Points of Interest out of Control in Glamis?

Might be time to have some fun, post one of the images right before President's day weekend to the Facebook pages and watch people go crazy.......................😁
I second this. It'd be funny and make for a great time. 

As to the sites. If it's built well it should last even the degenerates that trash stuff. The flagpoles have lasted quite a few years. The swingset is stout. I've been led to believe that the supports are 10 feet into the ground. It's not going anywhere. Whoever built it knew what they were doing and took out the necessary equipment to make it happen. Everything else seems like it was built by a tv repairman with an awesome set of tools. Therefore it turns into trash in a matter of weeks. That merry go round thing looked cool, but now it's just garbage. Same thing with that stoooopid dinosaur. A few well built destination spots doesn't translate into anyone and everyone should be allowed to put up their own piece of trash. And even the location comes into play. Putting anything just off of Gecko or in one of the washes just makes it too easy for the losers to get to.

Let me get the party started.....

Da Plane!!!

glamis plane.jpg

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No problem with the destinations, I noticed there were way less people at Old's when we were there over New Year's. I think it spreads out the crowds. People posting on social media, well that's just were we are now, hopefully that will be a passing fad. People leaving trash all over the place is a bigger problem than anything, sad to see for sure.

I'll be putting my bad girl out with a GPS coordinate.. and a treasure map to find a jar of weed ...


Might be time to have some fun, post one of the images right before President's day weekend to the Facebook pages and watch people go crazy.......................😁
Ok, I'll post it up.

"Hey, see you all at the BBB Secret spot!" (Sorry @BaBaBouy different spot, we aren't gonna show up on your doorstep! 

Or ARE we????   :bag:


We had one in Arcadia growing up. Every time I went I had to order one of their Epic Chocolate shakes, The Silver Goblet!


We went to the one in Glendale all of the time growing up.  We all got Big Boy Combo's on the way to the desert.

Ok, I'll post it up.

"Hey, see you all at the BBB Secret spot!" (Sorry @BaBaBouy different spot, we aren't gonna show up on your doorstep! 

Or ARE we????   :bag:

For sure.................don't bring Bababouy into this, the guy owes me at least a keg of beer for all the beers he has taken from me :mobeer:

When I get my SpeedSxS, I am going to take it out to the dunes and make it Point of Interest. People will come from hundreds of miles just to gaze at its beauty. Get a selfie with the elusive SpeedSxS and your likes are going to be through the roof! You might even be considered an influencer!!! Your kids will think your lit (cool for you old timers). 

People that think it's ok to light off fireworks, have glass bottles, litter, drive OHVs without registration, loud music after 10pm, generator running after 10pm should be held accountable as well.

Or is this just another Karen thread complaining about one thing? 
People actually do all that stuff? Say it ain't so... :dunno:  

You have used that fear in every single thread about everything. Ghost campers. People complaining about ghost campers. People staying over 14 days. People complaining about people staying over 14 days. People littering. People complaining about people littering. People shooting off fireworks. People complaining about people shooting off fireworks. People not buying passes. People complaining about people not buying passes. BLM over enforcement. People complaining about BLM over enforcement. People lighting Chinese candles. People complaining about people lighting Chinese candles. People building memorials in the dunes. People complaining about people building memorials in the dunes. Ad nauseum. Everything will get Glamis closed. Nobody will agree on anything. Everything you eat will kill you.

Yet here we are, with all of these earth shattering issues and Glamis is still open. At the rate things are going, Newscum will outlaw all off roading and take the green sticker money to fund free healthcare for illegal aliens. That's my prediction.
Pismo was just the start...

Pismo is a different animal.  Luckily FOOD has been very successful in their lawsuits to keep it open. 
I agree in respect to it being different but the point of the greenies coming really is the same. Any fuel we add to their fire really is on the proverbial "us" as a collective. Once this state makes up it's mind, we're not going to be able to change it. That's been proven time and time again... we vote, Sac overturns

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apparently I have been misunderstood.....some have taken it personally and that was not the objective...The point was...if people were more respectful and followed the rules just a little bit...then we wouldnt have nearly the amount of trash out in the dunes ..dont go blaming a memorial or a point of interest for the trash ..blame the losers that are disrespectful and blame the ones that dont give 2 F's about what they leave behind...those are the ones that are gonna ruin it for everyone....

Im gonna give you an example...This Sunset hill ...its real name is The Ledge...which is no biggie,...does anyone know how it was started?..that doesnt matter either..what matters is the more popular it got..it attracted the losers ...there was never any trash left behind like there is now.its absolutely terrible....and all the bullshit fighting going on up there is just stupid...again disrespectful losers ruining it for everyone

Yo is that drinking fountain still there?
Yeah, but some arseholes broke the plumbing on it...  Doesn't work.

apparently I have been misunderstood.....some have taken it personally and that was not the objective...The point was...if people were more respectful and followed the rules just a little bit...then we wouldnt have nearly the amount of trash out in the dunes ..dont go blaming a memorial or a point of interest for the trash ..blame the losers that are disrespectful and blame the ones that dont give 2 F's about what they leave behind...those are the ones that are gonna ruin it for everyone....

Im gonna give you an example...This Sunset hill ...its real name is The Ledge...which is no biggie,...does anyone know how it was started?..that doesnt matter either..what matters is the more popular it got..it attracted the losers ...there was never any trash left behind like there is now.its absolutely terrible....and all the bullshit fighting going on up there is just stupid...again disrespectful losers ruining it for everyone
Fights?  Any links? :biggrin:

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I personally like the destinations especially with the kids. It gives them something to do while us adults to adulting. We check out other people cool stuff. Glamis is so big it give variety of going to other places when we get lost in the middle of the dunes. I still get lost out there all the time but that is the fun of it!

The way I see it if the rangers dont like it, they take it down and take it way. If the duners dont like it they dont have to go to these POI.
