Introduce Yourself..


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2021
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Hello, I am Randy (Stugots) I have been a member since 2001. My Brother Mike ( Permagrin) introduced me to the site after my first couple trips to Glamis. Little did I know this journey would last this long and become a part of my life. I have had many friends over the years ,but at this stage in my life few remain. The day to day ones are from this site. They are my best friends and my brothers..

Over the years I have met so many people through this site and have never had a bad experience, I am sure that can't be said for everyone though as people are people and sometimes things just don't work out.. Ok, I will back peddle a little here, since I became a Admin, maybe I have not made friends with some :lol: But, that comes with the job. I have always tried my best to be impartial and understanding with member's, but at the end of the day I have to put the fundamentals of the board first to benefit the members. I hope I have done a good for you guys.

Anyhoo, I am a Contractor in So cal and am Married to my wonderful Maria and if you ever met her you will never forget her, she is a dynamo and keeps me on my toes!!! If you have ever been lucky enough to have one of her Breakfast Burrito's or have been feed by her in Glamis then you have been blessed by her. She has a daughter, Marlene who I raised since she was 6 and I have been blessed with both of them in my life, as when when they came into my life I was not in the best shape. It is funny how life takes you by the nose sometimes. If anybody would of said you will be raising a little girl at that time in life, I would of laughed in their face with a "get the eff out of here". Now, Marlene Is commissioning to become a Officer and Pilot in the Air Force and I could not be prouder. I had a great thread on all of her accomplishments along the way, but sadly it was lost in the Gd nuke of 2021. To add she has made a side hustle with her husband on Ticktock, IG and YouTube and have a pretty good following. If I was to leave tomorrow she would be what I am most proud of.

At this point for me, I work, deal with all the social bull crap, enjoy my Family and Friends along with each of you to share the one life we have to live. So, thats my story and I would love to hear yours!..

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I'm Jeff and have been a board member since 2007.   My full time job is a Steam Engineer (boiler operator) and after 18 years in various oil refineries and power plants I quit in 2018 and took a job with LA County Department of Health Services as a Stationary Engineer II, currently working at LAC+USC Hospital, commonly referred to as County USC.

Some of my closest friends are fellow board members that I have met on over the years and started camping with them and their families.  It's a very eclectic group of people and regardless of what kind of off-road car, RV, or $$ you have as long as you're good people you're welcome in our group.

I was a Crew Chief for a Class 1 Unlimited race team for 10 years and I prepped two race cars, three prerunners and all the chase trucks and trailers (not by myself, we had a team of guys).  Through that experience I was able to bring some of my knowledge in off-roading to the sandrail world and began posting tech threads here and various other off-road related forums.  My goal wasn't to be a know-it-all, even if it did come off that way sometimes.  I wanted to share my knowledge and hopefully help someone to learn how to make their off-road toys safer and more reliable as well as get maximum performance. 

One thing I've learned here, as well as on other forums, is this- should I hit the Submit button?  Is this argument, potential argument, or somewhat of an aggressive reply worth it?  Probably not.  I can't tell you how many times I've typed a reply, re-read it to myself and then deleted it. 

The site crashing was shocking but I'm very happy it's back up and people are getting a second chance to contribute to a forum that shares so much for so many.     

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I'm Wyatt and have been a member since 2001?...I started on a 70 three wheeler going to Gordons and Camping before the bridge off to the left (area now closed to camping) we never camped at Glamis when I was a kid.  Those were the best times of my life...I remember not being able to sleep, going to school all week waiting for the weekend to come - and riding on the top of my dads cab over with the window in the front - watching through the window until we finally made it to the desert...Fleetwood mac in the background was a tradition for my dad I think...It seemed like we always listed to that tape on the way.  Those experiences are what still motivate me to go...just a fun place to be, period.

Around 1999 or so I picked up a 250r 3 wheeler...thing was so clean (should have never sold that - to Poule actually - he was the first person I met from Glamis dunes - man that guy has energy! - positive person and was stoked to get my 250R).  15 or so years later I decided to go to the Sandy Golf Tournament...SoCaldMax invited me after we both made the huge mistake of buying a wildcat- and I found out at the Golf trip, he had just as many friends as fo's, lol. Randy and his Wife were there, and my brother and I played a golf round with Mike (Damn, cant remember his screen name - flipping off BLM logo?)...That was a great trip and was the first time I ever camped in the washes.  I've continued to camp in the washers over the years, but the holiday trips are tough...too many fing idiots.  We camped in Wash 23 for T-day one year, and I ship you not...a guy camped 2 Ft from my mother and father-in-law, and the trip just turned into everyone complaining about too many people, load music, idiots going full throttle through camps, etc etc.  So we now go to Gordons on the big weeks, and Glamis on the off weekends.  P.S - Sucks the Sandy Golf was cancelled. 

