Newsom staying..

This state is lost... hope the country wakes up, but have my doubts.  

A moderate conservative is called a Democrat.  The power structure in this state has put a lock on its power... here come the gun bans and the taxes and bye bye fossil fuels... Get out while you can.

Now comes the Fun..Do we just take it and do nothing or organize and take these effers out? Time for massive street protests..These A-Holes all have to go...
We continue to organize and support the Republican party, but we need a Republican that can win.  As of right now, the Republican party spends no money in CA to support their candidates, while the Democrats spend millions.  Fact is, whoever spends more money and spreads more lies wins.  We had a small opportunity with this Recall, but as soon as Elder become involved we lost.  The Democratic party had someone they could tear apart in the media.  Elder is too far to the right to win, and he polarized all the moderates.  At the end of the day, if we want to take back this state or Country, the Republicans need a Moderate right now, being on the Trump bandwagon will guarantee a loss right now.

Only 38% of voters in Riverside County voted, pathetic.  That being said the numbers are close, we need start with the positives and take each county at a time.  Here are Riverside County numbers.















Total Votes




Only 38% of voters in Riverside County voted, pathetic.  That being said the numbers are close, we need start with the positives and take each county at a time.  Here are Riverside County numbers.















Total Votes



Or like in iFly's case they mailed them and the registrar has no record. This is fraud at it's finest... the postal service is obviously up the left's ass so why do we trust them?

In general, the Democrat Counties voted at a higher rate than the Republican counties (not like there are many anymore)

People really think it was voter fraud that allowed Newsome to skate? Not the fact the state predominantly votes for Democrats by wide margins or the fact the front runner for the alternative is a person a democrat can not stomach?   Let's be honest.  The only reason the recall petition got enough signatures was we were in complete lockdown and Newsome was caught at the French Laundry.  The petition to recall Newsome was started before the pandemic and the pandemic is what got it some traction.  Only 1.5 million signatures were needed, which is not much.   They got 1.7 signatures. Double that amount voted to recall Newsome yesterday.  

When the reality of the recall election hit Newsome announces the state will be reopening and he does not do anything completely outrageous for a few months.   Now he finds out he is running against a bunch of second rate people and the front runner is Larry Elder.  Larry Elder is way to conservative on many issues that democrats, that were thinking of recalling Newsome, could deal with.   The reality is there were no good alternative candidates out there that would sway a democrat to vote for that person.  

Yes Newsome got a high percentage of the votes in this election, but that is because the voter turn out was not great.  He received less votes than when he won the election in 2018

Ask somebody to sign a petition to recall easy to do, Shutdowns, French Laundry, Taxes blah blah blah, lets get this bum out of here. Not a hard sell

Getting them go out and vote, gets a little harder

Then you have 40 some people running and lots of people start thinking to themselves, it's not really that bad and if the other guy gets in it might be a lot worse..    Now it turns into a harder sell. 

All I hope is this tarnishes the little turd so he doesn't try to go national, Doubt it did.

This was my last glimmer of hope for CA.  I voted for Meg Whitman, John Cox, Elder, etc.  Unfortunately, the best option IMO is to leave CA.....  I don't know a single person that voted 'NO' on the recall...... If you look at the voting county by county, there must be areas of silicon valley and so ca where EVERY SINGLE VOTER us democrat.  Mathematically, I cannot wrap my head around the huge loss.......   😞

This was my last glimmer of hope for CA.  I voted for Meg Whitman, John Cox, Elder, etc.  Unfortunately, the best option IMO is to leave CA.....  I don't know a single person that voted 'NO' on the recall...... If you look at the voting county by county, there must be areas of silicon valley and so ca where EVERY SINGLE VOTER us democrat.  Mathematically, I cannot wrap my head around the huge loss.......   😞
agreed! we're gonna streamline our plan to GTFO of here.

Sad day for Cali for sure

at least you were able to get it on the ballot here in Oregon they always figure out a way to throw  out enough signatures to keep the recall off the ballot not sure the outcome would be any different than yours if it did make the ballot but it sure would be nice to find out Brown is a  communist thru and thru  and that sucks for us same as Newscum sucks for Cali 

Sorry it didn’t go the other way for you all 

California hasn't had a real election in many years. The 4 crime families of California,  since 60 have only cemented their hold and destruction of the state. Things have only gotten worse and they will continue to get worse. Prop 13 will be gone in a year and over night, tens of thousands of people will not be able to afford their homes. Only a lot of blood and bullets will stop what is happening. I knew nothing would come from a recall and bailed out last November. So glad to be out of the endless nightmare that is CA. It's was a great and beautiful place to live for 45 years but democRats have destroyed it.

