Introduce Yourself..

I will jump in, My name is Alex Cook "Cookie".  I came to this site in the late 1990's, bouncing between the ASA, Gotdunes, and boards.  We also had a weekly? chat room on Yahoo that King Glamis (Doug) ran. 

Duner's Hangout ❤️
I remember being on dial up and waiting, waiting, waiting for the page to load...

My name is Monica... I've been on GD since 2001 and have had multiple board names... (Mrs. Bear Down, MBD, Musta Been Drunk, Lil'Moni77)  
I was introduced to GD . com by Bohica... we knew him from Hot Boat forums. My husband at the time jumped online and told me... "Hey were going to Glamis with a bunch of people we don't know... I was skeptical, but what did I have to lose right?  :lol:

I have ridden my whole life growing up and my 1st bike was a Honda 185 3 wheeler... then a Honda 250R... then a 400ex quad.  I was on the 400 when I started camping with GD  in 13.5.  Man what a wild ride that was!!  Sooo many families and kids that are all grown up now its unbelievable how long I have known my GD Family.  Back then, slept in the back of my Tahoe and took showers on my flatbed trailer...  :rofl:   Graduated to a 21' Toy hauler and quickly out grew it and just went for a 40' Weekend Warrior purchased through Head Injury... 

I have thrown so many GD gatherings it's impossible to remember them all...  :mb:

I moved on to a VW sand rail, then a Long Travel Aceco Sand Rail with a Turbo Subi in it... then the 1st Generation RZR... and a few 70's to play around camp on... 

Fast forward 20yrs... and I'm still hooked!!  Divorced, happily Single... and I have a Toy Hauler, a Truck and a RZR and doing it all on my own!!  :headbang:

I love that not only through these boards, but also through social media, I still keep in touch with 80% of the Original Members and Families...  :classic_love:

Back in the early 90's I was riding a private track owned by the Baldwin Brothers off El Toro Rd.  I was there with my local pro brother n law. I know how to ride but I ain't jumping everything at a real SX track. So I was rolling round out there having fun between the gnarly obstacles when Damon Bradshaw and Doug Dubach showed up to practice . AS they were unloading Damon asked my brother n law "Whose the Spode out there?". LoL. Stuck ever since. 

My first trip to G was back in 2001. (Also the year I joined GD.COM Originally member number 922). I had seen all the crazy MX videos of Glamis and as a Conservative Christian homeschooling father I wanted nothing to do with that place.  However, I was invited out with said brother n law and his friends.  When we got there I went on a few rides with the guys. I was overwhelmed at the beauty of this place. At the time I was a lifer 2 wheel guy but had a lifted and locked Zook to drive the fam around.  

I had the fam sitting at the top of a razor back looking into this pristine dune valley behind Gecko.  We saw a family on quads come buzzing through. They were looping around a valley hitting some small jumps having a blast.  I thought to myself, " Well if I get everyone quads we can come here! This place is awesome".. That begun a 20 year obsession.....

Lotsa cool Glamis camping vids here

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OK I will play along, name is Todd.  Board name is Ladsm (Old job title- Los Angeles District Service Manager).  I work for Amazon now and launch new buildings.  Been on here since mid 2000's   Attended many GD events, Sand Show pre-parties, EPO, bought and sold alot of stuff.   Moved outta California almost 2 years ago now to live in Bullhead City on the Colorado River.  Still have my RZR, VW Sand Rail and too many quads with carburetors full of bad gas.  Took the last 2 years off to remodel the new house and get life resituated out in a new state.  Will be back out for the next Vets ceremony.  

David jones    ...    signed up here in 2003  mostly lurked and watched what my brother was up to .   I spent a couple of summers riding a 200ex in Pismo as a kid and then made a spring break trip to Pismo junior year of high school .  graduated hs and went to work for a electric utility where i have been ever since . I currently work as a troubleshooter for the same electric utility and  got into glamis after helping kevin get his build on the sand .  I spent many years chasing drag racing and got bored of it , just like i got bored with my first two sand rails never even duned the first one which was  a vw junkyard build with a Johnny's speed and chrome frame . I then bought a 5 seat scu vw beam car which i learned in and dune'd the crap out of until i got bored with it  . Currently have a dual sport desert dynamics and a couple quads ,a mid travel vw  car with a blown up engine due to a teenager driving at idaho dunes  .  did at least 30 trips in the last 5 years . have a small cnc machine shop in upland where i manufacture a variety of automotive racing products and do general job shop work .   

