Gas Shortage in San Diego

No, you literally posted Venezuela and Russia have cheaper prices like that’s at all remotely feasible here. We can’t. Those countries:

1. Have zero wages and property values, both of which effect bottom line on prices more than the oil cost

2. Give absolutely zero Fs about the environment and clean fuel refining and burning. This affects bottom line.

3. Among a gazillion other reasons we can’t have Venezuela cheap gas prices is we don’t subsidize the chit out of gasoline prices to prevent the peasants from rioting. 

Can we have cheaper prices? Sure can. There’s lots of bullshit we deal with here that causes high prices. 

But comparing us to Russia and Venezuela is just dumb, completely infeasible… and also 100% consistent with your posts. Lol. 
If you had actually READ and UNDERSTOOD my post, I outlined 2 ways we could easily have lower prices, but our gov't is too poorly run to ever do the right thing. I ONLY mentioned their GAS prices, not their political systems.

Take ethanol for example. Brazil made ethanol to become energy independent and they grew sugar cane to do it. Our gov't subsidized corn production to make ethanol, even though sugar cane produces 8x more ethanol. Why did our gov't choose corn? Because of the corn grower's lobby. They told the gov't we need to grow more corn and the idiot politicians passed legislation to subsidize corn farmers. Another stupid decision that could have protected us from foreign oil dependence and price manipulation.

I can honestly say that I don’t even bother to look anymore. I need to fill up the tank about as often as I need to grab another bottle of Makers Mark. Me looking at the bright LED sign doesn’t change the fact that I need to put a little in the tank. I do know that a good size bottle of bourbon at Costco is $33.99 but when I fill up the car/truck I hit No on the receipt and move on. Gotta have both so no use fretting over it.

If you had actually READ and UNDERSTOOD my post, I outlined 2 ways we could easily have lower prices, but our gov't is too poorly run to ever do the right thing. I ONLY mentioned their GAS prices, not their political systems.

Take ethanol for example. Brazil made ethanol to become energy independent and they grew sugar cane to do it. Our gov't subsidized corn production to make ethanol, even though sugar cane produces 8x more ethanol. Why did our gov't choose corn? Because of the corn grower's lobby. They told the gov't we need to grow more corn and the idiot politicians passed legislation to subsidize corn farmers. Another stupid decision that could have protected us from foreign oil dependence and price manipulation.
We obviously can do things to improve prices. Comparing us to Venezuela is still dumb, and you can’t at all separate their gas prices from their political systems since their shitty political systems are exactly why they have low gas prices. I’ll gladly pay more for gas to not have to deal with socialism run by oligarchs.

Sugar cane is primarily an equatorial crop. Brazil has a lot more viable land and rainfall for this than we do. They also annihilated gazillions of acres of rainforest to do it, something I don’t see happening here. 

Ethanol from corn was dumb for fuel, and always has been. Still not why gas prices suck here. 
