Introduce Yourself..

Hello, I'm Richard Hollman. Started playing with sand rails in the early 70's. We would do the big weekends in Glamis and camp around wash 4. Back then there was such a thing as comp hill. Olds used to be a hill also, now not so much. The store, what a place! I was always into sand cars, dirt bikes, street bikes and hot rods. Seemed like it was my entire way of life. Then I met my wife, now of 41 years and I went a different direction. I put my energy into buying a home and starting a family, and my work, collision repair. I worked as a tech, taught to me by the person who introduced me to the dunes and my first rail by the way. I also managed shops for a couple of new car dealers in town, then opened my own shop. Our shop did extremely well and grew out of a leased facility into our own brand new shop building. Luckily timing is everything because about the time I became sensitive to the isocyanates in paint and could no longer be around the fumes, some one wanted to buy us out, everything, real-estate and business. We sold and now with time to play I was reintroduced to the dunes. I had been bicycling a lot up until this point so before I started to build another rail I had a bicycle goal, and completed a solo ride from New Port Oregon to Bar Harbor Maine. Now with that done I started a new rail, old school vw swing axle, beam car. Went to the dunes and saw what was happening and sold that almost immediately.  Next was a Short, Hayabusa car. Then on to my current car that I have been playing/modifying for the last 10 years.

In 2015 I found Glamis and Joined. I have met many people from the forum in the sand. Most of the members I have met have been on the summer runs. I was sad that the site crashed, but glad to see it back. See you out in the dunes.

Hello, I'm Ramsey. First went to the dunes around 1990. Been through many different groups and set up, quads, dirt bikes, jeeps and Buggies. Started in a tent, then a toy hauler, and earned enough to now have a diesel pusher. I'm on my 3rd buggy, my first was a turbo vw mid travel, then a long travel Honda 3.5 car, now a 4 seat car with an bhole engine and a sequential transmission.  Joined here around 09 I think,  maybe 08, don't really remember. Met some cool people, and a few, um, interesting folks as well lol. 

I'm always down to meet new people, I love to ride with new groups, and always have time for a beer with you.

Hi My name is Riley and I’m an alcoholic. 

Sorry wrong place. 

I was born and raised in San Diego and spent most of my life going to Glamis and Gordon’s, minus a few years in my early 20s. 

I grew up in a good family but got mixed up with a rough crowd as a young teenager and became a not so good individual. I did a lot of bad things when I was young and into my early 20s and paid dearly in more ways than one. Since deciding to change my life around completely, I’ve worked extremely hard to be someone who is a great example for my kids and I try to treat everyone with the upmost respect, even when they don’t deserve it.  I am not rich but I consider myself very successful because I have a beautiful family and a great business that’s built on honesty and integrity and I can honestly say I’m proud of the man I have become.
 A lot of the people that I left behind are either in jail, dead, or still in a crazy life and I know I’m so fortunate that I had the support of my family to help me make so many changes. I look bad and they weren’t the good old days. My life now are the good days. 

ive been a member of this site since 2017 when I was searching for buggies for sale and came across the for sale adds here, and haven’t left. I have met a few of you snd spoke with several on the phone, but everyone has been great and would eventually like to dune with some more of you one day.  I know my way around both glamis and Gordons and we are duners. We don’t normally sit at the hill. We’re normally in deep. 

I just shared a piece of my soul with this place because so many people have shared theirs with me. Thanks for letting me be apart of this place. 

Hello GD.comer’s, my name is Robert Tron, and boy, where to begin…I got involved in back in the late nineties when I was heavy into racing motocross and riding dunes with my brother Cheff.  It was really my first “website” or internet experience on that old board.  But prior to that, our family first began doing the desert in Ocotillo when I was the age of 4, pole line road was our stop.  But once I went to Glamis, I fell in love with the place.  My brother and I slept on cots and rode three wheelers, all day and all night.  I couldn’t get down there enough.  The stories I could tell (which I will share soon) could fill an entire book.  I was just a regular glamis off-roader, and then I met a special character named Slappy McDuner on that old board, a strange character who introduced me to the beauty of Glamis and all the wildlife that live upon her.  He taught me so much about the little things that Glamis had to offer, and not just being a place to go ride dirt bikes.  I gained such an appreciation for Glamis from his teachings.  

I was very excited to see that Kurt Leptich, who owned at the time and who was quite fond of Slappy, gave Slappy a forum on his ‘newer’ version of, an up-grade might I say.  The upgrade had forums that are similar to what we have now, and he titled it “Slappy’s Neighborhood-The Enlightenment of Glamis”.   I was really excited for Slappy, for he had so much to tell and share about the beauty of Glamis.  Then, Kurt Leptich decided to sell, and Slappy told me to go after it.  Now, at this same time, I met The Magic Man (FNG) at our local bowling alley (yes, we were in a bowling league together), who said, “Let’s get it, I do computer stuff”. I jumped at it and became the owner of  This I believe was around 2000 or 2001, (the timeline is a bit jumbled; lots was going on).  And during all of this, the BLM closed 49,000 acres of our beautiful sand dunes, and the fight was on.

