Points of Interest out of Control in Glamis?

I really dont mind having a few destinations spots in the dunes.  It is always nice to dune for a while then swing by the swing set,  flag pole, or tiki hut or wherever to have a road soda or catch up with friends that might not be camped with you.  I like to be able to use those destinations to call in help for a broken buggy or such also. I do get upset when people just destroy chit out there because they can’t handle a little change. Aka the tiki huts and then leave the broken pieces on the ground. I do love the stainless steel bbq in the dunes we try and hit that one every trip for a nice dune lunch.  

Whats the your problem with Flag pole?...its for the veterans to thank them for their service and besides last i checked this is American you dumb ass..its the American flag they are flying and should be respected ..

Whats wrong with swing set?...you must not have kids ..because the kids love it and so do most people out there..

the problem is disrespectful losers who think its so cool to destroy someone hard work...people have grown up going to glamis with their dad or a friend and shared some awesome memories out there..if they want to put a memorial up of someone who died some where out of the in the middle of the dunes ..so the Eff what.. respect it.. dont destroy it and there wont be any litter out in the dunes....

you "sign and cant drive" idiots with your SXS leave more trash out in the dunes than anyone..with your broken belts and broken parts ..not to mention when you light it on fire and let burn because you can no longer make the payments and make an insurance claim on it.....and if it isnt that..its while you sit at the hill with your disco lights on.. loud music ..drinking out of glass bottles and leaving them behind broken along with any other trash you brought out with you...

so you tell me whats gonna get the dunes shut down quicker....a memory tribute to someone that was respected..or some disrespectful wanna be leaving his broken chit out in the dunes and not respecting the rules just a little bit..
WOW! So now every problem in Glamis is because of us SXS owners! 

Feel like I should add...I enjoy the flagpole, switng set, and the fireman memorial points of interest...those have been their a long time and have meaning (swing set not sure on the meaning, but it's built so well I don't think of it as trash)...The issues with me are all the latest things people are putting out there and that the majority of people think it's OK.

People that think it's ok to light off fireworks, have glass bottles, litter, drive OHVs without registration, loud music after 10pm, generator running after 10pm, camp in the same spot for more than 14 days should be held accountable as well.

Or is this just another Karen thread complaining about one thing? 

I see both points of view on this. I personally feel that it is silly that people are trying to create these "new" points of interest. I saw a post on another forum where someone was looking for input and ideas on building another/new destination point. It seemed to me like they wanted something out there that they could say was their creation and tell all of their social media friends "look what we did". definitely seemed like a Newbee move to me!

Feel like I should add...I enjoy the flagpole, switng set, and the fireman memorial points of interest...those have been their a long time and have meaning (swing set not sure on the meaning, but it's built so well I don't think of it as trash)...The issues with me are all the latest things people are putting out there and that the majority of people think it's OK.
Swing set is a memorial to Art Wood.  He was one the coolest dudes and awesome sales guy for Bert's.   He was one of the first guys to offer all done up SXSs back in the Rhino days and brought that concept with him when he started working for Bert's.  He is probably the main reason Bert's became the huge dealer it is today.   

I don't mind some of the destination spots.  The newer stuff that has popped up lately seems to not last long, which is fine.

I wish the Tiki Hut was still around. 

I do agree that social media has blown up some areas.  Sunset Hill is one of those spots.  Way back when you might see 4-5 groups there and now it is a zoo that I stay away from on busy weekends.    

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Here is the deal with all of the spots. The people who want to kick all of us out of the dunes are going to use it against us. 

First and foremost it is against the rules of all BLM land to build memorials of any kind.

Those that think us evil off road enthusiast's are only doing harm to the environment with our evil polluting machines  will at some point take the BLM to court and say that they ( BLM) are not doing there job protecting the ISDRA from people building all of these memorials.  At that point the BLM will have to do what to some is the unthinkable. Remove the Swing Set, the Firemen Memorial at Brawley Slide,  The Vets Memorial/ Flag Pole and every other memorial. At that point the easiest way for the BLM to prevent from being taken back to court and sued for not doing there job will be for them to close off the ISDRA permanently to all the people who are leaving these in the dunes.  So if we keep building these things they all will go away and if they( The Duning Community) continue to build them it's going to be game over.

