Electrical flex alert, due to heat...

Didn't you hear???  Nuclear is now (suddenly) GREEN!!  After 50 years of NO NUKES!, dismantling of San Onofre power plant.  Delayed plan to decommission Diablo NUKE plant in Monterey.

But, just like killing of the desalinization plant in HB (cant have a private Co. producing water), no reservoir built in 50 years. NO WAY a Democrat legislature would approve building of a new NUKE plant.  

27 years in electric utility industry here   And I can tell you right now there’s lots of diesel burning in temp generators all throughout the territory just to help

Good thing it will all collapse when electric vehicle charging Demand goes up in the coming years and those of us who know will be laughing . to0 bad I couldn’t take my entire life savings and short the So cal electric grid like they did mortgage bonds in 2007 . 
It will fail 


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27 years in electric utility industry here   And I can tell you right now there’s lots of diesel burning in temp generators all throughout the territory just to help

Good thing it will all collapse when electric vehicle charging Demand goes up in the coming years and those of us who know will be laughing . to0 bad I couldn’t take my entire life savings and short the So cal electric grid like they did mortgage bonds in 2007 . 
It will fail 

Laughing about what? 

Tell us something we don't know.  :classic_laugh: It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. How long have we been having rolling blackouts? 20+ years. The Blackout that lasted 2 days in NYC in 1977. People act like we've never had to worry about electricity until now. Just goes to show the future of our society, pretty bleak. 

Winds picking up a bit in the mountains.  Small fire in Ramona today so I'm expecting power to get cut off for "safety" at any point.

I wouldnt be opposed to man made clouds on days like today. 

Winds picking up a bit in the mountains.  Small fire in Ramona today so I'm expecting power to get cut off for "safety" at any point.
While the same people who order this point at TX power failures as some sort of sign of conservative failure.

All the other states that hate on California, keep sending us your power and water, we appreciate it  :classic_wink:

I think all of you should plug in everything you got and break the damn grid