FNG and I promoted the symbiotic relationship between off road enthusiasts and the wildlife of the Algodones Sand Dunes, and we let Slappy out of his cage.  The wildlife became the forefront of our education program offroad (EPO), with Slappy leading the way, with the goal of educating off-roaders about the wildlife that lives out on Glamis; endangered species and species of concern would be the focus.  Our program: Educate every single off-roader about the wildlife so that we knew more about the wildlife than the greenies did, hence, we knew what to look for and how to protect it, and with that new found knowledge, we could ultimately open the dunes.  Slappy was nonstop.  He wrote stories of all his journey’s with the critters of Glamis, played riddles and games, captions contests, and with those games we gave prizes to those who could answer the riddles or come up with the best picture captions or post the best poetry or stories about Glamis.  Slappy’s McScrappbook was soon created; he saved his favorite member posts in this scrapbook.  With Slappy’s ideas and wisdom, the education program sprouted faster than a Milkvetch.  His idea was to teach everybody about Mother Glamis’ wildlife.  And if one person or group could stop while out on a ride and identify the milkvetch, or the Dune Evening Primrose, or the Algodones Dunes Sunflower, then the program would be successful.  Soon Slappy’s Brotherhood was created, The Brotherhood of the Slap.  And with the rapidly growing number of members here on, The SlapArmy was born. members created a family right here on the board.  They gathered together for Taco Tuesdays, parties, Glamis gatherings, events, clean ups, Sand Sports Super Shows, golf tournaments, EPO’s, Veterans Ceremony’s…it was endless.  Although there was much talk about all things in life with this new family, the underlying theme was the wildlife, opening Glamis, and taking care of each other, NO MATTER WHAT.  I became part of an incredible family; it was and is the best I’ve ever seen. 

There was something that The Pastor told me a long time ago when we first got our whip flags and stickers.  He said that no matter where he is or what he is doing, if he sees someone with a flag or sticker on their car, buggy, quad, or motorcycle, that person will have your back no matter what happens.  And that is so true.  If I am out on G and I see a flag, I know that he or she is my friend, and we have a family connection.  That is something to be very proud of.   

I’ve met so many good people these last 22 years here on, my best friends as a matter of fact.  The people who have stepped up and volunteered their time and effort to make the events of successful and great, are the finest people I have ever had the pleasure of working with.  And you know who you are.  Vets, golf, EPO, Sand Shows…As Trap has said many times, “How about a big hand for the Event Staff.”  This Glamisdunes family has been together and supported each other through life’s hard times, and we’ve been together through life’s good times.  Family members born; family members lost.  Anything life threw at us, we lived it and got through it, together.  I could write a book about all of the events and the intricate stories that happened during the gatherings and events, and someday I might.  And like anything that is planned or created, I no doubt could count on people stepping right up and volunteering their time to help, and I know it would be the best. 

The crash of 2021 hurt us, hurt us really bad.  When FNG told me on that fateful Wednesday, “We lost her, we lost everything”.  I felt the pain in his voice, and I couldn’t believe it.  I sobbed and cried, and I couldn’t stop.  I hadn’t cried that hard since my dad died, and it felt the same, like I lost a family member.  I can tell you that from deep in my heart, I sobbed for the members and of what we created together.  I know FNG and Stugots cried, because we did it together on the phone (Sorry FNG, Stugots, I know you didn’t want me to tell anybody).  And I know how terrible FNG felt, because he is so passionate and proud of and so good at what he does; to him it was his worse nightmare.   There was no yelling, anger, or fault on anybody, it happened, and we felt pain.  I didn’t sleep that night, and I didn’t go to work the next day, nor did my wife.  When the morning came, Jen and I just sat quietly on the couch, and didn’t say anything for over an hour; I just stared out the window.  It was quiet, serene, and it felt weird.  I then broke the silence and said, “What are we gonna do?”  There was a long pause, and Jen replied, “Do we let her die?”  It was hard to believe that we were thinking along those lines, because I never imagined ending, only passing of the torch someday, but never dying.  I always considered her bigger than any of us, she is a platform for so many people, and she will be there, even when I am not.  But she died that night.  We talked whether we could start from scratch, or do we even have the energy to do it all over again.  We talked about selling the domain name, but I couldn’t fathom that.  But what else was there.  Could FNG do it again?  The years and time he has put in behind that keyboard, the magic he created for all of us, and all the things me and Stugots has asked of him over the years, could he even find the energy to do it.  (And trust me, Stugots and I are, and have been, A PAIN IN THE ASS TO FNG).   What about the mods?  Sponsors?  Do I tell them it’s over?  After being together for so long?  Little did I know that behind the scenes, FNG had already started working on a new  And then the phone call came from Stugots, “Robert, let’s rebuild that bitch, what else do we got to do.  She can’t die like that.”  Randal saved me, and that was all that it took. 

