SCOTUS / Rowe Vs Wade / State of our Country

It is very black and white, the white people get abortions and the black people have their 13th kid on the government.............just kidding a little bit  :classic_biggrin:
Haha i get ya. Another problem to solve in another thread in another off season 😂

I’m a fan of abortion, I’d like to see it expanded to include retro-abortion up to the age of 30. Think of it as a warranty or “free trial” clause for parents. Piece
Agreed. I think we should start with voter records, anybody who voted for Biden.

The purpose of the "leak" was to energize the radical left base for the upcoming election.  Anyone think it strange that all the left politicians had their statements ready when the surprise leak happened?  Even the spontaneous protesters had professionally printed sign disparaging Alito.

The purpose of the "leak" was to energize the radical left base for the upcoming election.  Anyone think it strange that all the left politicians had their statements ready when the surprise leak happened?  Even the spontaneous protesters had professionally printed sign disparaging Alito.
That they did. 

I've not turned on the news, so I don't know what they are making it out to look like, but I'm here in DC now and the crowd is small, but they have all of the police and security in place and all of their signs and logistics in place.  Microphones, etc. 

Just when you think Republicans can win back power in DC, the far right will find a way to eff it up. 

Just when you think Republicans can win back power in DC, the far right will find a way to eff it up. 

How and why we let factions on the extreme right and left of our political spectrums dictate politics and the course of our Nation is beyond me.  The religious zealots on the right are the right's equivalent to the progressives and socialists on the left.

Before you armchair warriors jump in, I'm pro-life and very conservative.  With that said, Roe V Wade has been nothing more than a smoke and mirrors distraction to real issues for almost 50 years.  Get over it and move on.  I'm also not going to have an abortion so why is this always the hill the GOP wants to die on?  Why not focus on inflation?  Why not focus on illegals?  Why not ACTUALLY groom and create viable and electable candidates to present to the voters?  This bullsh*t of old, rich, white men with 1950's visions for America has got to go.

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Here's another thought.

I'm against abortion but...if liberals want them,  I say let them have them.  The result will be fewer future liberals and drains on our society.  The whole premise that Planned Parenthood was founded on was to provide abortions to poor and minority areas so they would not breed so much, resulting in fewer minorities in the US.

4% swing already to the left..........


Here's one that was brought up on the Twitter machine that has me thinking a bit:  Why / how did Politico get this and not the NY Times or Washington Post ? 

Here's one that was brought up on the Twitter machine that has me thinking a bit:  Why / how did Politico get this and not the NY Times or Washington Post ? 
Politico probably paid more to get the scoop.  

Politico probably paid more to get the scoop.  
Or the bigger outlets did not want to be involved with an investigation on how they obtained confidential documents from the SCOTUS?

Politico is just as liberal as the NYT and WaPo.

Just when you think Republicans can win back power in DC, the far right will find a way to eff it up. 
Don't underestimate the short attention span of the American people. The left may have pulled the trigger on this one too soon, it won't have the energy it has now in 6 months when they go to the polls.

Besides, Biden will screw up something between now and Nov that will take over the news cycle.

Don't underestimate the short attention span of the American people. The left may have pulled the trigger on this one too soon, it won't have the energy it has now in 6 months when they go to the polls.

Besides, Biden will screw up something between now and Nov that will take over the news cycle.

What makes you so sure it was the Left that leaked it  ?

Now the Dems want to pack the court again, this will be the Left rally cry for the next year

What makes you so sure it was the Left that leaked it  ?
Just an assumption on my part. I don't see any upside to leaking this for the right or center right. 

Truth is, we might not ever know the origins of the leak and it may be debated as long as "who was deep throat?". 

Just an assumption on my part. I don't see any upside to leaking this for the right or center right. 

Truth is, we might not ever know the origins of the leak and it may be debated as long as "who was deep throat?". 
It'll be old news and the "outrage" will have passed by then...?

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Or the bigger outlets did not want to be involved with an investigation on how they obtained confidential documents from the SCOTUS?

Politico is just as liberal as the NYT and WaPo.
A scoop is a scoop.  Papers still like to be the first, if the price is not steep. 

Anyone ever participated in an abortion? Will this change the thought's of someone's decision to abort or not to abort? Peace 
