SCOTUS / Rowe Vs Wade / State of our Country

I have read seen this stated in multiple places so I am not sure how much trouble they will have banning it in those states.

"If the Supreme Court does overturn Roe v. Wade, 22 states have laws or constitutional amendments that would take effect immediately or as soon as possible to ban abortion, according to Guttmacher Institute."
Waaaait. Motherpuckers. 

Those states aren’t banning abortion, they’re limiting it. Florida is said to ban. Nope. Just can’t abort after 15 weeks. I think nearly 4 months is plenty of time to determine whether or not to proceed. 4 states have “near total bans” some of which still include provisos for medical problems, psychiatric problems, incest or rape, and other items. 

I hate modern reporting. Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb. 

I don't think she should. It takes two to tango, and the law makes the biological father financially liable for that child, whether he's married to her or not. He should have some say in it. I'm not saying a man should be able to force her to have an abortion, but if he does want the child, she should give birth and allow him to raise it if they're not a couple. That's one of the inequities of our system, forcing men to support a woman for 18 yrs just because he got her pregnant. Rarely does it cost as much to raise a kid as women demand for child support. If that money went only to supporting the child, there'd be enough left over for a nice college fund.
Totally agree. Now make that argument with one of these left wing women. There are so many people that want to adopt, many many board members i know have been through it; its truly disgusting how the adoption/foster system is broken.

Society needs to start taking responsibily for their actions

breed unprotected and then don't assure you aren't pregnant before a heartbeat. Live with the consequences. Carry it and adopt it out.

Borrow 100k on a liberal arts major, pay for it.

steal, go to prison

upset someone to their face; get punched

Also, regardless of your stance on abortion, it’s not a mystery how children are made, nor mystifying how to not have them. Regardless of whether you’re serious about the person you’re humping, be an adult and be serious about planning this. The lack of accountability for actions in this country gets more and more stupefying the richer we get. 

I met a guy in the Navy who had 5 children with 3 women. He refused to pay child support, so the judge told him to join the military or go straight to jail. He chose the Navy. I had heard rumors of that happening decades ago, but I didn't think it was still happening in 1993. He complained that after they took most of his check for child support, he couldn't afford to go out and hook up with more women, so I nicknamed him G-Money.    :lol:

I met a guy in the Navy who had 5 children with 3 women. He refused to pay child support, so the judge told him to join the military or go straight to jail. He chose the Navy. I had heard rumors of that happening decades ago, but I didn't think it was still happening in 1993. He complained that after they took most of his check for child support, he couldn't afford to go out and hook up with more women, so I nicknamed him G-Money.    :lol:
Buddy’s dad was effectively Maverick from Top Gun (even flew some of the scenes). Callsign Poker, and not because he’s good at cards. Lol

Decisions have been leaked before and this is nothing new.  The media itself it making the leak out as some big deal and it is not.  There will be someone getting fired once they figure out who did it.    
Please elaborate, this is something new from the SCOTUS, maybe not lower courts but this isn't normal for the high court nor should it be. This gives the media the opportunity to charge the crazy crowds and apply political pressure when it should never have become public information till released. I hope the leak finds his/her way to a prison cell

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I’m a fan of abortion, I’d like to see it expanded to include retro-abortion up to the age of 30. Think of it as a warranty or “free trial” clause for parents. Piece

I’m a fan of abortion, I’d like to see it expanded to include retro-abortion up to the age of 30. Think of it as a warranty or “free trial” clause for parents. Piece
some are just a living abortion, AOC and Omar come to mind first...

So if my wife wants an abortion i have no say if she wants to kill my child?
I was referring to the legality and law making. The decision of the action in a marriage (normal marriage) I'm sure would be well discussed and all effected parties included.

What is actually mind boggling is that Planned Parenthood was started by an open Racist who wanted to reduce the number of minorities.  The percentage of the 63 million abortions since Roe that are minority has got to be pretty high.  Oh well, another day towards the great reset....keep your powder dry folks...

What is actually mind boggling is that Planned Parenthood was started by an open Racist who wanted to reduce the number of minorities.  The percentage of the 63 million abortions since Roe that are minority has got to be pretty high.  Oh well, another day towards the great reset....keep your powder dry folks...
The crazy thing is, in 1996 when my 1st was born we used their services for pre-natal check-ups and assistance. I can't fathom the other side of these clinics.