I got on Glamis dunes because back in the 2000ish era, a long travel buggy was my wet dream...I'd come on Glamis dunes to see pictures, read pro's/con's, etc.  I ended up buying a Sand Bullet kit in 2003 / 04 - and had an absolute blast with that car...Fast, fun, and affordable.  I still have it, but let my brother use it.  My next wet dream was an Alumicraft 2 seater...I always told myself, one day I'll get one...Timing and the price Don was asking for the car I own now just kind of happened...I honestly feel lucky to have the car - and see myself owning it for a long time.

I work in IT - started answering phone calls for Gateway computers in 1999 or so...Did that for a few years, and then moved on to being the main "IT guy" for a small college...that was good for a while, but ended up being a dead end.  I took a huge pay cut and started answering phones for the helpdesk at a large company in San Diego - Qualcomm. I moved up quick in that group and learned a lot about how IT "worked" within the company.  4 years in that group - and I interviewed for an engineer in the data center team...I did not get the job, but kept emailing / calling the mgr saying that I would like to work for him in the future...took some classes, got a data center specific certification, etc. to show my initiative.  2 years later I got the job...and now I manage the day to day operations for a large portion of the companies data centers.  Like the Alumicraft story, I feel lucky to have the job....persistence, hard work, and a positive attitude are 100% the key to success.  Work hard to pay hard.

My name is Jerry Dixon.

I'm a old fart, and have had at least 2 jobs in the last 80+ years.

I started out wrenching, and like a lot of guys, skipped around a bit.

I worked for the City, working in the garage, but they thought I was smart, so they gave me a radio car and a badge.

I didn't like the fraud there so I moved to Colorado for a bit.

While I was there, they killed JFK.

So I figured I should return to California before the Russians invaded.

A short time later, I hired on with a movie company. (They needed a mechanical type on location shoots)

Work3ed there for a few years, and the owner sold the company.

Traveled all over the US doing portraits, returned to California after a bit.

After a short time with another "Fleet" company, I hired on with L.A. County, repairing Cats and such.

The County figured I was smart, so I built a Crap load of gas turbines, steam turbines and a refuse to energy facility.

Twenty years later, I retired.

I was driving the wife crazy, so I got another job.

I hired on as a computer network instructor at a college.

They thought I was smart, so 3 months later, I was a Program Director for Programming and Networking..

Again I retired, and still, I was driving the wife crazy.

So I got another job, in another college, training first responders on the hazards of alternative fuels in a traffic collision.

Couple of years later, I retired from that job.

I hear Walmart is hiring greeters..

Hello All, My name is Allen. I joined the board around 2007. I worked with Cuzzin Eddie on the board and he introduced me to the site and to Glamis. I had an LTR 450 quad and a 98 KX250. He invited me to camp with his family and a lot of other board members at "The Compound". I met a lot of great people there and had some good times!! I seen a long line of Rhino's going out for a long ride and one of the members (sorry i can't remember his name but Mike sound right to me) seen me standing there and said Hop In!, Two weeks later I had myself a rhino and the addiction to four wheel off-roading began!!! I continued to go to Glamis for a couple years and then around 2009-2010 I started to build a car to race with MORE in Barstow. I did that for a couple years and then had some family issues, divorce, so I stopped racing and going to the dunes for a minute. 

Fast Forward to around 2016. New wife and step daughters, Another friend of mine said hey come to the dunes and hang out for the weekend and We've been going back since. However the rhino is gone, and I changed my racecar to a four seat sandcar and in 2019 bought a RZR 1000. I am currently tear the sandcar down to upgrade it again, A-Arms new powder coat etc.. Ill post the progress as i get it going.

Over the years I've worked at swift trucking working on the trucks, then I worked at Motorola for about 10 yrs. I worked in the cable industry hanging cable on power poles. It was a fun job but no $$ in it for me. Now I am the Superintendent of a Water treatment facility, Been there for about 17yrs.

Anyway enough rambling, We love going to Glamis and camping meeting new people etc.. can't wait to get back out there and see some of ya'll.

