Park Like a Douche

:clap:  Well done Super Douche!

Yep, took up 2 corner spots AND encroached on the adjacent spot.  This is the only parking for 5 businesses in that strip mall too.

Probably pushed the door panel into correct alignment anyway... :biggrin:
Possibly caused by the AH in the silver Honda....whose plate ends in 2581 who parked on the line.

I had no idea that was your truck - I was trying to reach the phone number on that van - they never answer 😀
LOL.  My admin forwarded a call we got from an angry motorist to me while I was driving up to China Lake in the company truck.  Lady was complaining to me that I cut her off (I didn't, rush hour traffic into a merge lane, zipper rule and all, but she sure didn't like it based on the length of the horn blast). 

"WHAT?! That's the third call this week about that employee's driving!  Sorry ma'am, won't happen again, he won't be with this company anymore"

"Wait, no, it wasn't that bad, just wanted you to know is all"

"Nope.  3 calls in a week is too many.  I'll let him know he needs to turn around right now.  Thanks for bringing this to my attention."

(Had to exit ahead anyway)

Came out of my meeting today in SFO and wala !!! Some Jackazz in a Tesla does this. My Rental in the Blue Nissan parked correctly. I really had to push that door hard to get in / Oh well........ :dunno: ............ I sincerely hope I didn't leave a dent in that beautiful Electric Vehicle! !


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SFO you say? You should have left a San Fran sidewalk treat (a turd, apparently its a thing they do to welcome people) tucked under his wiper blade , to fit in with the locals of course.
