Everyone welcome, Hurricane Hilary

The AVP tournament is going on right now in Manhattan beach. I’m supposed to hit the Charger game at Sofi later today. Californians know how to hurricane. 

Timing of this couldn’t be better as my ac went out 3 days ago. Hopefully it gets fixed before the heat comes back.

I went into Costco last night, it was the longest lines I’ve seen in a while. I bought some dog food and 20 gallons of oil for some of the equipment. 
its going to rain a bit, can’t have enough oil. 

Steady drizzle and barely any wind in Laguna Hills. Humid outside too.


I hope Y'ALL get hammered. We're used to it here in TX. Good luck. Peace

Rained kinda hard earlier, back to a steady light rain. Hardest part is supposed to hit in 30 minutes.

Just like the Hurricane’s namesake: lot of bluster and lead up, but didn’t do chit and a giant letdown for the news when it came time to party.  

^^^^ Weather channel. 

So far this has just been an average storm.  Only 1.5" here.

pretty lame here--- gotten about 1.4 inches in the last 24 hours. no wind at all .

So glad I watched my neighbors running around yesterday strapping down lawn furniture, buying sandbags, and spending hours in line at the grocery store from the comfort of my front porch.

The ground is saturated and one of our non bearing plum trees are not having a good time.  We’ve got an arch in the backyard that’s leaning also. Hopefully all the ratchet straps hold the tree in place.  I also have a strap going to the bottom of the tree behind it. 



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Instead of shake and bake we're have hurriquake! :rolleyes:

About an inch of rain so far. Went swimming in the pool, cleaned the BBQ, hosed all the patio furniture clean, etc...

Glamis is howling right now. 30 to 40 knots.