I was immediately pulled out of my funk, positive energy flowed, and I got excited.  “HELL YES, LET’S GET HER BACK UP.”  I told Randal I needed to call FNG and hope that he would work his magic once again, and Randal said, “I already talked to him, he’s been working on it all night long, let’s go.”  I called FNG and we had a great conversation.  He said, “Let’s do it for another 20 years pumpkin.”  And then the conference calls began, the mod team was set up and we all had our duties to perform; Greasemonkey, Crusty, Stugots, FNG, sndsamplr was the team, and we were on it.  This team worked non stop for over a week, every single day to get her back up and running.  The late-night calls, endless texts and emails, changes to this, changes to that, building this and building that, throwing ideas at FNG faster than you could imagine; all working together like a fine-tuned machine.  I tell you what, they were fantastic.  The team was the visual, and FNG was Mr. Wizard.  Patience and persistence brought back to life, and in record time.  It’s no easy task to build a site like, and FNG was so good and so VERY patient with us.  There are many apps that are running on, it just doesn’t come as a package, you have to build it, and FNG did.  He is the best.  Grease was checking every detail, Crusty's positivity kept us rolling, and Stugots the superintendent, and FNG the builder.  Stugots and FNG have spent more time talking to each other this last week than they have the last 15 years combined, and I am so thankful for those two.  They just basically told me to stay out of the way. 

But, I do have to spill the beans on this funny story.  The day we were going live, at 9 am, three hours prior to launch, Stugots decided that he wanted to make a change to the home page.  He wanted to raise the Random Adverts block to a higher spot on the home page.  FNG hadn’t gotten up yet, so Stugots decided to give it a try himself.  And we know over the years, when we make a change, we don't do it unless we have FNG looking over our shoulder.  So, when Stugots made the change,  BOOM, the entire home page completely fu**** up.  The vets video disappeared, the random pics went somewhere, and Stugots texted me and FNG,  “PATRICK, HELP, I EFFED UP THE HOME PAGE”.  I laughed my ass off.  Patrick says, “Were you guys doing something you weren’t supposed to be doing?”  It was great.   

FNG, Stugots, GreaseMonkey, Crusty, thank you.  It’s good to be back.

Oh, let me introduce myself, my name is Rob, and I’m a member on

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My name is Scott aka Crusty, originally CrstyDmn when I joined GlamisDunes back in Feb. 2006. Before GD, I spent a couple years on the ASA Board and a few other odd boards that just seemed to be people who didn't like it here. :dunno:  The ASA board was good and I had already been a member for awhile, most of my friends and family did the Annual Clean-up, etc. After some time, despite the fact I really respected those members and their mission, some folks just weren't the type I could hang out with around a camp fire.

I didn't know it, but I was looking for a group of life long friends i didn't even know i needed.

GD at first was um, hard to crack or get in.....or so I thought at the time. Being a desk jockey, I had access and plenty of time to get to know the place and the members. After a short period I found a few guys that had the same humor as I did and it became a regular deal for me. Pushing buttons was fun for a minute with a few others that are no longer welcome here....and it took me time to appreciate the Family / Friendships that were right at my keyboard. I think a few keys folks here saw me for the goofing around I did her to be just that...goofing. I was offered to be on staff at a certain point and some of the Staff was really excited for me, as was I.

I was never the expert on anything, perhaps i was just the guy that Slappy felt brought a certain vibe or flavor or who knows what to the board. I'm always happy to help or offer what I can to the new folks, even if it is from my keyboard.

I've been going to Glamis since the 6th grade. One Thanksgiving at the Keyhole a naked guy on an ATC250R zipped by our camp with just his helmet and boots on, my grandma made me take her on my ATC200 to chase the dude.....It might have been Slappy or a young Rubs LOL

My family goes as much as we can, its never as much as we want....but the magic never fades.

I've made friends here, lost friends here and found brothers and mentors here. The ability to pick up a phone and pour out your heart or curse the world is a benefit of being a part of this group. You do of course have to be a part of it...that's participation and reciprocal in nature. These Gents know who they are.

There are members here that I feel like I know them personally and we have yet to even meet. Big smiles will occur for 99% of them, there is always that 1% :lol:  you might regret.

GD gave me escape when I was unable to escape. It's members listened to me ramble and joke around like a fool at times, maybe those were the posts you just skipped past LOL.

The Admin Staff has trusted me to do my part, I'm happy to still be around to do what I can. I look forward to more GD Friends, it just makes the "Community" better.

Rob, thank you and the wife for keeping the light on. I'll be happy to keep changing the bulb as long as I can. Thank you for the words, it goes both ways.


So cool to hear the stories behind the screen names and who you are.

My name is Brian and I've been a board member since '03. I grew up riding through the river bluffs and trails on central Illinois amongst the corn and beans, catching catfish and chasing the end of the gravel roads. After a couple years in St Louis it was time for a change and on a coin toss I joined the United States Marine Corps on a 6 year enlistment (92-98) which landed me in So Cal, doing time at El Toro before we BRAC'd it in '97 and served my last year at Miramar. Along the way I met my wife of 25 years, Christi/SandyCheeks :scheeks:  and after 7 years of DINK we eventually had two boys who are now 17 and 18. Been in Murrieta since '97 and will be until the moment we retire, then it's an immediate evacuation from this God-forsaken state. I'm currently a GS with the Dept of the Navy, working for the Engineering Agent for what I did while I served in the Corps.

