Fur babies. You have them. Lets see'em!

My girls Tonka and Tesa.

We rescued Tesa with the tail  about 6 years ago. She was rehomed 3x before we got her. She is my shadow and the watcher of the home.

Tonka is the meat head. She's about to turn 3 and is Tesas Great Neice. Awesome dog. She's always with my kids.

Queso, well She's my wife's dog. Always with her. She's not your typical Chihuahua. Shes a rescue that had ran off from her owner.

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Love rotties

No human babies for us either, just our two turds... 








I went for recent pics, and they're all in different houses/places.  Man, I can't wait for our home in Vegas to be done and finally actually be settled. 


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Dog are the best... This is Tija, and I got her outta Mexico when she was 6 weeks old...


 Me to. They are the best. I've had 6 of them over the last 27 years.

All great dogs.

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Great looking dogs. Mine was 100 # male. With a tail. Got him as a pup and he lived about 11 years, best dog I ever had. He thought he was a lap dog. Going to get another one as soon. As I get my 3 gates up around my house ( that’s been a honey-do list for years). I tell her I only need to be reminded once every 6 months

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Have 2 now. Lily is 3/4 Cattle dog and 1/4 Border Collie. Has both red and blue on the cattle dog side. Got her at 8 weeks old. 1 1/2 now

Kira just turned a year old in December. We got her at 10 months old. She is a great pup except for chewing when we leave the house. She is a Mini Australian Shepard. Lots of energy in the house between the 2 of them  





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Hannah is part Cattle Dog part Beagle, smart as can be but only wants food. Got her from a rescue that rescues dogs off the Reservation.  Sazi, Well she is a mix of who knows what. Ex Wife found her on the Reservation at the Anasazi Inn up by four corners.  She was the ugliest puppy ever :lol:  but dam if that isn't the most loyal dog I have ever had.

This is how they would ride to the dunes in the dodge

Are We there yet resized.jpg 

This is how most people know them, tied together.  Sazi will rarely walk out of camp, Hannah on the other hand well she has been on double secret probation for years.


This is there favorite thing, or at least was.  Hannah could care less about most fireworks, Sazi as soon as the sun goes down she starts to get nervous and as soon as the first one pops, She is heading for bed.


Speaking of bed.. One day had the TV on and the Sarah Sleepy Dogs.jpgcommercial about abused dogs was playing and as I walked into the room well this is what I saw.


They are truly best friends

Sleepy Dogs.jpg



There are no words for how much I love this dog!! Here name is Taarna and she's named after a character in the 1980's movie Heavy Metal..."Taarna the Defender"...(see the picture). I got her after my home shop got broke into in 2020 and no more little dogs! She's an Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog...don't worry if you've never herd of it...not too many people have...LOL! They are mainly found in the UK. We have a friend that has one and he's a great dog! She's a great watchdog and companion...she goes everywhere with me and when I was still working , she went to work with me everyday! She loves most people especially kids...my grandsons just love her and at almost 90 pounds she still thinks she's a lap dog ...LOL!    









There are no words for how much I love this dog!! Here name is Taarna and she's named after a character in the 1980's movie Heavy Metal..."Taarna the Defender"...(see the picture). I got her after my home shop got broke into in 2020 and no more little dogs! She's an Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog...don't worry if you've never herd of it...not too many people have...LOL! They are mainly found in the UK. We have a friend that has one and he's a great dog! She's a great watchdog and companion...she goes everywhere with me and when I was still working , she went to work with me everyday! She loves most people especially kids...my grandsons just love her and at almost 90 pounds she still thinks she's a lap dog ...LOL!    

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One big-ass lapdog right there... :biggrin:

Lil' Bear.  

Rescue, lover, loves riding in truck, 5th'er and plane.  

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and of course these guys!



   We went about three years without a dog.   Needed a break while we were raising little kids.    When it was finally time we wanted a LGD ( livestock guardian dog).  We decided on an Anatolian Shepard.   Some people call them Kangals but he’s registered as an Anatolian with AKC.   He’s the perfect dog for our property.   He’s an excellent defender against predators and evil doers alike.    He just had his first birthday and we couldn’t ask for anything more in a dog that was purpose built for thousands of years to protect a flock.  
    He’s 110lbs and will probably grow for another 6 months or so.   I’m hoping he’s no heavier then around 130lbs when fully filled out.   He’s strong, lean and extremely athletic.  He doesn’t bark unless somebodies walking by or parked in front of the property.  He’s very independent and has no desire to dig or jump my fences.   
  He’s not allowed on couches but he will sneak up when he gets the chance.  

