I agree! Unless you live in a place where you want to ride in the summer time, why buy at a premium just to sit in the garage until October, all the while making payments.
I also think you will see more inventory by the end of the year. Not sure if that will equate to sales, deals, 0% interest etc.. But it might take the mark up over MSRP off that your seeing right now. That mark up is strictly a supply and demand fee and the dealers can get it. Once inventory gets out no one will pay a mark up Fee.
Veys in El Cajon is a Can Am, Kawi and soon to be Speed dealer. They said right now the cars they have coming in already have deposits on them. Basically sold before they get delivered. I did not ask, but I’m sure they have charged over MSRP
Now with all this said I did have a friend in AZ just buy a Arctic Cat XX. Not sure if the dealer, but it was a new 21 and he said he got it for $19,000 plus fees. I think MSRP was $19.9? So while not a deal, it was not marked up either. The main reason he got it was his nephew has a XX and he was so surprised at the ride vs his RZR, plus he has a prosthetic robot leg and the XX is easier and more comfortable for him. He had a buyer for his RZR that sold for only a few grand less then the new XX. He said basically he got a new UTV for a few thousand dollars.