Gas Shortage in San Diego

1598.jpegGot a free empty VP fuel drum if anyone wants to store a little, coated inside and clean, Just come and get it, I'm in Santee 

619-971-1101.  Phil

Jen Saki says we've got nine drilling permits here in the UDA, but the corporations don't want to drill. Who to believe? Peace  
She actually said 9,000 today, which the administration has been pushing for a week and as far as I can tell is true . . .
Most of those aren't commercially viable, or they take quite some time to spin up.  If the companies can't make money on the drill permit, they're not gonna drill, can't blame them for that.

Most of what IS commercially viable is fracking, which the current administration has a hard-on to block however possible.

Most of those aren't commercially viable, or they take quite some time to spin up.  If the companies can't make money on the drill permit, they're not gonna drill, can't blame them for that.

Most of what IS commercially viable is fracking, which the current administration has a hard-on to block however possible.
Well, FRACK them! :bag:

I saw a news clip where 3 politicians explained that the oil leases aren't being used because the administration has denied every permit for pipelines to transport the oil or natural gas. Without pipelines, the oil leases are worthless. They also said they are flaring (burning off) a lot of NG that is coming out of existing wells because they don't have pipelines to transport it.

Global gas prices appear to be only affecting the US. If there was a global shortage, prices would be up worldwide, but the US is 53rd worldwide in gas prices, meaning 52 countries have lower prices per gal as of March 7. This includes a couple of small islands in the Bahamas that have to bring in all of their gas from other islands by ship. That's pathetic. Gas in Venezuela is 9.5 cents/gal and in Russia they're paying $1.41/gal for 92 octane, which is the lowest octane they sell.

So the next time you're at the pump wondering why we're paying $5/gal for crappy 87 octane (and the dirtiest diesel fuel in the world) you can thank our gov't and the oil lobbyists who help the oil companies still get subsidies totaling $5.9 Trillion in 2020 while gouging the living crap out of the US public.

How is it that while Russia is getting sanctioned to death, they're still only paying $1.41/gal.?

I stand corrected.....9,000. And we're NOT taking action? Who's paying who? Peace
Those 9,000 leases are not what they are reporting them be. They are not all viable and all are mired in mountains of red-tape making it damn near impossible to drill the precious few that are viable.

$6.87 for diesel in lakeside yesterday morning.  
$6.76 for diesel in San Marcos this morning. 


Global gas prices appear to be only affecting the US. If there was a global shortage, prices would be up worldwide, but the US is 53rd worldwide in gas prices, meaning 52 countries have lower prices per gal as of March 7. This includes a couple of small islands in the Bahamas that have to bring in all of their gas from other islands by ship. That's pathetic. Gas in Venezuela is 9.5 cents/gal and in Russia they're paying $1.41/gal for 92 octane, which is the lowest octane they sell.

So the next time you're at the pump wondering why we're paying $5/gal for crappy 87 octane (and the dirtiest diesel fuel in the world) you can thank our gov't and the oil lobbyists who help the oil companies still get subsidies totaling $5.9 Trillion in 2020 while gouging the living crap out of the US public.

How is it that while Russia is getting sanctioned to death, they're still only paying $1.41/gal.?
Directly from the website link above.

Gasoline prices, Octane-95, 07-Mar-2022: The average price of gasoline around the world is 4.90 U.S. Dollar per us gallon. However, there is substantial difference in these prices among countries. As a general rule, richer countries have higher prices while poorer countries and the countries that produce and export oil have significantly lower prices. One notable exception is the U.S. which is an economically advanced country but has low gas prices. The differences in prices across countries are due to the various taxes and subsidies for gasoline. All countries have access to the same petroleum prices of international markets but then decide to impose different taxes. As a result, the retail price of gasoline is different. Use the drop menu to see the prices in gallons.

Directly from the website link above.

Gasoline prices, Octane-95, 07-Mar-2022: The average price of gasoline around the world is 4.90 U.S. Dollar per us gallon. However, there is substantial difference in these prices among countries. As a general rule, richer countries have higher prices while poorer countries and the countries that produce and export oil have significantly lower prices. One notable exception is the U.S. which is an economically advanced country but has low gas prices. The differences in prices across countries are due to the various taxes and subsidies for gasoline. All countries have access to the same petroleum prices of international markets but then decide to impose different taxes. As a result, the retail price of gasoline is different. Use the drop menu to see the prices in gallons.
I think that part of the website was written before gas hit $6/gal here.


Today, multiple factors are raising oil prices. There are three key elements:

  • Oil demand has grown more rapidly than expected in recent months as countries emerged from pandemic lockdowns.
  • OPEC+, a loose partnership between OPEC and Russia, has not raised production at a commensurate level, and neither have U.S. shale oil companies.
  • Countries have drawn on stocks of oil and fuel to fill the supply gap, reducing this emergency cushion to low levels.