We have always been on the go, before kids and with them... RVing, tent camping, backpacking, snowboarding, you name it. A full weekend at home is pretty uncommon, even with the covid. We've been in our home for >21 years, original tract owners, and our neighbors barely know us :lol:

My first experience with Glamis was in 2003 when a buddy talked me into coming out with his group on pad 2 or 3. My boys were both in diapers and we just followed along but I was immediately hooked. For those that don't know me, I tend to go ALL IN no matter what it is, taking shots, ripping a bowl, singing a tune... it's all or nothing, especially if it's a new expensive hobby :rofl:  After the first trip I needed more and my buddy that had drug me out there had to work the next weekend. I spent the next few days on the search engines learning all I could about this new mecca that I'd only just discovered and ran across in all it's glory. While the members ranged far and wide there was a massive group that camped at Wash 13.5 and everyone was welcome... every single weekend was represented there and the members came and went but the feel was always the same - regardless if you were sleeping in the back of your truck with your '86 250r or were rolling with a pusher/stacker and the freshest Funco off the line, everyone was always welcome! This sounded too good to be true but somehow I managed to talk my wife into driving 4 hrs on a Friday night to the middle of God-knows-where (I had never seen the washes or the tracks and didn't even know what wash 13 was or where it was at) with two 100lb dogs, and two toddlers in diapers, to meet a bunch of strangers from "online", to her it was absolute insanity but somehow she went along with it. I was comforted by one of the board elders reaching out to me to arrange to meet at wash road when I pulled in and help guide me... well, 11:30ish on a fateful Friday night I pull in to the edge of Wash 13 and wait, a small dim headlight approaches from the distance and it turns out to be rather large man on a very small atc, I roll down the window and ask "Esco?", he replies "HozayKwarvo?" and a breathe a sigh of relief (prior to this point the wife was literally about ready to make me go home!). I asked where to park and he said "wherever you want"... we pulled in and the massive group at the 13.5 bonfire evacuated from the warmth of the flames and immediately flocked to our trailer to meet and greet, petting the dogs, holding the babies, shaking hands, exchanging board names, and drinking many many beers... I don't think we even got so much as a playpen setup for 3 hours after we pulled in. This experience alone had me hooked twice as much as I already was and we were back in 13.5 almost every weekend during the next few seasons. I ended up a mod on here and ran the always feisty PI back in the day.

I mentioned that I tend to jump into the deep end with both feet.... yea, so well before GPS was common and points of interest were a thing, the Flag Pole was a normal cooling stop for our group. Seeing Old Glory ragged and tired stirred something in me and was the catalyst for what has become the Veterans Day Gathering (see this thread for more on that). 

I felt the need to give back and got pretty educated and involved through discussions on this board with Pastor and many others regarding the Glamis Issues. I ended up on the board for the ASA and for a little while even served as the Vice Chairman on the BOD. Getting to meet at serve with some of the guys that literally founded the ASA was a true privilege of a lifetime. In addition to traveling the Southwest for meetings I traveled to DC and got to meet with several Congressional Reps for our area and high-ups with the Dept of Interior and BLM, working with our lobbyist and laying the groundwork to get our closures re-opened. Aside from starting the Veterans Day Gathering, this is what I'm most proud of. I can't say enough about the fine men and women who serve in the ASA and other pro-recreation groups, fighting to maintain access to what we all hold dear. I'm truly thankful for each and every one of them.

My time with the ASA as well as, the Veterans Day Gathering, and everything we'd come to know and love took a turn ~2009 when the boys got to "that age"... soccer, baseball, birthday parties, Boy Scouts, you name it - there was something every weekend that kept us from the river and from Glamis. The boat sat unused for 3 years before I finally unloaded it and most of the desert toys sat for nearly 8 collecting dust in the garage. This point in time was rough... my boys thought that Thanksgiving meant a potluck in 13.5 with 250 of our closest friends... they were 7/8 before they had their first fine china turkey/football//nap day. Not only was it a shock to the system with changing up the flow that we'd had for many years but when November came around it killed me... this baby that I'd created was growing into a massive hungry beast and needed to be kept on track and on point (huge props to Beachhead, Sandtrap, Sndsmplr, and everyone else that kept her alive while I was gone! :classic_love:  )

Fastforward to 2017... I got the bug and the hall pass... I was headed to G for Veterans Day and got my quad running straight away. 8 years of pent up aggression and excitement came out in one single weekend... sorry to everyone from washes ~18-24 :lol:  if you heard anything loud that weekend it was probably me :cheers:  I'll leave it at that and the rest may come out around a campfire someday :lol:  Again in 2017, the boys are older and, hell, we all are... at any rate, life got busy and it had been a while since we had a long getaway break. I asked the fam what we wanted to do for Thanksgiving, we were going somewhere for the whole week and needed to get away. I was actually pushing for snowboarding on Tahoe and both boys said they wanted to go back to the desert! :yahoo:   ...the rino hadn't been started in 8 years and I had to borrow a quad from OrangeR. We had a 32' travel trailer at the time and took two trucks, a borrowed flatbed for the toys and stayed at the Blue Inn RV park in Ocotillo. That weekend sealed the deal and Santa brought quads for Christi and the boys that year with our official return to G with the Dirtbags over the New Years trip, who reluctantly let in the "loud guy from Veterans Day". Every weekend of the seasons since have been focused on a G trip, either there or prepping to get there!

On top of G and the Glamis Veterans I serve on the board of We Remember: A Night For Veterans another non-profit raising funds to assist local homeless veterans. I also play bass drum for the University of California Riverside bagpipe band and am learning to play the great highland bagpipes. :hethan:

I was introduced to a friend to Glamis in the early 90's  had an IT200  thought my bike was awesome in the dirt, seized it in 2 hours.  made it to the hill to see everyone who was fast riding a CR500.  didnt have much money at that time so i bought an 84 cr480 air cooled, thought i could make up for the air cooled from my desires to go fast.  that didnt last long, after a few trips with massive arm pump and massive handle bar vibrations i knew i had to step up.  bought a cr500, then came the extended swing arm, mikuni 44 carb, stroked it, massive ports, high compression head--then came the straight methanol--then i was the fastest guy on two wheels at the hill.  had 3 cr500's, learned my way around the dunes and how to stick to a hill (priceless now owning a buggy)  I was hooked. bought my first buggy in the mid 90's for $1500  had a vw first trip all my lug nuts tore out of my hub around a bowl. that was the beginning of years of airing up flats, building bigger motors and trying not to break down at least for one run.

my last vw was a 2919 CC motor, fuel injected, Siamese cylinders with angle port superflow heads. thought i would be fast, who could top 3 liters of VW power--lol it finally dropped a valve seat and ended another trip  My buddy said why dont you try a Subaru.  bought a $600 JDM 2.0 liter, a special turbo and a computer i knew nothing about. tuned it and ran race gas at 25psi on a stock motor--holy smokes, VW has nothing on a Subaru--and Outback motorsports was born. in early 2000's i got sued by Subaru of North America for trademark infringement. basically gave me a cease and desist  using the name Outback, so we changed our name (actually our position) from Outback to Outfront Motorsports.  

I have been married to the same woman since 85, have 6 kids, already have 12 grandkids and 3 arent married yet! Church going family, no swearing, no drinking--just getting  high on life.  if im awake i am doing something. Love my Wife, love my family. Live in Murrieta, Ca since 2011 where i plan to retire. self taught i can figure out anything and not afraid to try. Auto mechanic by trade, Started an Auto repair business in 1985, still have it today, but started another business Outback of the shop working on Subarus. long road but fun, have 10 employees doing everything and anything to a subaru for street cars, dune buggies, kit cars and even some experimental aircraft and mud boats. We have our own dyno, self taught but have had my hands on engines since 10 years old, did my first VW rebuild at 15 for money.  Dad died when i was 8. Mom raised me and my siblings with very little. today Outfront Motorsports is quite busy and it allows me to keep trying to go faster every day

My current car is a heavily modified Gen 5 Funco, 3.2liter Subaru running 805 HP on E85. my car can take any abuse i can give it, my duning style is a little rough for most, but i love every moment of it. I accel best in uncharted territory, i never take the same line twice.  always love a challenge or a race and have taken lots of money.  have never lost a race where i gave someone money yet. i consider my car a weapon, not a car. it is truly amazing

I came to this site in the early 2000's  i have enjoyed different perspectives i find here. I am always willing to lend a hand or offer a suggestion. i like the comradery here. Love the EPO and all that has happened out there in the dunes

i like the fact that Grant can call me pragmatic and call himself egotistical, or maybe it was the other way around, cant remember cause i cant reread the old post. i am sad we lost the site with so much past threads that i could reflect on, but hey, we can rebuild it day by day. Rob we are all behind you!

John Rykowski

Dale Bartley here AKA-dbart...

Was on the other board since 2006...I forget how I got introduced to it, but was pretty much a lurker. Started on Dirt bikes then my friends went to sand rails and I couldn't afford that...I got married and my wife and I wanted a house, so I sold the dirt bikes, threw a 5pt harness on my camp chair and called it good! Told the wife after we bought a house I was gonna get back in somehow. bought a home in 2010 then saved up and bought a friends L/T rhino in 2014 and had a blast till 2020 and sold it.

Next toy will be coming after I pay off my 2018 Dmax....almost there.

I think the thing that got me really involved in this site was Photoshop stuff. I am an Sr. Experiential and Environmental Designer for Pinnacle-exp in Irvine. This is something I have been doing for the past 23 years.

Well, after lurking on this site, I would see people post up...."What do I do with my sand car, I don't know what it will look like...what color should it be, etc..."

