Newsom staying..

Ask somebody to sign a petition to recall easy to do, Shutdowns, French Laundry, Taxes blah blah blah, lets get this bum out of here. Not a hard sell

Getting them go out and vote, gets a little harder

 Remember that is a state that voted in new higher gas taxes with no future vote needed to raise them again. Did anyone ever think that the leftest lemmings would ever break from the party line ?  

Prop. 13 seems to be the one thing in California we all agree on.  It shall stay.  
I hope that is true, but they have been chipping away @ it for a long time now... JMHO, its only a matter of time...

My wife ans I have considered selling our place here and buying a townhouse(or something like that) and buying a house out of state and using that as our primary residence (but more than likely I’d never be there). But also where can you move that isn’t on the edge of going toxic?
make sure you do your homework...........  I used to crew for a guy that had a residence in NM & CA & he physically had to spend some X amount of time in NM... credit card purchases, traffic tickets, now days there its very easy to figure out folks locations...

make sure you do your homework...........  I used to crew for a guy that had a residence in NM & CA & he physically had to spend some X amount of time in NM... credit card purchases, traffic tickets, now days there its very easy to figure out folks locations...
Thanks and will do for sure. If my family were to go down this road they would live primarily at the out of state home anyways. Ideally I would buy something in Havasu but AZ is seems to be getting weird as well. 

Thanks and will do for sure. If my family were to go down this road they would live primarily at the out of state home anyways. Ideally I would buy something in Havasu but AZ is seems to be getting weird as well. 
Havasu's full

silicon valley and so ca where EVERY SINGLE VOTER us democrat
I'm in the SV (just bought a home in Vegas but still use my apartment in Palo Alto as my primary address - for now), I promise I am not a Dem. 😉 And as I posted before everybody I spoke to voted YES on the recall, even my more liberal colleagues.  It's fishy as all hell, but it just doesn't matter anymore.  Whether is illegals voting, actual voter fraud, or actually 64% of Californians think NewCUM is doing a good job, all options are bad, bad, bad.  I'm going to keep gettin' while the gettin' is good career wise for a few more years, living split between Vegas and SV... then I'm the Eff out. 


Saw this gem of an article today: 

What?  Idiots.  Way to be a parotting mouthpiece...  Raww! DONALD TRUMP! Raaaaw!

He was recalled because:

  • COVID murder of everything business wise
  • Stupid income taxes that are getting worse
  • Stupid fuel taxes yet worst roads in the union (
  • Stupid registration taxes (I pay $140/year to register a 24 year old Jeep...)
  • Exploding homeless population

Not because people like Trump here.  Morons.

Illegals are not out voting :lol:  ....why is that such a boogeyman to folks come voting time.

The Recall didn't go thru...which sucks donkey slong.....but blame "America" as a whole.

Voter Apathy is the number 1 cause every election, then all the other bs.

This is the one that scares me. My property taxes will go up $1,000 per month. 
They have put it on the ballot twice so you get use to the idea. Next time it will pass the same way Newsom beat Cox and the recall and Biden won the election. 

The reality is if we actually owned our homes and land we would not have to pay to keep the government from taking it. We are all just renters in this country. 

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Same issue with the kids as well,16 year old daughter and 12 year old son…neither one of them care for the way they are taught in school or most of the way the all of the kids act in school. They would be fine moving out and starting at a new school. 
My real issue is my job (I’m in SAG as a stunt performer and Local 80 grip) so I’m building 2 pensions (25 years in both) but I’m only 47 so I can’t bail out this early…I’d be leaving to much on the table. 
My wife ans I have considered selling our place here and buying a townhouse(or something like that) and buying a house out of state and using that as our primary residence (but more than likely I’d never be there). But also where can you move that isn’t on the edge of going toxic? We went out to Lake Travis Texas last summer and liked it,but Austin is near by and it’s turning soft. Maybe Florida,DeSantis seems to have his chit together but how long will that last? 
Hasn't Hollywood basically moved out of the state as well?  Find a state/ city where you can keep working. It might not be as much as you are now but enough to keep your eligibility for your pension. Then while your in the new location find a job that allows you to go do the other job. You might not work as much as you are now but you won't need the big salary to live someplace where the cost of living is a lot less.

Check out Idaho. You can still get your dune fix at St Anthony's. 
Idaho was a major destination for CA refugees until house got as expensive there as they are in CA. You have to go pretty far out from the major cities to find reasonable prices. I watched us get priced out of Utah and Prescott AZ. We bought in Texas and with in a month the house has jumped 25K. Tennessee and Florida are also major hot spots with booming housing markets. 

Same issue with the kids as well,16 year old daughter and 12 year old son…neither one of them care for the way they are taught in school or most of the way the all of the kids act in school. They would be fine moving out and starting at a new school. 
My real issue is my job (I’m in SAG as a stunt performer and Local 80 grip) so I’m building 2 pensions (25 years in both) but I’m only 47 so I can’t bail out this early…I’d be leaving to much on the table. 
My wife ans I have considered selling our place here and buying a townhouse(or something like that) and buying a house out of state and using that as our primary residence (but more than likely I’d never be there). But also where can you move that isn’t on the edge of going toxic? We went out to Lake Travis Texas last summer and liked it,but Austin is near by and it’s turning soft. Maybe Florida,DeSantis seems to have his chit together but how long will that last? 
We started looking at Idaho Falls, ID and Tonopah, AZ as a couple of possible options. And yeah, we would basically be leaving a ton of income on the table and have to start over from scratch very likely earning significantly less than half what we do now.

Hasn't Hollywood basically moved out of the state as well?  Find a state/ city where you can keep working. It might not be as much as you are now but enough to keep your eligibility for your pension. Then while your in the new location find a job that allows you to go do the other job. You might not work as much as you are now but you won't need the big salary to live someplace where the cost of living is a lot less.
It’s a slippery slope working out of town. I primarily work out of town as a stunt performer(SAG),but if I want to work as a grip(local 80) it’s much more difficult,as there is almost always a local union that has the job. 

Ive done quite a bit of work in Atlanta as a stunt performer,but if I wanted to grip I’d have to be in Atlanta’s grip union. Which they are also IATSE,not sure how the whole process is to transfer unions.

We're struggling with the same thing but it's compounded by having a 9yr old. If it were just the 2 of us, I'd be gone tomorrow. Eff the job(been at mine for 27 years) I'll either start  my own in my trade or learn something new. You're never tool old to learn a new skill.
Just do it. He is 9 he will be better off in a new state/school anyway. From the time I was 9 till I graduated I went to like 6 different schools.  After one semester he will of forgotten all about the California School. Do you really want to stay for another 9 years till he graduates from High School, Then what happens when he can't afford to go to out of state schools  and has to stay in California? 

Just get out now before he makes it cost you money to leave. She can get a job anywhere in the southwest and you have enough experience to do lots of things you just need to put on your big boy pants and do it already.

My friend is from Idaho and he bought some nice land with a little A frame on it 10 years ago because he eventually wanted to go back. He went to pull a permit to expand it and they didn't charge much and didn't care about the engineering on it. They told him they won't even inspect when it's done. They said if it falls down it's your own fault. Now he says because so many people have come up there that when he put a RV outlet on his power pole about a month later he got a letter from the building and safety that he must pull a permit and have it inspected or it must be removed. He's pissed, said way too many have moved up there and it's turning to chit like everywhere else. Prices are getting stupid, plus more rules. He's beginning to hate it.