Hello crew... My name is Chris. I joined the the board this year. I have been going to the sand dunes for years and took a break about 15 years ago and got back into it 3 years ago. I started back up with a Can Am X3 and had fun adding all the "goodies" to it. I then purchased a 5th wheel Toy hauler and enjoyed both of the for the last 3 years. Fast forward to March of this year, when I bought a Mid engine "clone" SU car. Now that Ive done that, everything has changed as far as getting a trailer and motorhome. I cant wait till October comes to go camping in my favorite place in the world!!

My other hobbies include building Chevy II cars. Ive built a 65 and just recently finished a beautiful 66. If anyone has any questions about first or second gen Novas, please ask!!

The way I fund all of my addictions is by selling the worlds best tools!! Snap-On.... also, if anyone has any tool related questions, Id be more than happy to help.

I look forward to meeting some of you people out in the dunes!!

My name is Gerald born and raised in Oregon been going to the dune since I was 5 years old left that $hit hole behind in 93 moved to Elko NV became a heavy equipment mechanic then became self employed as a General Contractor travel to Dumont during the winter and frequent sand mt Nv and sand mt Utah and ST Anthony During the rest of the year

Thought it would be fun to ride a dirt bike around town on street tires. Joined a supermoto forum. There was a really smart and witty girl who could keep up with the boys named Mistyz. She told me to check out glamis dunes dot com. Changed my life forever in a good way. 

My name is Lloyd and I'm a Dirtaholic..Been around here since 2008..Started duning about the same time. I'm an Old Skool Dirt Biker from back in the 70's. I'm not the real SuperHunky but he was a Major Hero of mine back in the day so the name is out of Respect and Admiration. I believe he's still around out in Apache Junction. I'm a Mechanical Engineer and former long time General Contractor and am a semi retired self storage owner for the past 25 yrs. Love the Dunes and Dez..Have made many Great Long time friends in the dirt and plan to keep on doing it..

Hi All - My Name is Alex - I started "snooping"on GD in 2005 and finally joined in 2009 because I had to comment on a post. My Degree says I am an Electrical Engineer but that was many years ago...  Most of my career has been building, designing and managing products.   I have a number of patents for some reason.  I guess career wise my Highlight was being personally recruited by Steve Jobs into Apple and then working with him for 7 years  and being on stage with him - It was incredible.

 But I am and have always been a car guy, or basically anything with an engine. I was a Dirt bike and Jet Ski guy when I was young, in fact a couple of the guys on the board use to race with me in the IJSBA. I did a lot of street racing and drag racing and built all my cars (and got beat alot). I also built a few winning show cars and many Cobra replicas  - Getting cars I built  in Car Craft and Hot Rod mags was a personal win.

I have been married to my high school sweetheart since I was 21  - she is the best, I never could do what I do without her support

For some reason I never went to the Dunes until I was 26. I had a place at the river and too may boats and skis to count ...Then a new neighbor moved in by our Torrance house and we had a Halloween party a week before Halloween and we invited him.  He came over and was talking about his VW rail all night and how cool this place called Glamis was, Me and some buddies there thought he was obsessed.   He said they were going out "on Halloween"  He made me a map, and me and some buddies  headed out with my old 28ft Class C Moho - this was back when you could camp by Clean Gene's (who remembers that?) ... My new "friend" loaned me his spare car ... The next week I sold my drag car and bought his spare VW rail - I was hooked. We went every weekend that winter . From that point it was River in the Summer, Dune in the Winter, and it never stopped. I live to dune ... 

I miss Mother G the minute I turn off Gecko road to head home every time. Those guys from our first trip out still dune together with me even though some have moved as far as Texas, Our group is generational now and the "kids" grew up in the dunes (lucky them). 

I have met some of the best people on this board and in the dunes ... I have taken GD for granted, its a special place and the people running it are great

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Hi, I’m Dean aka Marlboroman. I joined around 2004-2005 after a friend told me about the site. I’ve been a dune rat since 1979. Lived in San Diego East County since I was born, but moved over to Yuma, AZ in 2013. 

My aunt and uncle introduced me to Buttercup in 1979. I’ve been addicted to the sand ever since. I became an every other weekend duner starting around 1995. That is when I introduced my wife and daughter to the dunes. My wife could really give two Craps about going to the dunes, but my daughter followed right in her dads footsteps. 

