now the worst part of going to Glamis is the BLM.

Start going more often and eventually you will get your turn and when they find out what you do it will really go bad. 
I do 5 or 6 trips a year so not a huge sample size but I haven't seen nearly the same amount of presence as I did in the mid 2000s. Last year, I did 5 trips on off weekends and never once saw a ranger. Now, I do not frequent the hot spots nor camp on Gecko so there efforts may be concentrated there. 

The shootings don't bother me as much. Like you said, they are so infrequent but is this in indication of what's going to come this season? You got people on other threads saying they've never seen so many people or so much trash. The videos of people fighting (excluding the stabbing and shooting; not sure they were related or not.) Someone also mentioning an influx of "eclectic" (their words) people that may not have regard for for the dunes. The unlimited government money being handed out and the ability to walk into Bert's Mega Mall and use that money to finance a brand new $40k SxS is not helping. It's a recipe for the activists and Newsome to ramp up the closure talks again. Newsome is already proved to be a dirt bag and willing to sign anything that comes across his desk. I'd rather Glamis be out of lobbyists minds and leaving trash and causing chaos is not the way to do it.

I agree with @wapawekka I remember when they closed comp, everyone moved to Olds then the BLM went full bat chit crazy and started to empty out the place at night with tons of enforcement in riot gear, helos, pepper ball guns. I haven't seen that kind of enforcement in a long time but, and I am not agreeing or disagreeing with anyone, it got rid of the strippers in broad daylight, the fire pit gauntlets, and most of the hooligans.

I agree with @wapawekka I remember when they closed comp, everyone moved to Olds then the BLM went full bat chit crazy and started to empty out the place at night with tons of enforcement in riot gear, helos, pepper ball guns. I haven't seen that kind of enforcement in a long time but, and I am not agreeing or disagreeing with anyone, it got rid of the strippers in broad daylight, the fire pit gauntlets, and most of the hooligans.
It also got people who were leaving Old's shot with pepper balls, something they still deny yet it was a LEO who was shot by one and knew what they effects were. 

It got camps raided in the middle of the night because they thought they lit off fireworks. 

It got people from Arizona stopped on Wash Road for not having a front license plate ( a personal favorite of mine, still think the guy was going to pull me out thru the window when I told him my Governor said I don't need one) 

It got people loading toys ticketed for no whip and no helmet.

Glad people are camping off gecko in the middle of a highly traveled road? Weird. But I understand you don't glamis much anymore so maybe yore confused on where they're parking (getting stuck) and setting up camp :cheers:  
First: boooooooo.  Who cares how often someone goes to Glamis?  Is there some sort of attendance requirement?

Second: camp wherever you want/dare.  Top of Olds?  Sunset Hill?  "Finish line" for the drags? Your choice.  Hope you have eyes in the back of your head....

The only "roads" you can't camp on are Gecko (and offshoots), Osbourne, whatever the road into Vendors is, and Wash Rd.  

Lots of requests for broken parts from carnage people are trying to find on FB. Saw this as well. Not to mention gun shots and knife victims. Then what sounded like a head on collision on 78. Yikes. 

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I was stuck in that driving out after spending the day in Disneyland.  The vehicles that drove by on wreckers didn't look good.  Pulled into camp at 0400.

How we’re the dunes out away from the destination spots?? 
Awesome.  Sand was soft and forgiving (unless you slowed down), dunes outside of the big guys near Olds were mostly empty.  You could tell you were close to the Swing Set or wherever because the RZR bumps got bad.

Saw a video of the back up on the 78 trying to get in from Brawley. 3 mile plus back up. People off to the side trying to four wheel thru the desert, driving past people on the wrong side of the road trying to get to the front of the line.  I am sure Gecko and the Wash's were just a blast to be in as soon as the road cleared and 3 miles of people all showed up at the same time.

Halloween has always been the kick off to crazy. Back in the 90's and early 00, Pioneer was filled to capacity with broken body parts and Dirty Bobs and Clean Jeans were filled with broken sand rails. 

After Camp RzR started though it seems that they turned the craziness up to 11.  

This ramping up of troubles though will not go well for the ISDRA, this is very reminiscent of the days of Competition Hill and the attempt to shut the entire thing down and this time we have a lot more Liberal Environmental Global Warming Types in places of power.  Don't think we will make it out the other side if they try to shut it down. 
When I passed the scorch mark that was left after the wreck at 0345, there were about 10 vehicles of all types buried to the frame around that accident.  

This was right on Gecko Road in front of the store.  Prius versus a Can Am

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Err.  One of these was in the wrong place...

After watching some of the videos posted on YouTube of Halloween weekend, it is mind blowing how many people were out there. Seems more crowded that the past Tday crowds. I could only imagine how busy it will be for Thanksgiving this year.

After watching some of the videos posted on YouTube of Halloween weekend, it is mind blowing how many people were out there. Seems more crowded that the past Tday crowds. I could only imagine how busy it will be for Thanksgiving this year.
You need to remember that most of the SxS's that broke over Halloween will not be back out until the people get there tax returns next year. 

Bruh, why jew gots the h8, dats my old ladie she no skank..... PM me for da nudes.
Bleached out Hair, Trucker Hat, Trump Orange Tan, Tats that have been too much in the Sun at the Sand Bar...

Sol would :hitit2:

Doesn't anyone remember the early 2000's? It was skank city out there, and half of em were top less........

It was a good time to be alive 😅
I Remember...and it was Glorious...those Y2K hotties were better looking too....had less mileage   :lol:


Nobody had camera phones back then, so no evidence. Probably for the better 🤣

Beautiful today, white car cracked a micro stub but still drove back to camp. She will be back in business next weekend. Good times