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How do you guys move out of the state when your job is in California? 
I work in the Motion Picture Industry,based primarily in the Los Angeles area,but I also do a lot of traveling for my job. I can’t imagine being always away from my family just to try and escape this mess. I’m still 10-15 years out from retirement,so I’m curious how do make the escape now. 
It would make my wife and family happier to leave this chit,but can’t see how to make it work. 

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California hasn't had a real election in many years. The 4 crime families of California,  since 60 have only cemented their hold and destruction of the state. Things have only gotten worse and they will continue to get worse. Prop 13 will be gone in a year and over night, tens of thousands of people will not be able to afford their homes. Only a lot of blood and bullets will stop what is happening. I knew nothing would come from a recall and bailed out last November. So glad to be out of the endless nightmare that is CA. It's was a great and beautiful place to live for 45 years but democRats have destroyed it.

I dont think the vast majority realize that the Getty's, Browns, Newsomes, and Pelosi's have literally had almost complete control of CA for the better part of 80 years. They are basically a mafia that runs CA. Extremely corrupt to the core. Even being paid by the cartels to help keep the drugs and sex trafficking running smoothly.

If you honestly think that the CA elections are not manipulated and fraudulent you obviously aren't paying attention. 


I dont think the vast majority realize that the Getty's, Browns, Newsomes, and Pelosi's have literally had almost complete control of CA for the better part of 80 years. They are basically a mafia that runs CA. Extremely corrupt to the core. Even being paid by the cartels to help keep the drugs and sex trafficking running smoothly.

If you honestly think that the CA elections are not manipulated and fraudulent you obviously aren't paying attention. 
100% true. POS Pelosi’s dad was a heroin smuggler/dealer with “Lucky” Luchiano. 

Their dirty was have run deep for a long time..chit is rooted in. 

How do you guys move out of the state when your job is in California? 
I work in the Motion Picture Industry,based primarily in the Los Angeles area,but I also do a lot of traveling for my job. I can’t imagine being always away from my family just to try and escape this mess. I’m still 10-15 years out from retirement,so I’m curious how do make the escape now. 
It would make my wife and family happier to leave this chit,but can’t see how to make it work. 
We're struggling with the same thing but it's compounded by having a 9yr old. If it were just the 2 of us, I'd be gone tomorrow. Eff the job(been at mine for 27 years) I'll either start  my own in my trade or learn something new. You're never tool old to learn a new skill.

We're struggling with the same thing but it's compounded by having a 9yr old. If it were just the 2 of us, I'd be gone tomorrow. Eff the job(been at mine for 27 years) I'll either start  my own in my trade or learn something new. You're never tool old to learn a new skill.
Same issue with the kids as well,16 year old daughter and 12 year old son…neither one of them care for the way they are taught in school or most of the way the all of the kids act in school. They would be fine moving out and starting at a new school. 
My real issue is my job (I’m in SAG as a stunt performer and Local 80 grip) so I’m building 2 pensions (25 years in both) but I’m only 47 so I can’t bail out this early…I’d be leaving to much on the table. 
My wife ans I have considered selling our place here and buying a townhouse(or something like that) and buying a house out of state and using that as our primary residence (but more than likely I’d never be there). But also where can you move that isn’t on the edge of going toxic? We went out to Lake Travis Texas last summer and liked it,but Austin is near by and it’s turning soft. Maybe Florida,DeSantis seems to have his chit together but how long will that last? 

Same issue with the kids as well,16 year old daughter and 12 year old son…neither one of them care for the way they are taught in school or most of the way the all of the kids act in school. They would be fine moving out and starting at a new school. 
My real issue is my job (I’m in SAG as a stunt performer and Local 80 grip) so I’m building 2 pensions (25 years in both) but I’m only 47 so I can’t bail out this early…I’d be leaving to much on the table. 
My wife ans I have considered selling our place here and buying a townhouse(or something like that) and buying a house out of state and using that as our primary residence (but more than likely I’d never be there). But also where can you move that isn’t on the edge of going toxic? We went out to Lake Travis Texas last summer and liked it,but Austin is near by and it’s turning soft. Maybe Florida,DeSantis seems to have his chit together but how long will that last? 
Check out Idaho. You can still get your dune fix at St Anthony's. 