I started RZR WERKS in 2013 out in Yuma, before every joker thought it would be cool to open a UTV shop. People told me I was crazy, that I would never be busy enough to keep the shop open. It wasn’t a big concern to me as my real businesses is own and operating gas stations along by the highway 8 corridor between San Diego and Yuma. Now, 8 years later, RZR WERKS has become my full time job. Though I still own and operate a few gas stations in Imperial county. Funny now as I look back at the people who told me RZR WERKS would never succeed, that there wasn't enough demand. From being the only UTV shop in Yuma to competing with 9 other shops locally. 

I raced regional NASCAR (late models, street stocks, IMCA Modifieds and numerous other divisions for 14 years up and down the west coast. I’ve raced numerous classes in off-road, including UTV’s. 

Now I spend my summer months out at the lower river in the Hidden Shores RV Park and my winters at Gordon’s. I rarely make a visit up to Glamis anymore as my wife likes the peace and quiet at Gordon’s. My daughter also knows those dunes like the back of her hand. 

I have been a long time sponsor of this site. I have also been a long time sponsor of the ASA and CORVA. I’m always giving a helping hand to those in need. Either at the dunes, river or on the side of the street. 

I can hang with or lead with the best of them. Just don’t ask me to get back out on a quad or three wheeler, those days are long gone.   :ez:

Frank=Esco been on the board since the late 90s, met up thru Kenny's Gatherings "Luxor Lights" mets tons of cool people like everyone else has stated, Married have 2 dawgs only hit the dez a couple times a year now, have not been since the False Covid Pandemic, love watching Supercross/Outdoors MX and yes I still watch sports been a part of my life to long (only baseball and fooseball though) and any of the Golf Majors, been known to have a drink or 2 back in the day have mellowed out a lot :esco:  

been to massive events thru out the year, was in Slaps army and will be again, served a couple years on the board helping out here and there

Drank some warm beers from da chEFF


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Hello GD.Com I am GR [George] to many Georges in the family, GBR on here was gbrsand until the big crash of 2021. I am on old fart who grew up on dirt bikes I started going to the dunes here in Oregon in 97 with a Banshee and I have been addicted to sand ever since, I had always wanted a sand rail while growing up so it was a natural progression started out with a mid engine vw rail and collected vw rails parts and a baja bug. Started seeing long travel cars show up from down south in the early 2000's said some day I am going to own one of those, and that is how I found GD.Com looking for info on those amazing cars. Long story short my lovely wife of now 33 years got feed up with me spending more time working on my VW collection than we spent riding and said I'll make you a deal get rid [f all your VW crap and we will start looking for a long travel car so for me that was a no brainer our first car Sandlimo 4 seater with Chevy 4.3 V6 next in line a Snipper 5 Seater with an LS but my dream car has always been a mid engine 2 seat car so the current car a 2018 Tech3 with a turbo Honda and 2D drives like a slot car. We also have a 2018 Wildcat XX so we can play in the dirt as well as the sand.

I grew up in a family road construction business then worked for a couple of shops turning wrench's then was self employed hauling heavy equipment had that trucking company for 15 years and sold out and went to work as a foreman at an aggregate company worked there 6 years and move to the company I am with now doing the same thing, I moved up in the company and for the past 7 years I have had a general manager type position of two jointly held company's which keeps me plenty busy. Could or maybe should retire but I am just not ready.

I will quite rambling here, love this site and all the great info and threads will continue to be a member as long as I alive and able. Thank You GD.Com

Jeff Tron. Born and raised in San Diego CA. Spent the first 21 years of my life in Diego and moved to Texas as quick as I could. Been in Texas for 37 years. Started a Commercial Overhead Door and Dock Equipment Company in 1990 and have been extremely blessed with the results. Ocotillo Wells was my first experience in the Desert. Pole Line Rd. Spent hours and hours on my Honda SL70. Pole to Pole. You could find Jeff easily. He's over there burning fuel in circles. First Dunes was Buttercup. Had no clue what I was doing until one trip we followed a guy who ripped them the correct way. AMAZING! Wish I could remember that guys name. He changed the game forever. Graduated to Glamis. Started camping at Vendors Row and have moved deeper and deeper in the washes due to inhaling lungful of dust. Married to the most wonderful Lady on the Planet. Known this woman for 33 years and it's incredible how God works. I wasn't the man I needed to be for her in 1987. Something about being an immature boy full of testosterone. Young dumb and full of come! I'm sure none of y'all can relate. I've got an incredible family. Some people call it Chaos, we call it Family! Two daughters who love heir Dad. Two brothers who i'd fight to my death for. We might fight each other but don't EFF with either one of them. I'm confident y'all can relate! So thankful to be a part of this Glamis Family. Met a lot of great people. Many friends for Life! There's nothing better than gathering in Mother Glamis a few times a year sitting on a Dune / Around the Bonfire telling True Stories. YES.....all my stories are TRUE. They call me "Da chEFF A DA WORLD!" Don't let that fool ya. I don't cook. I'm married. Looking forward to the New Beginning. Let's take this opportunity to enjoy each others company and make this place exactly what it is..............MAGICAL! Peace  

