Fur babies. You have them. Lets see'em!

We this our Bailey, aka Landshark (for her nipping behaviors).She keeps us on our toes. We got her when our first cattle dog (below) passed away. She is nothing like our Kallie girl, but we love her and her quirks.
This is Beau. She's a Savannah Lynx. She travels with us, like our pup. She is crazy!
This is our Kallie Girl. She made us parents. We lost her to a splenic mass, VERY suddenly. She is one that will never be forgotten and we will miss her EVERY single day

These are our pups, Stout & Whiskey. Stout, on the left, is a rescue we got at 7mo old after he was hit by a car and had his front leg amputated, his "sister" on the right, and in the car, is Whiskey. She just turned 1yr old, and loves going to the dunes and riding in the carSTOUT AND WHISKEY.jpgWHISKEY DUNES.jpg