No clue when I got on this board, but it was a long azz time ago that's for damm sure.  My kids were still little, and now both of them are in college.  My daughter is at USC, a fact when I think about it, just about brings me to tears.  @SandTrap was probably the first person I met from this board.  Him and Jenette invited me out to Thanksgiving dinner with them.  Wes made turkeys in peanut oil, and that was the best damm turkey I'd ever had.  I met Pastor and a whole bunch of other peeps that trip, and that started my love of Glamis.

Then one day I got an invite to an event that I can't talk about, cause the first rule of fight club applies.  But I'll tell you what, oh wait, I can't talk about it!  But I have a whole bunch of t-shirts from those events, and I even got a black one one time.

I'm retired these days.  I get outa bed when I f'n feel like it, and do what ever I want! lol  I mostly just build websites and Crap, and spend as much time as I can on my boat on the river.  I build my first website back in 07, it was called, and some of you guys actually bought some Crap from me!  I was a whole lota fun while it lasted.

I didn't post on here, or go to G for a very long time. Why? When my son got into Boy Scouts, scouting completely consumed my life.  Even though the first time him and I hiked Half Dome was with Mark and Steph, my son and I hiked it with Scouts all over again, and spent a week in the back country of Yosemite on that same trip.  I've put a lot of miles on my feets on those back country trails.  It's place everyone that is able to, should take the time to see.  It will absolutely take your breath away.

So now that my kids are all growed up, I'll probably get back to the dunes, and the Glamis people I miss so much!  Ya all know who you are, so I hope to see ya all soon...


My name is Bob & My first trip to Glamis was Jan 2012.  A drag racer buddy of mine from Phoenix said "why dont you come out for the day & hang out".  I was eyeball deep in Drag Racing @ the time & this seemed like a MUCH more family friendly sport. 

I bought an old beat up beam car with a 1915 VW & a 002.  My 2 boys & I tore it down to its bones, cut the roll bar off of the top of it & built it up from the bottom up.  We would goto Glamis with our friends from Phoenix & to OW with our 2 wheeled neighbors from up the street.  I taught my boys how to drive a stick in that car & we had a blast trying to keep up with the LS Long travel cars & it was just not having it.  We beat the crap out of that car (& myself) trying to hang with the big buggies.  It was a GREAT bonding experience with my boys.  We went through everything from the bearings, to the motor (ended up with a 2332).  Super cool experience for me. 

Dave McDowell (My trans guy) turned me onto a local guy (here in San Diego), to an almost new PSD car.  I was in love (or in lust anyway) we did the deal on 3Feb18.  My boys are all growed up now & dont come out very often, my wife comes 2 or 3 times a year, depending on "things".  but I get out as often as I can.  This fall we are planning on heading back to the hard pack with some family friends that take their Manx out there.  we are looking forward to that. 


Name is Mike, Screen name are my initials.

My now Ex-wife first moved in with me in 2001 or so at that time I had an old hand me down computer. No internet it was a paper weight I played solitaire on. So she moves in we get the internet, well dial up.  She fires up that old computer and puts it out on the WWW. I was like cool. She was looking for King Glamis's old chat room or whatever it as.  She finds Glamis instead.  Says here play with this. So this was my first Web site I ever visited, Yes even before one of those web sites.  Next thing you know it's the same old story. We are driving across the Valley to meet up with some people from the internet for a Taco Tuesday.  We meet Goat Poker, Bukit-ed , Luvdiunnin and Queen Glamis.  

My dune group at that point was falling apart a few of them had kids who were at the age of no time for the dunes and a few had moved on. The Ex-Wifes group was a cluster eff of full on retards.  I wasn't going to go to the dunes with them ever again period full stop.