I was referring to the legality and law making. The decision of the action in a marriage (normal marriage) I'm sure would be well discussed and all effected parties included.
Wow you sure have alot of faith in politicians. And i couldnt disagree more. The rights of a life with its own heart beat and dna are not something to be left up to only women. That is actually im sorry to say a pretty stupid argument to make. No disrespect but thats a very woke statement for lack of a better phrasing that wouldnt be completely disrespectful.  

In what part of freedom and equality does the law provide for exclusion of a major segment of society?

Women have every right to chose to not download sperm. Beyond that its no longer just their body, their dna, or their life. Its biology/physiology 

Please elaborate, this is something new from the SCOTUS, maybe not lower courts but this isn't normal for the high court nor should it be. This gives the media the opportunity to charge the crazy crowds and apply political pressure when it should never have become public information till released. I hope the leak finds his/her way to a prison cell
Leaks of case decisions from SCOTUS have happened before going back to the Dred Scott decision. Even Roe v. Wade was leaked.  Difference back then versus today is news traveled slower.  It does not happen often, but it does happen.   It really is not a big deal and the court is not going to be swayed.   Nor is this decision going to have an effect on the mid-term elections. 

So no need for people to be up in arms about a leaked draft decision.  

No matter where you fall on the issue the bottom line is abortions will still be available to woman in all but a few states.  Even those states that will have bans may change and allow it in a very restrictive way.  If those states choose to outright ban it there will be more litigation on the issue and it might find it's way back before the Supreme Court. 

Leaks of case decisions from SCOTUS have happened before going back to the Dred Scott decision. Even Roe v. Wade was leaked.  Difference back then versus today is news traveled slower.  It does not happen often, but it does happen.   It really is not a big deal and the court is not going to be swayed.   Nor is this decision going to have an effect on the mid-term elections. 

So no need for people to be up in arms about a leaked draft decision.  

No matter where you fall on the issue the bottom line is abortions will still be available to woman in all but a few states.  Even those states that will have bans may change and allow it in a very restrictive way.  If those states choose to outright ban it there will be more litigation on the issue and it might find it's way back before the Supreme Court. 
Blame current media for the confusion on this.  According to them, 26 states will, or are likely to "ban" abortion...

(Nevermind that the "bans" will be on late term abortions, which most Americans are against).

Blame current media for the confusion on this.  According to them, 26 states will, or are likely to "ban" abortion...

(Nevermind that the "bans" will be on late term abortions, which most Americans are against).
We all know the media needs strong headlines or teasers to attract an audience.  

Stupid people make stupid decisions. If a kid is crossing state lines to get an abortion clearly they’ve proven they are probe to bad decisions and cannot be stopped. California doctors should be in prison if they operate on a minor.

if a teen performs their own abortion or back alley they should be prosecuted for murder

im done with grey area arguments. There is right and wrong. True and false. If a teen acts like an adult they should pay like one
It is very black and white, the white people get abortions and the black people have their 13th kid on the government.............just kidding a little bit  :classic_biggrin:

I saw this last night and half expected the Supreme Court building to be burned to the ground this morning.

For many, this could have just robbed any chance of Republicans taking back Congress this Fall.  Not great timing.
My feelings exactly. Happy to see Roe go, it was probably worst Supreme Court decision ever, but it is not the most pressing issue facing the country. If the country is bankrupt, over run with illegals, and trading nuke strikes with Putin, Roe v Wade won't mean much. And if the Dems keep control of Congress and pickup one or two more Senators (so Manchin doesn't matter), I absolutely think they will ditch the filibuster and pass a Federal nationwide law legalizing abortion.

Just like George Floyd/ BLM last time, they will use this issue to whip up emotions in their base to get them out to vote. Maybe even to vote more than once. 

My feelings exactly. Happy to see Roe go, it was probably worst Supreme Court decision ever, but it is not the most pressing issue facing the country. If the country is bankrupt, over run with illegals, and trading nuke strikes with Putin, Roe v Wade won't mean much. And if the Dems keep control of Congress and pickup one or two more Senators (so Manchin doesn't matter), I absolutely think they will ditch the filibuster and pass a Federal nationwide law legalizing abortion.

Just like George Floyd/ BLM last time, they will use this issue to whip up emotions in their base to get them out to vote. Maybe even to vote more than once. 
Our current President, when he was a Senator at the time of the ruling (and when he was lucid), agreed that Roe v Wade was a terrible decision, LOL.

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