68 retired at 65 started riding my bike to get back in shape. I put 4500 miles on my bike in 3 years and lost almost no weight. Definitely good for you but don’t expect to loose weight. Definitely quit drinking, also eliminate all seed oils, margarine, crisco, only use real cold pressed extra virgin olive oil or cold pressed avocado oil and real butter.
The biggest positive difference I have made recently is to fast. Some people have success with 8/16 fasting. Basically two meals a day, but for a geezer like me when I started doing longer fasts like 36 to 48 hours I was shocked at how much better I felt. It was so dramatic I didn’t believe that was why I felt better. So I started eating normally again for a few weeks and then repeated the same fast, you just eat dinner, then you go the entire next day with just water and part of the following day up to dinner. Sort of dinner every other day.
I can’t tell you how much better I felt. I later found out that in 2015 a Japanese scientist won the noble peace prize for medicine. He discovered something he called autophagy (self eating) that back in our hunter days we frequently did not catch anything and our bodies quickly switched from burning calories to burning ketones (our fat stores) Not only that, the body thinks you need help finding food, so it sends it’s little soldiers to the brain to make us sharper, it improves your vision, reduces inflammation, eats cancerous cells, tries to heal old injuries, literally does everything it can do to improve your chances of finding or catching food. I did not know how f’d up my system was until I did my first 36 hrs fast. I told my wife, everything from my stomach and everything downstream was suddenly feeling absolutely great. The improvement is so dramatic that now I feel the absolute need to fast every two weeks or so. I have even lost a few pounds. My vision improved so much I passed my dmv test renewal and removed the glasses restriction on my license.
Don’t listen to the American Heart Association as they clearly want you sick. They just jumped on a study that is not peer reviewed, is based on people’s recollection of what they ate years ago (the worst kind of study scientifically), it was not controlled for smoking, drinking or anything else like exercise and based on the crap data, they concluded that fasting on 8/16 would result in a 91 % higher risk of heart attack. Give me a break, so if I reduce how much eat, I’m going to die, sounds like a study paid for by big pharma to me. Believe what you want, I believe my body. We eat far too much food and we never stop storing excess calories, more importantly we never give our bodies a rest.