Introduce Yourself..

Bohica was camped right in front of me that weekend, Think it was the weekend he ran into the back of Tweet. Who lets the Asain driver in back of them on a night ride anyway :lol:  . Well he was BBQ'ing up something that smelled way to good. I remember saying that smells good. He offered up a piece of the most tender flavorful thing I had ever tried up to that point. I made the mistake of asking what is that.

Pigs Ass :lmao:

lol...ok, I know what pig's ass is then - I thought you were saying that was someone's name!!

"Before I ran into her I had learned about pig's ass from Bohica and met a few others along the way when she runs up to me drunk as hell"

Who are you referring to above then as "she"?

The one who's name shall not be mention more than once a month in fear she will show up again :lol:  

My name is Gil, joined the board in 2005 or 2006 originally GDT.  mainly lurked but did post a few times.  Live in AZ and work at the Nuclear power plant near phoenix.  always enjoy reading the stories and opinions.

My name is Mike, but I’ve been known through various as mike dee.  I have a Honda powered sand rail, Older 1000 Polaris, and a family of quads.  Haven’t seen the dunes much in past two years due to many obstacles but can been seen in OW frequently.  I love BBQ, friends and family and beer.  I hope see you all in the sand next season as I did for my previous 30 plus years.

I am Jason, I started on GD in 2008,  I have gone to the Sand Dunes with my parents when they where in a Jeep club.  The first ride was when i was 13 years old in a pan buggy with just a roll bar, i was hooked.  First buggy i purchased was a 88'' wheel base with a 1500 CC VW engine, I worked at Nevada Off-Road buggy for Rob Maccachren. I then build a JSC mid engine with a 2180, back then i thought i was really setting the world on fire, 

Later i worked full time at a Machine shop, Jobber shop, help build race car Crap and helped out on a Top-A dragster for Jack Beckman, During that time I started on my first Long Travel car with a V8 in 2006, was a DD Sand Car, with a LT-1,  never thought the LS would really take off and the Cady motors where way to much money at the time,  

Later started on my first LS motor in 2008, and never looked back, 

I have made family members purchase sand cars, kids have quads, and have seen Dumont, Glamis, St, Anthony's, Coral pink (with Quads) and Sand Hollow,  

I can not imagine not going to the Sand Dunes,   

Hello My name is Wes.. Most call me TRAP..I been reading this as I wasnt sure what to type here as its been a LONG road for sure..I started on here teamed up with with First wife WJ. she did most of the Posting and I just went a read stuff. Then one Sand show Sampler says Get your own Board name. So I did and that is How SandTrap was born on here. Maybe some of Y'all have seen me I seem to pop up at all the Events the Sand shows and EPO's Golf Tourney Vets ceremony I seem to be around all the events Trying to Help or maybe get in the way I guess opinions could vary.

Something that has been said ALOT on here is Family and all these people are Family to Me on Here. I have truly been Blessed through out the Years. Back in 06 when My first wife and I split I was all of a sudden a single dad raising two small boys and lost to say the least but I still showed up too the Dunes and everyone was always so very Kind.Just in the Past few Months my life took another turn I never saw coming and Many many Glamisdunes people called and listened as I cried and just let emotions out and for that I am truly Thankful.

I got the Phone call the day the Board went down and Honestly didnt know what to say. I was told Hold on tight we will let ya know what will happen.I held my breath and didnt know what to say but I am here no matter what.Sampler called me back and said the Team that was working behind the scenes and I told him there is nobody better than those folks and it was like my heart started beating again.I am Very Honored to be a small part of such a Great Family Here..

Y'all have Blessed my life much more than I can ever Express

Hi everyone I'm Christine...  Joined in 2004 similar story as others.  My ex said we were going to camp with a bunch of ppl he talks to on the internet.  I was like what ???  Gave it a shot and haven't looked back.  I've meet the greatest ppl here and wouldn't have it any other way.  They have helped me through one of the hardest times of my life.  They also have made it so I can continue doing what I love.  I grew up off-roading since in my Mom's belly and love it.  

Cheers :cheers:  to everyone and I hope to see you all in the dunes.  Say Hi :howdy1:  if you see me out there.

Hello all. My name is Bernie. I am a native to Phoenix AZ. I’ve been a local home inspector here since 1997. Started in G on President’s Day 2000 and haven’t looked back since. Came to the dunes through an invite from a high school buddy and my 11 yo son fell in love. Needless to say, we became instant duners. 

We started out on quads and really never changed. I bought a Rhino 11 years ago, but still love my Raptor. I’m +60 and don’t want to leave the bars.  I do my own wrenching and have as much fun fixing the broken stuff as I do riding the dunes. I’m the guy in camp with all the tools. 

I came to the site in 2006 and enjoy reading all the varied stories and events, photos, getting stuck stuff, you name it.  Thanks to all you admins and board folks for keeping this going in spite of the massive loss of the old site. Nice reading all your bios. See you all in the sand someday.

Hello, my name is Richard. I’ve been on this site since 05/06 timeframe. My first glamis trip was Halloween of 98 when I was ten years old. Ride there hard for the next ten years, and probably met most of you guys at some point or another. My uncle was fairly well known around here for a while, and I helped him film some epo’s a long time back. I think there was drama between him and the board, I don’t know or care I guess.

i pretty much came off the glamis game for years due to work schedule and life getting in the way, sold my quad and sandrail, but still try to make it out once or twice a year just fart around in my jeep and people watch. My days of blasting the huge bowls behind olds are still on pause, and probably will be for years, but I’m happy as a kid on Christmas just to cruise around and see the spectacle, and more importantly, smell the smell. You know the smell.

Hello, my name is Richard. I’ve been on this site since 05/06 timeframe. My first glamis trip was Halloween of 98 when I was ten years old. Ride there hard for the next ten years, and probably met most of you guys at some point or another. My uncle was fairly well known around here for a while, and I helped him film some epo’s a long time back. I think there was drama between him and the board, I don’t know or care I guess.

i pretty much came off the glamis game for years due to work schedule and life getting in the way, sold my quad and sandrail, but still try to make it out once or twice a year just fart around in my jeep and people watch. My days of blasting the huge bowls behind olds are still on pause, and probably will be for years, but I’m happy as a kid on Christmas just to cruise around and see the spectacle, and more importantly, smell the smell. You know the smell.
was your uncle Mike330r?  He took really great pictures.

My name is Lloyd and I'm a Dirtaholic..Been around here since 2008..Started duning about the same time. I'm an Old Skool Dirt Biker from back in the 70's. I'm not the real SuperHunky but he was a Major Hero of mine back in the day so the name is out of Respect and Admiration. I believe he's still around out in Apache Junction. I'm a Mechanical Engineer and former long time General Contractor and am a semi retired self storage owner for the past 25 yrs. Love the Dunes and Dez..Have made many Great Long time friends in the dirt and plan to keep on doing it..
Rest in Peace Llyod.