I thought, I can mess around with that and just throw stuff up there.

That turned into sometimes a bit of a competition with other guys on here that could do awesome stuff. So, I had to step up my game big time.

Then in 2010 I think, Craig AKA Dirtywhiteboy hit me up to design his paint scheme for his new Tatum Pre-runner he was building. That was the start of some serious fun on here for a lot of board members. Word traveled around and I was hit up by guys across the pond in Dubai and Qatar. I got to team up with some amazing painters of whom some are on this site, Painter Joe, Craig Haynie and Str8edge...

That has slowed down because my work got so busy that I just couldn't put the time in to do a customer's paint scheme any justice. I'd rather not do something than do it rushed and it look like crap!

I have made a lot of friends on this sight....but most I haven't even met in person yet. I may have made some enemies here too with some of the Photoshop shenanigan's! :bag:

:lmao: kind of have to have thick skin on here or a good sense of humor...I think I have the latter.

I don't care what kind of problem you are having, whether it be sand related, or home repair's, car stuff, food, etc...there is someone here that knows something or can help!

It's effing awesome and I am glad to be a part of it

Thank you to all that put the effort in to keep this going!


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My name is Craig and joined back in 2004 because I saw a spray painted plywood sign on the side of the road in front of the cattle yards.  
I started my Glamis addiction back in 1986 when I was introduced to the dunes riding a 250R 3 wheeler and 350 Warrior sleeping in tents and back of truck in the washes.  

This progressed through the years and dabbled into many crazy go fast ideas.  These ideas were banshees on alcohol, 250R on N0Z, KZ1000 in Quadzilla frame and on N0Z along with a few other ideas.  

One of the best builds was putting the KZ1000 in a golf cart.  I partner up with a good friend (McGrath) who loved driving it at supercross parking lots, riding wheelies before his night race.   This cart was in one of the Glamis Gone Wild videos jumping Gecko rd.  

Well, got this crap out of the way and introduced my 2 daughters to Glamis at 5 yrs old and they were hooked.  Updated accommodations and quads and love to ride the south dunes before they were closed.  

Got the screen name Wash 10 Crew because we had a large group of folks we always camped with.  Well over the years, divorces, family life's, wives, etc. the Crew dropped to a couple life long friends going during the week when we could.  Back in the day, I would lurk around the 13.5 group with Robbie, but was not my scene.  

I'm a retired law enforcement RPD, SBPD & SBSD and started flying from French Valley to Fullerton for work, got my IFR and started my commercial license.  First commercial gig was flying the Otter jump plane at Elsinore Drive Center. (3 Mike Alfa)  The best part of this flight was pointing the plane at the gourd and passing the skydivers that were free falling.  Many other pilot for hire jobs, lots of different aircraft over the years.  

Had a helo sight seeing business in Palm Springs for years and got divorced and that was over.  I am now hooked up with with a corporate helo company out of Vegas and enjoy what I do.  I also fly for a fire fighting company out of Utah during the fire season.  This explains the dry wit I have.  

No other social media except 

Long live

My name is Craig and joined back in 2004 because I saw a spray painted plywood sign on the side of the road in front of the cattle yards.  
I started my Glamis addiction back in 1986 when I was introduced to the dunes riding a 250R 3 wheeler and 350 Warrior sleeping in tents and back of truck in the washes.  

This progressed through the years and dabbled into many crazy go fast ideas.  These ideas were banshees on alcohol, 250R on N0Z, KZ1000 in Quadzilla frame and on N0Z along with a few other ideas.  

One of the best builds was putting the KZ1000 in a golf cart.  I partner up with a good friend (McGrath) who loved driving it at supercross parking lots, riding wheelies before his night race.   This cart was in one of the Glamis Gone Wild videos jumping Gecko rd.  

Well, got this crap out of the way and introduced my 2 daughters to Glamis at 5 yrs old and they were hooked.  Updated accommodations and quads and love to ride the south dunes before they were closed.  

Got the screen name Wash 10 Crew because we had a large group of folks we always camped with.  Well over the years, divorces, family life's, wives, etc. the Crew dropped to a couple life long friends going during the week when we could.  Back in the day, I would lurk around the 13.5 group with Robbie, but was not my scene.  

I'm a retired law enforcement RPD, SBPD & SBSD and started flying from French Valley to Fullerton for work, got my IFR and started my commercial license.  First commercial gig was flying the Otter jump plane at Elsinore Drive Center. (3 Mike Alfa)  The best part of this flight was pointing the plane at the gourd and passing the skydivers that were free falling.  Many other pilot for hire jobs, lots of different aircraft over the years.  

Had a helo sight seeing business in Palm Springs for years and got divorced and that was over.  I am now hooked up with with a corporate helo company out of Vegas and enjoy what I do.  I also fly for a fire fighting company out of Utah during the fire season.  This explains the dry wit I have.  

No other social media except 

Long live
Wash 10 Crew......Wife and I did a Helo ride to Grand Canyon last Vegas Trip. Maverick Helicopters. Got a photo with the pilot. His wife was a pilot too. Don't remember the dudes name. Cool guy. Didn't crash us! Always a plus. Dig your dry humor. Keep it up! You helicopter guys are like family. Seifert used to have one. You might know that crazy EFFER! Peace

Hi I'm Todd, I started on GD around 2005. First time to Glamis was in 1997 Thanksgiving. My wife and had just moved back from Hawaii and were invited by a old Navy friend and dune veteran. They had a huge crew and welcomed us like family, you know how that goes. The next season we had a 2 seat Chenoweth and shortly after a custom converted cargo trailer. After that came a 4 seat beam car that went from a VW to a 2.3 ford turbo. I've built 5 cars over the years one from a pile of tubing. The car I have now will likely be our last, we don't go as much as we did in the past. My daughter is finishing college and son is in his last year of high school and will soon be off to college also. We enjoy living in Henderson NV at the edge of the desert and can drive up the street to the hard pack. We make a few day trips to Dumont but really enjoy the longer Glamis trips. Glad to see you guys got this show back up and running, thanks for the hard work, even though folks find it easy to criticize I think this is a great site!




I'm Jeff and have been a board member since 2007.  L.R.S. is my business, or side hustle as the saying goes.  My full time job is a Steam Engineer (boiler operator) and after 18 years in various oil refineries and power plants I quit in 2018 and took a job with LA County Department of Health Services as a Stationary Engineer II, currently working at LAC+USC Hospital, commonly referred to as County USC.

Some of my closest friends are fellow board members that I have met on over the years and started camping with them and their families.  It's a very eclectic group of people and regardless of what kind of off-road car, RV, or $$ you have as long as you're good people you're welcome in our group.

I was a Crew Chief for a Class 1 Unlimited race team for 10 years and I prepped two race cars, three prerunners and all the chase trucks and trailers (not by myself, we had a team of guys).  Through that experience I was able to bring some of my knowledge in off-roading to the sandrail world and began posting tech threads here and various other off-road related forums.  My goal wasn't to be a know-it-all, even if it did come off that way sometimes.  I wanted to share my knowledge and hopefully help someone to learn how to make their off-road toys safer and more reliable as well as get maximum performance. 

One thing I've learned here, as well as on other forums, is this- should I hit the Submit button?  Is this argument, potential argument, or somewhat of an aggressive reply worth it?  Probably not.  I can't tell you how many times I've typed a reply, re-read it to myself and then deleted it. 

The site crashing was shocking but I'm very happy it's back up and people are getting a second chance to contribute to a forum that shares so much for so many.     
Jeff this Gary u bought the e 85 from me the other day in upland, just wanted to say whats up.

My name is Andy. I joined back in 2007 I believe. I’ve been duning since out of the womb! I started my life on a Honda 110 three wheeler. Graduated to a 200x and then an 85’ 250r. Got into motorcycles as a young buck also starting with an xr100 then straight to a kx500! I’ve had a Honda cr500, yamaha yz250, and a Honda crf450. Not much in the dirt bike seen anymore as with age came a cage! Still have a crf450 collecting dust but did just pick up an ssr125 pit bike to rip around camp last year. As for buggies, I started with a rear engine 1915, and ended up with a 2276 in that car. Moved to a j&j midengine with a 2276 with nitrous to a 2332. Our son was born so moved to a Mazzone 4 seat with the 2332. Didn’t like that ride so bought a 4 seat Alumicraft with a 2180. Built that car to a turbo subie  with a 4e trans. Sold that and got my JP Designs 4 seat with a 500hpmls1 and s4. Got out of sand cars and went to SXS. Started with a long travel turbo 800, went to a xp41000, and now an xpt. We don’t make it out near as much as in the younger years but still make it for the big weekends. As for work, I’m in the HVAC industry now but spent most of my life turning wrenches in construction on heavy diesel equipment.

Joe(Orange_R), joined early in '06 but went to the Vet's ceremony in '05. Had a few friend on here that prompted me to join... been going to G since birth, in fact we have pics swimming in the pool at the OG store across the street. My board name was derived from my old ride... 

Flag Pole Nov 2006.jpg

Hey guys!  I've been around this board since Oct, 2001!  I saw the sign on the side of the 78 by the cows, and thought I would check it out.  I've been hooked ever since!

I grew up going to Glamis.  My parents have been going longer than I have been alive, so it's definitely in my blood! My dad had a Corvair powered sandrail as I grew up.  At 3.5, I began riding a Honda ATC70 and later moved to an ATC 185.  In 1986, we went wild and got a Suzuki LT250 (still have it today).  Somewhere thru the years, my dad sold his buggy and got a Honda 250R ATC and in 1987, he got an Lt500 Quadzilla. We did the ATC/quad thing for many years but I was jones'ing for a buggy again, and around 95/96 my uncle passed down his old Corvair powered sandrail that had been garaged since I was a kid.  I was hooked!!  In 99, I bought a rolling chassis from a came "long travel".  It was a Chenowth SV-16.  I transplanted the Corvair into the car and later upgraded that to a Turbo 2.3 Ford motor.  I sold that car in 2005, and began building my current car - a 2006 Desert Dynamics.  My kids grew up doing this and love it too.  Today, we have a RZR for my wife, Sandrail for "me" and we have 4 quads also (Suzuki LT80, Raptor 350, the O.G. Suzuki LT250 and a Suzuki LT500).  So, we cover all aspects except 2 wheelers!!