So with not many options left we went with The group we met at that TT to Gordon's for the South Dunes clean up.  We had a good time that trip. I still remember when Crash and Chummin rode the two Wheeler down from Gecko. I knew one was Chummin , He had the Fish sticker on his number plate. The other I didn't know who it was , he walked up to me though asked if I was MWBbanshee ( Old Board Name pre-2006)  and his name was Crash  Next trip was for the very first Golf Tourney and camped in 13.5 for that trip. What an experience that was.  The camp was huge the circle had 3 or 4 different layers. It was easy to get lost in camp it was that big.  I came back from a ride parked the Banshee at the trailer grabbed a beer. Before I ran into her I had learned about pig's ass from Bohica and met a few others along the way when she runs up to me drunk as hell. She says try this and puts a chip with salsa ( actually I am sure it was molten lava) in my mouth and says isn't this is great it's called Esco Sauce, First time and it took six months before I could taste food again....  She was drunk as hell too I asked her how many beers have you had? She say's one and some apple pie.  That stuff could also be part of the reason why I couldn't taste for a while.  So now here I am with my mouth on fire about two sips of beer left in my Corona and no idea where my trailer even is. Fun times for sure.

That weekend we met so many great people we never camped with either of our old groups again.  Could not even count how many great people I have met on this board.

In the 20 years  I have seen marriages, divorces, births and way to many deaths of members. Seen kids grow up to be great adults and sadly a few of them make some bad choices.  I have seen people come around burn like a star and burn out in less than a season.  I have seen people move on saying they will never return and then one day, back again.  There are a few members who I wish would take a break but there are more that I wish they would come back around. Until then I think I will just stick around and wait for them.

Over all I don't think I have met but a handful of people who haven't gone out of their way to make me feel welcome and part of the group like Crash did at that first introduction. 

hi, im Kevin.

i have been on the site since early 1999 after Kurt started it in feb that year. found out about it after seeing a piece of plywood spray painted with on it on the 78 by the cow place (at the time it was an empty field). wasnt able to come out for the first 3 kennie gatherings or the star bash, but followed along with everyone on the old school scrolling bbs the site had at the time. I also used to hang out in the yahoo chat groups as kevin400ex. pretty much all my friends today are from this site.

Hi, I am Brandon Long. Post as Brandon Long 😀

I have been on this forum for roughly 20 years. Funny I actually saw a sign on the side of the 78 as well. My father also joined and posted as Ocean1. I grew up in the desert, well actually I have pictures of me in my mommas belly in Glamis. One of my memories growing up was riding on the front of the 110 atc through the dunes double, no helmets and I survived. A family of four with two three wheelers grew into a set of grandparents and my now family of four. GD has always been there for me over the years from tough times with pets passing to logging on to learn the correct installation of my CV's. Over the years I have been a trusted source as a real estate broker for many members on this board.  Now as my children Kailey & Ryan are growing they are beginning to watch and see the fun family this board has to offer. Looking forward to the next 20 years!

I'm ANGRYBUTTCRACK ... that's my YouTube channel you can search... no spaces and I haven't made a video in 13 years...

That being said... still in the game with 2 Razors...

I should have my OWN channel on this site... 


Tomorrow I pick up my 2019 Turbo RZR S Velocity... motor grenaded.. they installed a BRAND NEW FACTORY CRATE MOTOR... I also cracked the case and have my 2014 motor being re-installed, 1110cc Big Bore... covered by insurance.. so like $20k+ worth that I'll pay a few thousand for some upgrades... gotta break them in Rialto (my Mom's house)... next season..



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 We meet Goat Poker, Bukit-ed , Luvdiunnin and Queen Glamis. 

Surprised you didn't
BTW - whatever happened to GP?

Before I ran into her I had learned about pig's ass from Bohica and met a few others along the way when she runs up to me drunk as hell.

Pig's Ass?

A few days ago I was at a Karaoke bar and butchered this song.... What else do you want to know?

Hello.  My name is Chance.  Other than being the only one to ever beat OJ(Outfront John) in a race(he still owes me $1,000 by the way), my story is pretty basic so I won't bore you with the details.  Too bad the proof of that race was on the last site.  Oh well.

GP is still around, Think they have two kids now. Still goes to Gordon's and Occotillo with the JP Design crew. Have not seen him in years though.

Paula did want to run :lol:  

Bohica was camped right in front of me that weekend, Think it was the weekend he ran into the back of Tweet. Who lets the Asain driver in back of them on a night ride anyway :lol:  . Well he was BBQ'ing up something that smelled way to good. I remember saying that smells good. He offered up a piece of the most tender flavorful thing I had ever tried up to that point. I made the mistake of asking what is that.

Pigs Ass :lmao:
