Gas Shortage in San Diego

At the most expensive gas station in Manhattan Beach (PCH and Rosecrans), I saw premium at $5.59 today.  I don't think the 6 people driving Teslas at the stop light at the intersection cared . . .

How many oil companies directly own oil futures?  Not a lot, it's speculation driven by hedge funds owned by oil people....they manipulate their own market. There is NO shortage of oil right now, there is no reason for diesel to be the same price as gasoline,  This is all BULLSHIT and driven by the oil companies, who control the congress and the President.... Trump was probably the only one they didn't own.  

My Dually .. we changed out the stock 34 gallon tank for a Titan (I think) 62 gallon one.. I think it's $300 or more to fill it... but I never run out of gas.. Also, don't put more than a few thousand miles (all G trips, etc.) on my cars/trucks.. I just overpay for golf carts..  :rofl:

Happy Friday!


Fly to Havasu the other day on my friends plane, it was cheaper than driving with these prices.......crazy

Were coming into a mid-term election year, and it's pretty easy right now to point the finger at the party that is mostly responsible for the decisions that have driven up gas prices,  mostly hurting the people directly in the pocket book that are known for voting for that very party responsible. 

I would assume (hope) that this price surge will be temporary, and there will be an effort coming shortly to help relieve the situation for us all, regardless of how you vote.

Went from $40 to fill up my commuter every week at the end of 2020 to $80 a week yesterday. 

How many oil companies directly own oil futures?  Not a lot, it's speculation driven by hedge funds owned by oil people....they manipulate their own market. There is NO shortage of oil right now, there is no reason for diesel to be the same price as gasoline,  This is all BULLSHIT and driven by the oil companies, who control the congress and the President.... Trump was probably the only one they didn't own.  
There is no shortage, but there is a huge disruption in the supply chain, and yes increased instability in the market and speculation on its future.  Both drive prices at the pump. Whats happening now is much more complex than The blanket “effin oil companies”

i keep hearing alot of what the hell do you own with “made in russia on it” people have no idea how much raw material (minerals gasses, etc) come from russia and china. Most of the ethanol used in california gas comes from corn sources in russia as well

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You don't daily the SS?  LOL

10mpg on premium hurts.
Picked a great time to switch the wife from an Edge to an F-150 as a daily (granted, only about a 1mpg difference) and V8 Mustang.

But hey, Mustang will run on 87 and gets the same MPG as the 3 series it replaced. :biggrin:

Picked a great time to switch the wife from an Edge to an F-150 as a daily (granted, only about a 1mpg difference) and V8 Mustang.

But hey, Mustang will run on 87 and gets the same MPG as the 3 series it replaced. :biggrin:
I live 7 miles from work.  I'd probably still daily it if it got 5mpg 'cause it's so fun to drive and the attention it gets. :classic_cool:

Picked a great time to switch the wife from an Edge to an F-150 as a daily 
Same with me and a diesel!  Thank God my wife and I have a zero to 10 minute commute. 

Living in Julian though, I'm doing the math to visit friends and family. Are they worth $40 in gas???

You don't daily the SS?  LOL

10mpg on premium hurts.
90 miles a day on the trailblazer was not friendly to my bank account. Did that for about 4 months and found the Buick with 2.4 DI Ecotec motor (Class 10 motor) and now get 32 MPG and save about $300 a month.

Things might get real interesting this year. Mortgage rates bumped to 4% this week and back to 3.75% today. Talked to a lender this week (not a normal guy I work with but pretty sharp) and he thinks we will hit 5% by end of year. Combine that with stupid high prices on everything and now this. Hmm. But hey on the bright side our vet sent a message today that they will no longer require masks if we bring one of the animals in. 

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I paid $5.75 today for Diesel in Fontana and $5.69 for 91 on the toys. chit is getting out of control!

 (not a normal guy I work with but pretty sharp) and he thinks we will hit 5% by end of year
Doesn't matter how sharp he or anyone may be, we really don't have control of what the market may or may not do. It can be changed within a day for any stupid reason. Like the last time they flat lined was due to a pandemic. Who saw that coming? Anyhow, I'm in the business too and really despise lenders making opinions on what's to come. Especially when it's for his financial gain. If you're in the market, just jump in! Waiting is only delaying what you're trying to accomplish. 

Doesn't matter how sharp he or anyone may be, we really don't have control of what the market may or may not do. It can be changed within a day for any stupid reason. Like the last time they flat lined was due to a pandemic. Who saw that coming? Anyhow, I'm in the business too and really despise lenders making opinions on what's to come. Especially when it's for his financial gain. If you're in the market, just jump in! Waiting is only delaying what you're trying to accomplish. 
Yep, A crap shoot for sure. Many have been saying 4% by end of year but we did hit that this week.

Yep, A crap shoot for sure. Many have been saying 4% by end of year but we did hit that this week.
Let's keep in mind 4% was also pre-pandemic and is still very low relatively speaking. 5% who cares! We've been conditioned to the pandemic rates of 1.99% ohhhh wow ok, I don't see that happening again. It was only for like 3 weeks anyway on like a 15yr loan with point paid for blah blah blah. Just do what's best for you. I laugh at people when they freak out about 4%. LOL 

hey on the bright side our vet sent a message today that they will no longer require masks if we bring one of the animals in. 
Our vet did "no contact" visits.  Drop off only.  When they ditched that sht I took one of my Rotties in for a check up.  The tech checking him out and doing paper work had no mask, no problem.  The doc walked in with a mask, well, he wasn't greeted well by my 140lb fella....hahaha  Then my poor guy had to wear a mask (muzzle) for the rest of the visit.

Let's keep in mind 4% was also pre-pandemic and is still very low relatively speaking. 5% who cares! We've been conditioned to the pandemic rates of 1.99% ohhhh wow ok, I don't see that happening again. It was only for like 3 weeks anyway on like a 15yr loan with point paid for blah blah blah. Just do what's best for you. I laugh at people when they freak out about 4%. LOL 
I get your point but.... I do have a lot of buyers now priced out of the market. It is only getting worse and less and less people can afford homes.  Stupid high prices now on real estate plus inflation on goods and higher fuel prices will only make it worse. I say many people will care. We shall see.

Things might get real interesting this year. Mortgage rates bumped to 4% this week and back to 3.75% today. Talked to a lender this week (not a normal guy I work with but pretty sharp) and he thinks we will hit 5% by end of year. Combine that with stupid high prices on everything and now this. Hmm. But hey on the bright side our vet sent a message today that they will no longer require masks if we bring one of the animals in. 
im working on a refi of a 30 year loan that i am 7 years into.  doing a refi at 3% 15year to shave off 8 years of payments at $3k per month, thats a savings of $192k in payments. 

Note: old payment $3k per month, new payment will be in the  $3200 range.  old interest 4.25%, new 3% possibly slightly lower 

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