Fire insurance in cali and “the fair plan”

I've never been called a fool and a pussy in the same sentence before. I can't even top that. 

but you all have the great weather and can surf and ski in the same day.Thats if the traffic is nonexistent.

But yeh hear on radio how the insurance companies are doing anything they can to cancel you from drones to see backyard and roofs to pictures of houses.
And this week we don’t even have the weather. lol. It’s hot. Friends said it was 113 in yorba linda sat. It was 100+ in Murrieta in the city

And this week we don’t even have the weather. lol. It’s hot. Friends said it was 113 in yorba linda sat. It was 100+ in Murrieta in the city
I’m working in so cal this week. Friday I saw 95 when I left de luz at noon. Saw 104 in Elsinore. I live in az so when I saw 95 when leaving I thought it was like 85 lol. 

my moms house where I stay was 95-96    and she doesn’t believe in ac🙈. I use a portable in my room. But the humidity I can feel. 

I've never been called a fool and a pussy in the same sentence before. I can't even top that. 
Yeah, there should probably be a little more respect given to people here. 

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I've never been called a fool and a pussy in the same sentence before. I can't even top that. 
Its a foolish mindset, and its the mindset of a person that wont stand up for their god given rights.  Do you stand up for anything?

“yeah sure i’ll wear a star of david on my sleeve, i got nothin to hide”

Its a foolish mindset, and its the mindset of a person that wont stand up for their god given rights.  Do you stand up for anything?

“yeah sure i’ll wear a star of david on my sleeve, i got nothin to hide”
I was just discussing with my wife that I feel like the Republicans somehow are the ones that got "institutionalized." That Republicans of 50 years ago would never have put up with this chit that we are today. The left is more than willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want. Being a conservative inherently has lots of responsibility, with a lot more to lose. I feel like that's what's holding them back. Rightly so in some situations. Republicans are not getting a fair shake in the court system. It's freaking crazy .. Right now, people are picking and choosing their battles. I'm not sure what it will take for everyone to become zero tolerance, but you can't be so hard on people who aren't. There will be a moment, and dare I say soon, that everyone will see the light...

PS.  I think about how all of us abandoned the January 6 people, left sitting and rotting in prison. I kind of feel like a pussy for not doing something about it. You want to go down fighting over a water meter? Or you want to go down fighting over Patriots. You can't do both right now because you'll get a label and a sentence.. and let's face it. Some of these battles have already been lost my friend. You're not going to get out of snooping water meters or snooping automobiles. Not unless you're willing to obliterate society and start all over completely. 

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You guys all know that the newer cars have black boxes that the insurance company can access in the event of a crash? Part of your policy is cooperation and if you don't allow it, they don't have to cover you?  A lot of people change their stories when they find out the black box is going to be read.....same with Tesla style cameras....videos of the accidents are easily available now.  It just serves to protect the innocent from fraud. 

The water systems just help catch and stop BIL came back from a hawaii trip to their kitchen wasted by an ice maker line....the wifi system would have alerted them and they could have had a friend go over and stop the damage.  Would have saved them all kinds of Time, aggravation and Money. 

You guys all know that the newer cars have black boxes that the insurance company can access in the event of a crash? Part of your policy is cooperation and if you don't allow it, they don't have to cover you?  A lot of people change their stories when they find out the black box is going to be read.....same with Tesla style cameras....videos of the accidents are easily available now.  It just serves to protect the innocent from fraud. 

The water systems just help catch and stop BIL came back from a hawaii trip to their kitchen wasted by an ice maker line....the wifi system would have alerted them and they could have had a friend go over and stop the damage.  Would have saved them all kinds of Time, aggravation and Money. 
A system that the homeowner monitors could be a good thing, as long as it’s optional. Just offer a discount if you have it, much like a home alarm system. But requiring someone to get a monitoring system that the insurance company gets to monitor is not the same thing. Besides, who’s dumb enough to think that the insurance company is going to monitor that 24/7 to prevent damage from a leak? No way. They are just collecting data that they don’t need.

All in the name of safety.

I was just discussing with my wife that I feel like the Republicans somehow are the ones that got "institutionalized." That Republicans of 50 years ago would never have put up with this chit that we are today. The left is more than willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want. Being a conservative inherently has lots of responsibility, with a lot more to lose. I feel like that's what's holding them back. Rightly so in some situations. Republicans are not getting a fair shake in the court system. It's freaking crazy .. Right now, people are picking and choosing their battles. I'm not sure what it will take for everyone to become zero tolerance, but you can't be so hard on people who aren't. There will be a moment, and dare I say soon, that everyone will see the light...

PS.  I think about how all of us abandoned the January 6 people, left sitting and rotting in prison. I kind of feel like a pussy for not doing something about it. You want to go down fighting over a water meter? Or you want to go down fighting over Patriots. You can't do both right now because you'll get a label and a sentence.. and let's face it. Some of these battles have already been lost my friend. You're not going to get out of snooping water meters or snooping automobiles. Not unless you're willing to obliterate society and start all over completely. 
I lost all my faith with people i respected during covid. All those that rolled over and stopped working, stopped letting their kids play with friends, stopped being the hardass american they pretended to be. My wife and i were THE ONLY ONES at our school board meetings. No one even showed up to fight for our kids. So many people swallowed hard and wore a mask even though they knew it was bs. So many people caved and Got an unknown untested vaccine, i was looked down on and called all sorts of things because i was the only one willing to go to jail for what was right. 

i have no respect for people that dont even respect themselves. For too many years i gave respect to those that didnt deserve it or didnt return it. Im done with that. 

the right isnt here to save us. They want to enslave you too. They all serve the same master

My brother in law just installed the Moen reports only to Moen, that monitors it, his SIL left the shower dripping while they were at my Mothers birthday last night....he got a notification of a possible leak....they could have had Moen remotely shut the water off till they got home. They  just chose to wait till they got home and they found the shower partly on.  

It's actually a great system...if you have expensive hardwood floors or do extended trips from your home. The cities all already monitor  your water usage anyways, so your not hiding anything. 

Its a foolish mindset, and its the mindset of a person that wont stand up for their god given rights.  Do you stand up for anything?

“yeah sure i’ll wear a star of david on my sleeve, i got nothin to hide”
And now you bring religion into the discussion?

What’s your deal? What’s your beef with me? What did I ever do to you? You blame the country’s problems on me because I have a different opinion about homeowners insurance than you do? 

But whatever, think what you want I don’t care   

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And now you bring religion into the discussion?

What’s your deal? What’s your beef with me? What did I ever do to you? You blame the country’s problems on me because I have a different opinion about homeowners insurance than you do? 

But whatever, think what you want I don’t care   
Religion? Are you dumb too? Or ignorant to the fact that millions if innocent people were innocently asked to register and simply wear a small patch of distinction and so many of those people did, because afterall, “they had nothing to hide”. Or maybe they did it because they didnt want to make a big deal out of something so minor. Whatever the case those people never saw their death coming over something so innocent. And the whole world stood by and watched

my issue with you is your “i have nothing to hide” statement. Clearly You care  because you keep debating. I will never understand a person so willing to let others tell them what to do with their own hard earned property. 

I barely use any water. Its not the point. its no ones effing business but mine.

Think of me whatever you want call me whatever you want. At least i will never bend over and take it while pleading “its okay i’ve got nothing to hide”

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My brother in law just installed the Moen reports only to Moen, that monitors it, his SIL left the shower dripping while they were at my Mothers birthday last night....he got a notification of a possible leak....they could have had Moen remotely shut the water off till they got home. They  just chose to wait till they got home and they found the shower partly on.  

It's actually a great system...if you have expensive hardwood floors or do extended trips from your home. The cities all already monitor  your water usage anyways, so your not hiding anything. 
You think moen  isnt forwarding that usage information to the state of california? Newsom and his goons have been trying to find a legal way to put water meters on everyones wells for over a decade.

Back to the original topic. I did find another broker that has gotten my wrap around policy down to 1000$/year from the 4200$ i am paying with farmers…and i wont be needing a water monitoring system.  Still waiting to hear what the CA Fair plan is going to cost me, but it looks like my policy wont be the $1,000/month im paying now

edit just saw that i got an email from this new broker earlier today. my ca fairplan is down to 2944$/year from 6400$ so with the wrap around i went from a little over $12,000/year to just under $4k by ditching farmers. New policy is through bamboo

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You think moen  isnt forwarding that usage information to the state of california? Newsom and his goons have been trying to find a legal way to put water meters on everyones wells for over a decade.
We aren't on a well, so they have been monitoring our water for years now. Not much you can do about if you are on city water. Our neighbors on the bluffs in Norco were just forced onto city water, because the well #s of some mineral were too high....ya right. 

And now you bring religion into the discussion?

What’s your deal? What’s your beef with me? What did I ever do to you? You blame the country’s problems on me because I have a different opinion about homeowners insurance than you do? 

But whatever, think what you want I don’t care   
He’s not talking about religion, he’s talking about the incremental erosion of rights that seemed trivial, but led to the near-annihilation of a people from lands controlled by a government gone crazy. 

if you’ve ever walked through this museum, you’d see the top 3 floors aren’t that different than today. History is a teacher to those who heed it. We’re in spicy times. Hopefully we don’t get tank tracks on our backs. 

Yes I know he was speaking metaphorically. I'm not dumb or naive. 
