Points of Interest out of Control in Glamis?

Dumont the Same, North Pole and South Pole was cool, but now having a swing-set in the dunes in the middle of my favorite run sucks, and then just adds more people in the dunes with stuck 2wd of vehicles that should not be in the dunes, 

That was a brand new funco



From an insta post:
"It’s our friends and occasional camp member funco. Front end stuffed, back end came over the top and instantly caught fire. Everyone got out, a couple scrapes and possibly a broken wrist."

Damn . . .


Check out this location: Teeter Totter at coordinates 32.972907, -115.107666.
Here is a map: BLM - Eastern Imperial County Route Map at Avenza Map Store.
He pinned it and said it is a little north of olds.
You should post those on teh FB pages, 100's of people asking for coordinates every time a new destination pops up.

Common sense won't stop the flow of what people want to do out in Glamis, this is the new trend right now...

I'm all for people having fun and doing what makes them happy....I'm not going to be that guy telling others what to do any more.

Give people what they want, consequences may come later. :dunno:

This stuff won't get the Dunes shut down, it will just become something the BLM will have to address when it gets unreasonable.

Do people not know that BLM monitors social media?



From an insta post:
"It’s our friends and occasional camp member funco. Front end stuffed, back end came over the top and instantly caught fire. Everyone got out, a couple scrapes and possibly a broken wrist."

Damn . . .

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 I could not figure out why the fire retardant did not absorb into the sand........  then it occurred to me that, its actually molten aluminum that cooled & solidified..  WOW........ 

 I could not figure out why the fire retardant did not absorb into the sand........  then it occurred to me that, its actually molten aluminum that cooled & solidified..  WOW........ 
apparently he (Jeff) had a fire suppressant system but didn't pull it bc he was more worried about getting his kids out of the car than saving the car.

apparently he (Jeff) had a fire suppressant system but didn't pull it bc he was more worried about getting his kids out of the car than saving the car.
Sorry if you thought that I was making a comment about not using the fire system.  He did what he had to, cudo's to him to get everyone out safe.  that is the #1 priority @ that point. 

My comment was more about my confusion over what I thought was retardant, but was actually molten aluminum.  How hot was it that it melted the floors out of it & the wheels off of it, and it was hot enough and molten enough to create a river of aluminum, that rolled down the sand.......  CRAZY when you think about it. 

Sorry if you thought that I was making a comment about not using the fire system.  He did what he had to, cudo's to him to get everyone out safe.  that is the #1 priority @ that point. 

My comment was more about my confusion over what I thought was retardant, but was actually molten aluminum.  How hot was it that it melted the floors out of it & the wheels off of it, and it was hot enough and molten enough to create a river of aluminum, that rolled down the sand.......  CRAZY when you think about it. 
Oh I agree - we thought the same thing at first.  Just crazy and sad.

People that think it's ok to light off fireworks, have glass bottles, litter, drive OHVs without registration, loud music after 10pm, generator running after 10pm should be held accountable as well.

Or is this just another Karen thread complaining about one thing? 
This is a stupid argument to make. Two wrongs don't make a right. The thread is specifically about destinations. Not fireworks, loud music, or anything else - start another thread about those issues.

I hate the destinations on multiple levels

Half of you are boaters... who here that thinks these are OK would be ok with anchor a memorial buoy in the channel at Havasu, Parker, Mead, or some other waterway? What about a dozen of them? Run into it in your boat or don't like the look, too bad - you should have been paying attention!

My uncle Bill loved hiking and died of testicular cancer, I'm going to screw a plaque to a sequoia or redwood in his honor and carve up a tree with a chainsaw with his likeness... Is that cool?

My bro served in Iraq and was killed in a moto accident, we are going to chisel his name into the Vietnam Memorial Wall and honor him - respect it fools!

The park down the street where my kids played kickball with the neighbor who just passed away... we are going to build a bench in the middle of the field in his memory.

I am 100% certain that everyone that has been part of erecting a memorial out there was well intentioned... I do not question that at all. The problem is that your intentions do not matter. The reason, the purpose, the intent, they do not matter.

That is OUR land... yours and mine. It belongs to 330 million red blooded Americans. Quit treating it like it belongs to you and you alone. Be considerate of other people and our shared resource and don't be a pee pee.

"Destinations" have been around a long long time. Navigating from one place to the next is actually pretty cool... driving in a straight line against the flow of the dunes is dumb (and that's what most are doing), but riding from one POI to the next is legit. There have been "destinations" in G as long as G has been a thing. You can go back to the old forums and websites that do not exist anymore and find GPS coords for all the named hills, the water fountain, the plane crash, etc... most of which was naturally occurring or placed out there long before the first RAMP in 1972.

Social media and the desire, even well intentioned, to build something on OUR property - knowingly against the rules/regs that OUR lands are managed by... it's just selfish and egotistical.  

I hate the destinations on multiple levels

Half of you are boaters... who here that thinks these are OK would be ok with anchor a memorial buoy in the channel at Havasu, Parker, Mead, or some other waterway? What about a dozen of them? Run into it in your boat or don't like the look, too bad - you should have been paying attention!

My uncle Bill loved hiking and died of testicular cancer, I'm going to screw a plaque to a sequoia or redwood in his honor and carve up a tree with a chainsaw with his likeness... Is that cool?

My bro served in Iraq and was killed in a moto accident, we are going to chisel his name into the Vietnam Memorial Wall and honor him - respect it fools!

The park down the street where my kids played kickball with the neighbor who just passed away... we are going to build a bench in the middle of the field in his memory.

I am 100% certain that everyone that has been part of erecting a memorial out there was well intentioned... I do not question that at all. The problem is that your intentions do not matter. The reason, the purpose, the intent, they do not matter.

That is OUR land... yours and mine. It belongs to 330 million red blooded Americans. Quit treating it like it belongs to you and you alone. Be considerate of other people and our shared resource and don't be a pee pee.
This is a stupid argument to make. Two wrongs don't make a right. The thread is specifically about destinations. Not boating, your Uncle Bill, kickball, or anything else - start another thread about those issues.

This is a stupid argument to make. Two wrongs don't make a right. The thread is specifically about destinations. Not boating, your Uncle Bill, kickball, or anything else - start another thread about those issues.
I did :cheers:
