Off season remodel and prep

I’ll get some pictures up asap. I can’t seem to figure out how to get pictures to load from my phone. It used to work no problem and since upgrading phones this one can’t get it done. Anyone having the same issues?

If you are adding more power, I would recommend doing a S4 swap.  :)

Came out so nice!

Enjoy...get that thing dirty!



White on black, sooo sexy.

Looks great man.

Thank you all. Dune season can’t come soon enough 

I like it!

Nice work. 

added some sea deck to the floor pans and added foam tape to all the rest of the panels this thing is 1000 times quieter absolutely recommend this stuff if you don't have any sort of sound deadening. it also feels more like an exotic car than ever. IMG_0307.JPEGIMG_0306.JPEGIMG_0308.JPEG
