Points of Interest out of Control in Glamis?


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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I am trying to understand why people think it's cool to setup their own points of interest...swing set, various flag poles, etc.  Before the good old internet was around this was not as big of a deal, but now every year someone puts something in the middle of the dunes and posts is to the point it's become a trend.  Latest was the marry-go-round that is now broke and is more or less trash out in the dunes.  How does someone not think this will just lead to more rules, more closures, etc.

If you're one of those people that thinks it's cool please help me to understand.  I don't get it - but it seems like more people this k it cool vs not.  I cant help but feel every year at Glamis might be my last because they will shut it down due to so many idiots.


I do think having a few out there is kind of cool, because it gives us something to shoot for.  most of our rides are "beat it up on the way to the flag pole, then a short break & head over to the the dunes over by Brawley" or something like that. 

But....... Yea there is such a thing as too much.  even the existing ones are getting kind of junkied up with everyones own personal memorial to "the next guy".... 

Social media and noobs are to blame.

And yes, the few OG spots have been riddled with bullshit "memorials".  No offense to those that have stapled memories up to every piece of equipment they can find out there.

I'm not a huge fan, I prefer to go on a ride without a destination. Find a good line, run it till it's dead, take a short break and repeat. 

Lately I actually like the various destinations. People go sit there all day and the dunes are less crowded, just stay away from them.

I'm not a huge fan, I prefer to go on a ride without a destination. Find a good line, run it till it's dead, take a short break and repeat. 

Lately I actually like the various destinations. People go sit there all day and the dunes are less crowded, just stay away from them.
I guess that is one good thing, let people ride to these places and sit while I'm out riding

We've got a couple spots/things that we use as a "destination".  I just don't post up online, generally.   I share with this group on occasion. 

People that think it's ok to light off fireworks, have glass bottles, litter, drive OHVs without registration, loud music after 10pm, generator running after 10pm should be held accountable as well.

Or is this just another Karen thread complaining about one thing? 

A lot of folks don't understand the concept of just going for a ride and hoping for good lines. They HAVE to have a destination prior to leaving camp. So naturally the same path to the swingset gets boring after a while. Too bad for them as they are missing out, some of my best rides have been to nowhere in particular.

People that think it's ok to light off fireworks, have glass bottles, litter, drive OHVs without registration, loud music after 10pm, generator running after 10pm should be held accountable as well.

Or is this just another Karen thread complaining about one thing? 
They're going to relocate this and rebuild on Roadrunner.  Rumor is, rules don't apply there and everyone is welcome....

Personally, I don't care much about all these things.  They destroy themselves and give us something to countdown on.  I dont think think they risk getting all of ISDRA shutdown.  

Its just another way for people to portray a fake life over social media. 

Pretend everyone had to turn in their cell phone before they entered a spot like the swing set. Or before they go to sunset hill. Think it would be as crowded? I sure dont. I honestly think a majority of folks cant wait to get to these spots just so they can post a picture of it. 

Its just another way for people to portray a fake life over social media. 

Pretend everyone had to turn in their cell phone before they entered a spot like the swing set. Or before they go to sunset hill. Think it would be as crowded? I sure dont. I honestly think a majority of folks cant wait to get to these spots just so they can post a picture of it. 

We stumbled across the merry go round thing a couple of weekends ago on our way back to our camp in wash 10. We let the kids ride on it and immediately saw this thing isn’t gonna last and is going to be trash in 2 weeks. We were right. 
My kids love destinations. We usually hit up the swing set first ride of the morning, get it out of their system and never see it again. To me, that is the only one that is going to last out there because of how well it was built. It can stand up to the weather and people use a lot better then the wood ones.

Whats the your problem with Flag pole?...its for the veterans to thank them for their service and besides last i checked this is American you dumb ass..its the American flag they are flying and should be respected ..

Whats wrong with swing set?...you must not have kids ..because the kids love it and so do most people out there..

the problem is disrespectful losers who think its so cool to destroy someone hard work...people have grown up going to glamis with their dad or a friend and shared some awesome memories out there..if they want to put a memorial up of someone who died some where out of the in the middle of the dunes ..so the Eff what.. respect it.. dont destroy it and there wont be any litter out in the dunes....

you "sign and cant drive" idiots with your SXS leave more trash out in the dunes than anyone..with your broken belts and broken parts ..not to mention when you light it on fire and let burn because you can no longer make the payments and make an insurance claim on it.....and if it isnt that..its while you sit at the hill with your disco lights on.. loud music ..drinking out of glass bottles and leaving them behind broken along with any other trash you brought out with you...

so you tell me whats gonna get the dunes shut down quicker....a memory tribute to someone that was respected..or some disrespectful wanna be leaving his broken chit out in the dunes and not respecting the rules just a little bit..

As a kid our destination spots were the Beachstore (tshirt shop, pizza or showers), Vendor row, Sweet Marie's, the Canal and Boardmanville.

Only because Vet's Ceremony did I ever go to the flagpole.

I don't get out enough to spend time hanging out at spots in Glamis vs just riding or relaxing in camp.

I get the appeal they have, social media is a huge reason they get crazy like they have as well.

Has it been cleaned up yet? Or is that trash just going lay there until the BLM  gets a contractor to clean it up?

Whats the your problem with Flag pole?...its for the veterans to thank them for their service and besides last i checked this is American you dumb ass..its the American flag they are flying and should be respected ..

Whats wrong with swing set?...you must not have kids ..because the kids love it and so do most people out there..

the problem is disrespectful losers who think its so cool to destroy someone hard work...people have grown up going to glamis with their dad or a friend and shared some awesome memories out there..if they want to put a memorial up of someone who died some where out of the in the middle of the dunes ..so the Eff what.. respect it.. dont destroy it and there wont be any litter out in the dunes....

you "sign and cant drive" idiots with your SXS leave more trash out in the dunes than anyone..with your broken belts and broken parts ..not to mention when you light it on fire and let burn because you can no longer make the payments and make an insurance claim on it.....and if it isnt that..its while you sit at the hill with your disco lights on.. loud music ..drinking out of glass bottles and leaving them behind broken along with any other trash you brought out with you...

so you tell me whats gonna get the dunes shut down quicker....a memory tribute to someone that was respected..or some disrespectful wanna be leaving his broken chit out in the dunes and not respecting the rules just a little bit..
No need to call me a dumbass - and there's nothing wrong with the flagpole...It's that every douche with a cell phone wants to put up something to be the next cool person on the block...it's getting out of control...They shut down a large portion of the dunes because of a plant if you didnt know...what happens when someone leaves trash that an environmentalist will just use as fuel to shut more things down....think about it.

So you're saying that painted dino someone left that the BLM had to pick up a few months back...old telephone poles with razor seats, that supposedly broke and as a result broke a kids arm  (the pic on my post) - I should respect it?  Are you kidding me haha? You can honestly say putting that stuff in the dunes is a good thing for the sport?  wow

Well flagpole was an old bombing box been there before many here began going to the dunes.Swingset im fine with made well and built to last it aint some cheap ass chit thats gonna break in 2 weeks.

We hit the swingset every trip but old days it was comp or olds then the store or wherever somene broke down at,But lot of little stuff is getting out of control