I'm Scott, I don't post much but always checking in and the sandrail tech sections are invaluable.  Wife of 41 years and I always had boats until my son bought a quad about 13 years ago.  I knew I had to buy one too if I was going to be able to spend "guy" time with him as he grew up - goodbye boats.  Didn't know any duners and had never been to the dunes until we hauled our two quads out there and hit the sand.  We learned quickly that what looked so smooth and fluffy from the freeway was actually a place that could bite you in a hurry.  Our first trip was going to the top of dunes and picking up the backs of our quads and turning them around to go back down.  We didn't know how to transition or anything.  Then we met a group of guys that had been duning for almost 20 years.  I rode in their rails and the quad days were over!  Bought a toy hauler and long-travel LS powered rail and never looked back.  Now we fly through the dunes.  They are an amazing place, the driving challenges are like no other, and the projects I've had with the sandrail over the years have kept my hands, mind (and wallet) busy.  Those friends I met have been instrumental supporting me along the way and we're great friends away from the dunes as well.  Good to have the site back and look forward to getting the tech section re-populated with fixes, DIY and fabrication projects.

Hello fellow duners! I'm Conrad Nelson, I've been going to Glamis since I was a baby in the 1970s. I took the last ten years off (ugh) and have been out of the scene, but recently picked up an old school chassis to build up over the summer (RG 4 seater on order)! I've run the gamut of machines, atc 70, 250r, 450r, VW sandrails, mid engines and my last (running) car was an 091/Subie 2 seat Alumicraft. See you in the dunes OCTOBER! Holy Crap I can't wait! I'm a California transplant, moved here from Costa Mesa CA in 2004. Also, I'm a Realtor here in the East Valley, I look at properties from a "duners" perspective, side gate, shop, 3 car (or more garage) driveway length etc. If you're considering a move here, I can help you out. 

1977 4 seater.jpg


Mike, married with 3 kids. Live in Sd County. Been a member since 2003ish. Found through Markie Mark and his old site Kind of lost interest in the site when the format/style change 5 years or so, but hopefully my interest will be rejuvenated here soon. Still do Glamis 6-7 trips per year. Cheers! 

Jeff Tron. Born and raised in San Diego CA. Spent the first 21 years of my life in Diego and moved to Texas as quick as I could. Been in Texas for 37 years. Started a Commercial Overhead Door and Dock Equipment Company in 1990 and have been extremely blessed with the results. Ocotillo Wells was my first experience in the Desert. Pole Line Rd. Spent hours and hours on my Honda SL70. Pole to Pole. You could find Jeff easily. He's over there burning fuel in circles. First Dunes was Buttercup. Had no clue what I was doing until one trip we followed a guy who ripped them the correct way. AMAZING! Wish I could remember that guys name. He changed the game forever. Graduated to Glamis. Started camping at Vendors Row and have moved deeper and deeper in the washes due to inhaling lungful of dust. Married to the most wonderful Lady on the Planet. Known this woman for 33 years and it's incredible how God works. I wasn't the man I needed to be for her in 1987. Something about being an immature boy full of testosterone. Young dumb and full of come! I'm sure none of y'all can relate. She's got a great Son Dusty and a wonderful Grandson Cash....It's true, grandkids get "ALL THE LOVE!" I've got an incredible family. Some people call it Chaos, we call it Family! Two daughters who love heir Dad. Two brothers who i'd fight to my death for. We might fight each other but don't EFF with either one of them. I'm confident y'all can relate! So thankful to be a part of this Glamis Family. Met a lot of great people. Many friends for Life! There's nothing better than gathering in Mother Glamis a few times a year sitting on a Dune / Around the Bonfire telling True Stories. YES.....all my stories are TRUE. They call me "Da chEFF A DA WORLD!" Don't let that fool ya. I don't cook. I'm married. Looking forward to the New Beginning. Let's take this opportunity to enjoy each others company and make this place exactly what it is..............MAGICAL! Peace  
