So what’s the dune report for the Halloween weekend ?

Got in Friday afternoon, wash 12 was surprisingly busy by 11pm or so it was full. Went to Old's Friday around 8pm it wasn't crazy yet, hit Daddys for some food and was shocked on the way back to camp at how many camps were stuffed into the far end of the flats near the wash, 4+ haulers stuck in deep sand. 20+ camps right on the edge of wash road. made a run from Lizard to K12 at 7:30am didn't pass a single group, sat on K12 alone pretty much, saw a couple of groups run through the big bowls. Tried to stay cool through the early afternoon watching football, went back out about 3pm again not much traffic in the dunes but Olds was pretty busy. Left at 8:30am Sunday and it took almost 3 hours to get out, it was a chit show.


How we’re the dunes out away from the destination spots?? 
Beautiful, clean, the sand was soft and it wasn't  hard to find a good line on virgin sand. The trails to the major destinations were well cut in by Saturday morning.

This is not true, with these toys came big ego's and the douchebag mentality that money makes someone better than someone else... the EXACT reason we stopped going so much and only make a couple trips a year if that now. 
Those egos were always there.  Just way back then there were not as many sand toys to choose.   

Right now there are a lot of people going, but it will tapper off as work places start bringing people back into the office and now that school is back in session people do not have as much free time.  

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Those egos were always there.  Just way back there were not as many sand toys to choose.   

Right now there are a lot of people going, but it will tapper off as work places start bringing people back into the office and now that school is back in session people do not have as much free time.  
with the vax mandates, I believe many will opt to not go back if they can get around it... just my .02

wed to friday was nice sat the shitshow began.And a majority just seem to pull up park out of line and block anyone else in cause they may be too lazy to walk to their friends car too.Gets worse every year.

I see too many people that cry there's too many sheriffs. Too many rangers giving out BS tickets. Let us be. You know how you don't get less government outreach and law enforcement. Stab people. Shoot people. Cause general chaos. I'm sure those that were stabbed and shot were upstanding citizens to this community but I'll be damned if one of my family members gets caught with a stray round. 

Unpopular take coming at you. I hope law enforcement goes zero tolerance again. Straight broken windows theory. A ranger watches you drink a beer, you get stopped. You don't have a flag. Get stopped. Go 20 mph in a 10 mph zone. Get stopped. I want people to say, "eff this place, you can't do anything without being 'harassed'. I'm not coming back." Good.

I see too many people that cry there's too many sheriffs. Too many rangers giving out BS tickets. Let us be. You know how you don't get less government outreach and law enforcement. Stab people. Shoot people. Cause general chaos. I'm sure those that were stabbed and shot were upstanding citizens to this community but I'll be damned if one of my family members gets caught with a stray round. 

Unpopular take coming at you. I hope law enforcement goes zero tolerance again. Straight broken windows theory. A ranger watches you drink a beer, you get stopped. You don't have a flag. Get stopped. Go 20 mph in a 10 mph zone. Get stopped. I want people to say, "eff this place, you can't do anything without being 'harassed'. I'm not coming back." Good.
These were all the activities that got Comp shut down at night,  I would hate to see them close something else.  The "New" off roader has no clue about anything and see Glamis as a big party................... I too want a crack down again

Has any info been released regarding the Stabbing or Shooting? I dont have social meeting so I get all my news here.

Has any info been released regarding the Stabbing or Shooting? I dont have social meeting so I get all my news here.
FB had some stuff, but mostly the 911 feeds. 

Friday night there was a head on Accident on 78, which closed the highway for many hours.  AMR couldn't get to the washes, so they were being dispatched from Blythe.  There was a bunch of stuff on FB, but almost no detail.  

I would also love real detail, I don't trust anything on FB.

Yeah I go to dune.. no interest in ‘the donkey’ fest… for Thanksgiving going Friday before, whole group/family is leaving Tuesday. I have a shock therapy appointment Thanksgiving a.m. so I’ll be all by myself Tue-Thursday. 

Probably will be on foot ‘camp surfing’ if I can find a normal/fun group.. move my rig as close as I can get to shock therapy.. need to get there at like 5am… last season, got there at 6 and was 9th in line.

Gonna get tuned and bail.


Unpopular take coming at you. I hope law enforcement goes zero tolerance again. Straight broken windows theory. A ranger watches you drink a beer, you get stopped. You don't have a flag. Get stopped. Go 20 mph in a 10 mph zone. Get stopped. I want people to say, "eff this place, you can't do anything without being 'harassed'. I'm not coming back." Good.
You say that now but when you get harassed because they think the fireworks are coming from your camp and your wife has a glass bottle of salad dressing on the outside table or you get a riding without a whip and helmet ticket for loading and unloading a quad. Your going to be pissed off. 

I can say for the most part my group is pretty good about following the rules and the ones we might break we are not in your face about. 

I can drive all over town and never get nervous if I see Law Enforcement but if I see the BLM near camp, I stop whatever I am doing and go inside until they leave.  It's just not worth them trying to turn me into zero tolerance low hanging scum.  