Think about it how long would a Merry-go-round, Tiki Bar, See-saw, Swing Set, Dinosaur, Air Plane or even a Flag Pole be allowed to stand in on any other BLM land . Hell most of those places will arrest you if your caught spreading somebody's ashes. 

The same is going to happen with all of the trash being left behind at Old's, The Ledge, Swing-set and camping area's.  They ( Eco-Nazi's) are going to claim that the BLM is not competent to perform there job keeping the rules enforced. 

One part of me likes the cool-factor of destinations and having a consistent spot that's recognizable outside of GPS coords or huge hills.

Another part of me is worried these will be used against us in manners I know will work, but definitely don't want to post how on the fonking Internet.

Here is the deal with all of the spots. The people who want to kick all of us out of the dunes are going to use it against us. 

The same is going to happen with all of the trash being left behind at Old's, The Ledge, Swing-set and camping area's.  They ( Eco-Nazi's) are going to claim that the BLM is not competent to perform there job keeping the rules enforced. 
You have used that fear in every single thread about everything. Ghost campers. People complaining about ghost campers. People staying over 14 days. People complaining about people staying over 14 days. People littering. People complaining about people littering. People shooting off fireworks. People complaining about people shooting off fireworks. People not buying passes. People complaining about people not buying passes. BLM over enforcement. People complaining about BLM over enforcement. People lighting Chinese candles. People complaining about people lighting Chinese candles. People building memorials in the dunes. People complaining about people building memorials in the dunes. Ad nauseum. Everything will get Glamis closed. Nobody will agree on anything. Everything you eat will kill you.

Yet here we are, with all of these earth shattering issues and Glamis is still open. At the rate things are going, Newscum will outlaw all off roading and take the green sticker money to fund free healthcare for illegal aliens. That's my prediction.

When I get my SpeedSxS, I am going to take it out to the dunes and make it Point of Interest. People will come from hundreds of miles just to gaze at its beauty. Get a selfie with the elusive SpeedSxS and your likes are going to be through the roof! You might even be considered an influencer!!! Your kids will think your lit (cool for you old timers). 





You have won the day! Now I need those GPS coordinates!!
Funny story, after I did these, I posted on my instagram and it seems some people thought the Bob's Big Boy was really there!


Uh yeah...just head over the sandy hill thing by the weed, then head due south by way of the sun for 4 clicks and 3 fathoms till you get to the dunes that connect in a spiral, (Clockwise spiral...this isn't Australia), Check the wind while facing southeast by northwest on one foot till you start to fall over. When you land on the ground, reach out with your hand not holding your beverage and point (pinky finger out) and that will get you the right direction...if you fell the right way!


Funny story, after I did these, I posted on my instagram and it seems some people thought the Bob's Big Boy was really there!


Uh yeah...just head over the sandy hill thing by the weed, then head due south by way of the sun for 4 clicks and 3 fathoms till you get to the dunes that connect in a spiral, (Clockwise spiral...this isn't Australia), Check the wind while facing southeast by northwest on one foot till you start to fall over. When you land on the ground, reach out with your hand not holding your beverage and point (pinky finger out) and that will get you the right direction...if you fell the right way!

Might be time to have some fun, post one of the images right before President's day weekend to the Facebook pages and watch people go crazy.......................😁

Funny story, after I did these, I posted on my instagram and it seems some people thought the Bob's Big Boy was really there!


Uh yeah...just head over the sandy hill thing by the weed, then head due south by way of the sun for 4 clicks and 3 fathoms till you get to the dunes that connect in a spiral, (Clockwise spiral...this isn't Australia), Check the wind while facing southeast by northwest on one foot till you start to fall over. When you land on the ground, reach out with your hand not holding your beverage and point (pinky finger out) and that will get you the right direction...if you fell the right way!

When we were kids we ate at the BBB at Chris town Mall. Good times.

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