Old Guy Talk...Growing old is not for the weak.

All the things to look forward too, lol. I was out at the dunes a few weeks back with my grandpa. Hes 85 and still leading the pack. just had a stint put in due to a minor stroke a couple weeks before the trip... its hard to watch him walk around slowly, especially through the sand. "gettin old is tough!.... I would have been ok to go at 70." - He has said this to me now multiple times, but hes a super healthy dude. Still works on those big quilting machines, eats plenty of garlic and butter with everything, never drank or smoked... not what he use to be but hes ok with it and so is everyone in the group. Im only 31, actually been thinking about my health since that trip, lucky for me I throw hot tires around most the day so its a decent work out. 

Whos the oldest on here?
@JDMeister he is closing in on 90

Looking for some solid/constructive input.  I know this can be personal but if you have any personal experiences, please share or PM me.

Confession - I'm 54, I'm tore up. Anyone who know me or have heard of me, know I have lived my life burning the candle at both ends.  It's caught up to me.  I drank like a fish, I like to eat and when it comes to physical fitness, I'm lazy. 

Current day - I have constant pain issues, health issues keep stacking up.  I barely eat now but can't lose weight.  I barely sleep.  My primary care doctor has me on a few pills because of blood work and some issues (migraines, high cholesterol, high uric acid, high potassium).  He assured me these are all light doses and the blood work shows they're working.  I should also state, I rarely drink anymore.  Apparently my quest to drink all the alcohol in the world was fruitless as they keep making more and I can no longer handle hangovers. 

I also see a pain management team.  My pain management doctor told me I need to come off my meds as they "could be causing" several of my issues.  In turn, he is also recommending testosterone treatment as that can help with inflammation, sleep, body repair, etc... plus I'm getting older.

So my question, how many of you have faced this or are facing this?  How did you handle it/how have you thought of handling it?  I don't see my doctor as a pill pusher, but there has to be another way.  
- High cholesterol - Eat better and workout.  Drink more water.  But as I mentioned, I'm lazy.  So this is a personal motivation issue.
- High uric acid - Better diet, drink more water and lose weight.
- High potassium - This is a tough one.  Better diet and drink more water.  Even the "natural remedies" state you might need medication.  Of all of these issues, high/low potassium will kill you.

Any thoughts or inputs here would be great.

Get back on the road to physical fitness!

I turned 48 recently and I'm in excellent shape after dropping 55lbs. via diet and exercise over the past 18 months.

No meds at all.  Health is excellent! HR is that of an average 28yo.

I wake up at 3am and in the gym by 3:40am.  I do 20 minutes of warm-up cardio at 10*/3mph.  Then do weights.  Then if I'm up to it, another 20 after.

M-Th: chest/tri; back/bi; shoulders/deadlifts; legs.  8-10 exercises: 4 x 20

F-Sun: chest/tri; back/bi; deadlifts/shoulders etc..  6-8 exercises: 4 x 10

I do combination of weights and functional exercise (burpees, box jumps, pull-ups, dips, etc.)

Drink a 1-1.5 gallons of water/day and consume 140-180 grams protein/day.

I drink liquor (151 rum w/ D. Coke) on Friday and Saturday evenings.

You have to want it!

Here's a pic from Jan of this year.  I'm even leaner now with shadows of a 6-pack abs.

The hardest part was admitting I needed to make a change and dumping my ego knowing I was starting from scratch.

Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 4.32.03 PM.png

Played Golf Tuesday / Thursday this week. Playing a two day tourney sat / sun. Felt good to get back out on the course. Didn't care what score I shot. Body is sore and feeling better. Love the fresh air and comradery with others. And the beers in the 19th hole were cold! Get up / Get Out! Peace 

I'm down 17lbs (Ozempic). .. have another 15-20 to go. Should be there by August (latest).


This is a great read. I agree with all said. I need to move around more than being strapped to a desk for work. Made it a point to walk more after I get home and trying to eat better but then my homies say lets go drink or wife happy hour! the joys of life!

left hand was full, used right hand to reach over to get keys out of left pocket, pinched nerve, in hell for a week!
It's every day... Wife...grab me that 6 pack of gallon waters.... WHAT you think I'm crazy.......got home, opened the pack in the car.... took em in 2 at a time... I'm no fool.... 

Daughter said I Need an "Au Pair" To Help out

Around The House.

I Said, "NO!. One Should Be Enough"...