We left So Cal in 2020 and currently reside in beautiful Lake Havasu, Az!  

My screen name was derived from my license plate on my truck.

2dasand plate.jpg

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This is an awesome thread, so fun to read the story's of the backgrounds!

Thanks all for sharing.


Hey guys!  I've been around this board since Oct, 2001!  I saw the sign on the side of the 78 by the cows, and thought I would check it out.  I've been hooked ever since!

I grew up going to Glamis.  My parents have been going longer than I have been alive, so it's definitely in my blood! My dad had a Corvair powered sandrail as I grew up.  At 3.5, I began riding a Honda ATC70 and later moved to an ATC 185.  In 1986, we went wild and got a Suzuki LT250 (still have it today).  Somewhere thru the years, my dad sold his buggy and got a Honda 250R ATC and in 1987, he got an Lt500 Quadzilla. We did the ATC/quad thing for many years but I was jones'ing for a buggy again, and around 95/96 my uncle passed down his old Corvair powered sandrail that had been garaged since I was a kid.  I was hooked!!  In 99, I bought a rolling chassis from a came "long travel".  It was a Chenowth SV-16.  I transplanted the Corvair into the car and later upgraded that to a Turbo 2.3 Ford motor.  I sold that car in 2005, and began building my current car - a 2006 Desert Dynamics.  My kids grew up doing this and love it too.  Today, we have a RZR for my wife, Sandrail for "me" and we have 4 quads also (Suzuki LT80, Raptor 350, the O.G. Suzuki LT250 and a Suzuki LT500).  So, we cover all aspects except 2 wheelers!!

We left So Cal in 2020 and currently reside in beautiful Lake Havasu, Az!  

My screen name was derived from my license plate on my truck.

View attachment 2926
There is nothing so rare as a running Corvair!! You could perform a complete overhall on the side of the rode.  (belt huckin monster)

Casey "NEVERENOUGH" joined in the early 2000's. I have been to a few gatherings and met some great people. We used to go a lot more when the kids were younger and living at home. Try to make a trip or two a year now. All the kids are grown and have their own stuff so hopefully we can start some new traditions. We still have a couple quads but spend most of our time in a Turbo RZR. I live in Northern Arizona and spend most of our free summer time trail riding and camping. This is a great topic. I would love to see some of the gathering come back. I really enjoyed the potlucks and meeting like minded people. 



Shawn aka "Headinjury" joined sometime in February 2001, member# 231. I met the people from during an late season Easter trip of of 2001 or 2002 not sure, but it was Kenny's 3rd gathering and you were camped at GECKO across from pad 1. I can't believe it's been 20 years. Had many great times from the SSSS gatherings, summer night rides back in the OG days. The compound and the beginning of the ATC 70 era (Treshombre 70) gathering and the ride to boardmanville after was a time I'll never forget. The Customer appreciation BBQ's were always a good time. The countless memories and friendships made via are absolutely priceless. I want to thank all who have and still supports and all its sponsors. I can't forget the hundreds of customers and referrals that the family members have sent and continue sending my way. My family and I thank you for the bottom of our hearts. See you in the motherland soon.....










I will jump in, My name is Alex Cook "Cookie".  I came to this site in the late 1990's, bouncing between the ASA, Gotdunes, and boards.  We also had a weekly chat room on Yahoo that King Glamis (Doug) ran.  I rejoined the new page in March 2001, member 106.

I got my start in the desert in 1972 when my parents divorced.  Dad had three boys, so lets go to the desert.  I grew up in La Crescenta, so our go to every other weekend was Jawbone/Dove Springs, and in the Summer we went to Kennedy Meadows.  Once I hit High School, I started racing at Indian Dunes.  Did that for a few years but the jumps started to get bigger and I was a better rider with the wheels on the ground, so off the D37 for a couple of years.  

When I was about 20 yrs old, went and visited a friend at SDSU, after that fun weekend I decided to sell my bikes and go to college.  Moved to SD and went to SDSU, all while dreaming of the desert.  Around the time I was graduating, my buddy called and asked me to come to Glamis, I was hooked.  I have been going to the dunes almost exclusively in the winter months, still make a yearly trip to Kennedy Meadows to ride in the summer.

Haven't met a lot of you in person due to I have never really camped with most of you. But have met a lot you at stops in the dunes.  I am still camping with that friend that invited me to the dunes in 1992, that same friend also rode with us with kids in Jawbone in the 70's.  So our group is still pretty much intact, which is amazing.

We camp at Buttercup for Tday every year, and the rest of the year you can usually find us between the canals enjoying the quiet nights.
