Is there any Human/Civil Rights Atty's on the board?

Sir, your post holds no facts or links to facts, you hold no position of recognized expertise, therefore I find you post to be misinformation. 

I think you sharpe enough to see what I did there. :toofunny:

If we where free to make a choice we would be having this conversation. If the vaccine protected the protected the protected wouldn't care what the unprotected do. Just my opinion!
I didn't want to quote anyone's post and make an example out of them. The fact is, if it's true, you'll be able to find the source somehow, even if you have to use a different search engine.

A lot of times people don't find what they're looking for because they used the wrong words in their search query. 

As for your question about what the vaccinated people are worried about, it sounds like you think that the protected are worried that the unprotected will infect them. I don't think that's the case. They're concerned that the unvaxxed will end up on a ventilator, wishing they had gotten vaxxed when they had the chance. They're not worried about themselves, they're worried the unvaxxed might end up on a ventilator.

It's like all of those warnings about drunk driving. Do they piss you off? Do you feel that the government is interfering in your life by prosecuting drunk drivers?

Or are they trying to save people's lives by trying to discourage driving drunk? What about the innocent victims of drunk drivers? Did they ask for it? Did people who end up on a ventilator after catching covid from an unvaxxed person ask for it?

For the record, I don't think the gov't has the right, nor should it have the right to mandate vaccination for everyone. However, conservatives didn't take the last election seriously enough and they allowed the libtards to elect the current demented pedo child sniffer who lives in the WH. So there he is, and here we are.

Heard from a buddy that has 4 friends who all had Heart Attacks after the injection. Middle aged guys. 

Could be BS but I don't see why he/someone would make that up.

Heard from a buddy that has 4 friends who all had Heart Attacks after the injection. Middle aged guys. 

Could be BS but I don't see why he/someone would make that up.
scroll all the way to the top of this page, there's a link explaining just that

Google brings up that link as the first one on the top of the page.




Search Modes







About 7,510,000 results (0.71 seconds) 


Search Results

Featured snippet from the web

Cases of myocarditis reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) have occurred: After mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), especially in male adolescents and young adults, More often after the second dose. Usually within several days after vaccination.Sep 8, 2021


Myocarditis and Pericarditis After mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination › 2019-ncov › vaccines › safety › m...




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I was referring to the search "recommendation " as in when you type in a partial sentence and it finishes it for you.

Example:  If you type in "where to get..." It will finish off with "covid test" or "covid vaccine",  but when I type in "vaccine linked to My" it goes blank rather than filling in "Myocarditis"

What’s the difference between correlation and causation?
While causation and correlation can exist at the same time, correlation does not imply causation. Causation explicitly applies to cases where action A causes outcome B. On the other hand, correlation is simply a relationship. Action A relates to Action B—but one event doesn’t necessarily cause the other event to happen.

Correlation and causation are often confused because the human mind likes to find patterns even when they do not exist. We often fabricate these patterns when two variables appear to be so closely associated that one is dependent on the other. That would imply a cause and effect relationship where the dependent event is the result of an independent event.

However, we cannot simply assume causation even if we see two events happening, seemingly together, before our eyes. One, our observations are purely anecdotal. Two, there are so many other possibilities for an association, including:

The opposite is true: B actually causes A.
The two are correlated, but there’s more to it: A and B are correlated, but they’re actually caused by C.
There’s another variable involved: A does cause B—as long as D happens.
There is a chain reaction: A causes E, which leads E to cause B (but you only saw that A causes B from your own eyes).

Eight years ago today I was in the Black Hole, 4th row, with my daughter. Thanks to those in charge I cannot go to any game this year. Effers.


Funny thing about how BAD government fails at damn near everything they do.... remember when the vaccine was first being released?

-Only the REALLY important first responders, doctors and nurses, high risk individuals can get it! everyone else... back OFF, not enough to go around.... you gonna die!!
-Hey kids can get it now too.... c'mon bring your kids
-Hey ya'll FREE fries if you get the jab
-Hey ya'll better get this thing OR ELSE!
-Hey now we're gonna fire all you first responders, doctors and nurses unless you get the damn shot! PEOPLE ARE DYING!!
-Okay you can't do anything in society unless you get this damn jab! we really care about your health! it is for your own good!

This all happened within a very short period of time.

But he will have a smile on his face.

That post is more of what we need in thread and in life in general

That is very true. As I said before, I would never talk down to someone who makes a personal choice... Hope for the best but expect the worst.

I was referring to the search "recommendation " as in when you type in a partial sentence and it finishes it for you.

Example:  If you type in "where to get..." It will finish off with "covid test" or "covid vaccine",  but when I type in "vaccine linked to My" it goes blank rather than filling in "Myocarditis"
Ah! Understood!

There is nothing true anymore, this thread proves that you can't stand on one side without the other side ridiculing.  Such a sad state this board is becoming.  Similar to Facebook.  People of this board used to not treat each other like this............

He asked for a source, I spent ten seconds and posted it and you lame.  Virtually every source is skewed now.
No ridicule intended... point is...we are sheep....nothing can be trusted from virtually any source anymore.... Snopes was shown to be BS...Google wipes histories clean and deletes history....the press can do what they want, print and say what they want and call it true... We are in a scary place and most people have no clue how bad it is... The only thing we know for fact is the people in charge right now are hell bent on Destroying this country and the American way of life once and for all. 

He's not a coward. He is in his backyard debating the squirrels with a hand full of nuts masturbating himself cuz he focking nuts!

JK...trying to lighten it up a little. I agree with Sandpycho
   That makes sense.  He could talk make believe nonsense all day, and as long as he keeps feeding them they'll listen.  