These developments have made oil traders worry about looming scarcity. In response, they have bid oil prices up. It’s worth noting that while consumers often blame oil companies (and politicians) for high oil prices, these prices are set by commodity traders in venues such as the New York, London and Singapore stock exchanges.

The fact remains, Venezuela is paying 9.5 CENTS per gal and Russia is paying $1.41/gal for 92 octane, just to pick out 2 of the 52 nations who have lower gas prices than we do. Considering we could produce a lot more oil than we need and we also have the technology to produce gas, diesel or jet fuel directly from any cellulose (like tree trimmings, bark, leaves, etc) there is no logical reason other than corruption or sheer political ineptitude that we are getting drilled in the arse like this.

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The fact remains, Venezuela is paying 9.5 CENTS per gal and Russia is paying $1.41/gal for 92 octane, just to pick out 2 of the 52 nations who have lower gas prices than we do. Considering we could produce a lot more oil than we need and we also have the technology to produce gas, diesel or jet fuel directly from any cellulose (like tree trimmings, bark, leaves, etc) there is no logical reason other than corruption or sheer political ineptitude that we are getting drilled in the arse like this.
Are you really comparing the US to Venezuela and Russia in a positive light………?

Both of these countries have cheap gas because their regimes/oligarchs have made their citizens either destitute, or  completely destitute… 

Those 9,000 leases are not what they are reporting them be. They are not all viable and all are mired in mountains of red-tape making it damn near impossible to drill the precious few that are viable.
Correct. I was listening to a show with a expert on drilling & mining. The way he explained it is the Government or Private lands will offer these oil companies a lease on a plot of land, which the they then buy. But after they buy the lease, they then have to spend tens of thousands of dollars to find out if there could even be oil to drill for. There is no guarantee it’s even a good place to drill. And in order to even be able to test for oil they have to go through all sorts of permits & Environmental impact studies. This can also determine what type of process they can use to extract oil safely in that area. Just because they grant you the lease does not mean they will grant you a permit to drill on it.

The drilling expert said it can take years before your even ready to drill, and that’s only after your sure it’s even profitable to drill there. 

He said hearing their are 9000 untapped leases sounds like allot. But the fact is anytime a lease is available your going to buy it for possible future drilling. But that many never come to fruition and not all are good locations. 

His example was not all locations are good for drilling for oil, just like not all land is good for building a house on. You don’t build a house on a marsh or in a swamp. 

Are you really comparing the US to Venezuela and Russia in a positive light………?

Both of these countries have cheap gas because their regimes/oligarchs have made their citizens either destitute, or  completely destitute… 
No, actually what I posted is exactly what I meant. Those 2 shiithole countries (and many more) have WAY lower gas prices than we do. I was just pointing that out - and how we could be enjoying $2/gal gas if we just did the smart thing, but with our gov't and lobbyists running it, that will never happen.

But since you brought it up...

Biden is on track to make us destitute by the end of his term.

We have mask mandates, vaccine mandates, $30M for crack pipes - free to drug users, but they cost us taxpayers $30M, Twitter censoring people it doesn't like - including the former POTUS, record high inflation rates, labeling the people who stormed the capitol building armed with camera phones as "insurrectionists", etc etc the list goes on.

It's looking like we already have the dictatorship and big brother spying, why don't we have the lower gas prices?

Plenty of those 52 countries that have lower gas prices than the US spend less on defense (a LOT less), probably have more freedoms, better beaches AND lower gas prices!

Somebody is to blame and I blame Biden!

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No, actually what I posted is exactly what I meant. Those 2 shiithole countries (and many more) have WAY lower gas prices than we do. I was just pointing that out - and how we could be enjoying $2/gal gas if we just did the smart thing, but with our gov't and lobbyists running it, that will never happen.

But since you brought it up...

Biden is on track to make us destitute by the end of his term.

We have mask mandates, vaccine mandates, $30M for crack pipes - free to drug users, but they cost us taxpayers $30M, Twitter censoring people it doesn't like - including the former POTUS, record high inflation rates, labeling the people who stormed the capitol building armed with camera phones as "insurrectionists", etc etc the list goes on.

It's looking like we already have the dictatorship and big brother spying, why don't we have the lower gas prices?

Plenty of those 52 countries that have lower gas prices than the US spend less on defense (a LOT less), probably have more freedoms, better beaches AND lower gas prices!

Somebody is to blame and I blame Biden!
No, you literally posted Venezuela and Russia have cheaper prices like that’s at all remotely feasible here. We can’t. Those countries:

1. Have zero wages and property values, both of which effect bottom line on prices more than the oil cost

2. Give absolutely zero Fs about the environment and clean fuel refining and burning. This affects bottom line.

3. Among a gazillion other reasons we can’t have Venezuela cheap gas prices is we don’t subsidize the chit out of gasoline prices to prevent the peasants from rioting. 

Can we have cheaper prices? Sure can. There’s lots of bullshit we deal with here that causes high prices. 

But comparing us to Russia and Venezuela is just dumb, completely infeasible… and also 100% consistent with your posts. Lol. 
